New Game+

Chapter 380 - Taking Over Egypt’s Base (2)

No one believed Major Lester\'s claims of progress. Ever since he was hired, the janitor Lester made a few appearances on the places where general Aurom worked. Slowly but sure, Aurom believed that there was Only General Aurom at first and was met with opposition. Various groups were vying for the Major position, and they were so angry that a mere janitor who was only hired a few days ago would have such power and wisdom.

Then, his identity was revealed. He was a survivor from the battle in the Caliphates and was a Pioneer who fled from the war in the Caliphates. Although most of the officials didn\'t understand what that meant, several still agreed and approved of Lester\'s legitimate status as a citizen of Egypt.


But it all ended when several Pillars gave the orders to finalize Major Lester\'s position and allow him to do whatever he wanted to do practically.

The first order was to approve a certain Lieutenant Eclayne to become the overall head of human resources within the base. The move drew in tons and tons of complaints as a stranger with no credentials would be approved to be the head of the army\'s human resource, which was perhaps the most powerful officer in the base next only to the General.

But as the human resource didn\'t answer to the military but is a separate branch with their sovereign powers, the approval for replacing the human resource head would be signed by the current human resource head, and this man, Colonel Sanderx, would not approve of the move.

The meeting was in place, and Sanderx was to meet with Lieutenant Eclayne.

Sanderx burst through the temporary office of this newly instated Lieutenant and was about to give him a piece of his mind.

"Colonel Andrew Sanderx. You are currently being blackmailed, and a gun is figuratively pointed towards the head of your wife, Shakiss Sanderx. Those who are blackmailing you are from a secret syndicate present on nearly all military bases. I deduce that the head of this syndicate belongs to one of the Pillars who, unlike Lester, is not a Pioneer. But you were wrong. Your wife is not being held, hostage. She is being manipulated as well. And it\'s not a gun being pointed at her head... Well, metaphorically, it is a gun, but it\'s not pointed to her head but her private parts. She\'s having an affair with you." The calm figure of Arthur started a series of deductions.

"And what\'s more is that this affair is happening right on this very base. The hours of your day have been adjusted to the point that she and her paramour can meet together. The paramour that she is seeing is also one of this syndicate blackmailing you. If you want proof of her actions, then look at the hallway CCTV\'s that the General requested. The syndicate was very careful to hide their trails, but if you play the series of videos prepared on that computer, you will see your wife leave your room, clock in her work. Her boss, who also most likely belongs to this syndicate or is also being blackmailed, has assigned her out of the station duty. But watch where she goes. She even takes the time to wear a different uniform. Since Major Lester believed that asking for the CCTV in that area would alert the syndicate, I took matters into my own hands and placed my cameras in that area." Arthur continued without stopping.

Colonel Sanderx was startled at what he heard. He felt his mind go blank at Arthur\'s statements. He turned to the side, and there was the series of video files prepared for playing.

He played the playlist and saw the video starting from the office of her wife. She was working as an assistant to the ARMS division of the base. Her boss was also a woman, and Andrew had a rather pleasant friendship with this woman. And so, there was not even a sliver of doubt in his mind that her wife had time to go on an affair.

He played the video, and his wife was seen leaving the office, bidding her goodbye. She didn\'t clock out or do anything as it confirmed that she was indeed out of the office to go to another site where she would continue her task.

But her path went towards one of the rather unused areas of the base. The next video was not a CCTV but another mounted camera. Andrew saw his wife walk into the bathroom. After a few minutes, she emerged wearing a different type of uniform and even had a mask as if she was a worker on the bio lab.

The last video revealed her wife walking and headed straight to the office of...

"Donald Macronaldo!" Andrew gritted his teeth and spoke in a furious voice. He was trying his best to stop himself from shouting.

"We believe that this has been going on for at least a few months. But who knows? This could have been going on for years. That woman must have been cheating on you with this lover. Does she even love you? She clearly helped the syndicate arrange all this so that even you, the head of human resources, were left unaware that she was assigned to another task. So they have the perfect cover too." Lowengren appeared to the side and narrated facts about this event.

"No... No!" The man stumbled down and began to weep.

"You know, what does this Donald guy look like? I\'m looking at your family pictures online, and I have to say... your eldest doesn\'t seem to take after you?" Lowengren\'s voice was like an insidious evil spirit haunting and possessing an unguarded man.

"I\'ll kill them! I\'ll kill them!"

"Just that? Don\'t you want to destroy this syndicate? Don\'t you want to take revenge on them?"

"YES! But how!? If this is true, then I am going to challenge a Pillar! I\'ll be killed."

"Do not worry. The Light is here." 

Just in time from his busy meetings, Harker, or Major Lester as he was known, appeared. For some reason, the hallways of the door were shining so bright that it looked like he stepped out of heaven.


"My son... Do not burden yourself with this Pillar. I am Reginald Lester. A Pioneer of Egypt and Pillar to the Sun God. Believe in me, and I will grant you success to execute your vengeance!"

"My vengeance? I don\'t know what to do...! My wife... she... she has been cheating on me! If they have her, then they have almost all of my money! We both share the same account! If I try to attack the syndicate or reveal her adultery, I would be ruined! She is also aware of all the illegal trades that I have been doing! She will spill them all!"

"We can say that you have been working for Pioneer Lester all the time. You made those deals to lure out and prove that the syndicate exists. As for your wife, I\'m sure you don\'t want her dead. But let us make the best punishment for her and Macronaldo. I can see that your wife has feelings for you. She knows that this Macronaldo is only using her to satisfy his debase needs. So we hit Macronaldo where it hurts. For an old man, he is quite active. But what if we can set you up to make his daughters, the twenty-two year old, and the twenty-year-old, fall in love with you?" Lowengren smiled.

"What?!" It wasn\'t just Sanderx who exclaimed. But Harker, Arthur, Vender, and Gardo also exclaimed.

"Oh, it\'s quite simple. I have been going over their files, and they have some issues with their dads and have been in some illicit relationship. Too bad their dad killed off their boyfriends, striking fear into their hearts. But with power, why not right? And also... that head of the ARMS department where your wife worked. Why not have a relationship with her? She is still single. It\'s may even be possible that she is waiting for your wife to divorce you. She knew the affair and hoped that she would choose that old man over you."


"She\'s your friend. But she must either be blackmailed by the syndicate to keep quiet and allow this immoral relationship to continue. You and your wife are a fairly young and beautiful couple. Imagine one of your best friends knowing that your wife is in an illicit relationship with an old man. Won\'t that burden her? It\'s very easy to demand compensation for her lying to you. But I\'m betting that she has been in love with you. I believe that no two people of the opposite sex are best friends without one party becoming attracted to the other. You\'ve liked her for the longest time, haven\'t you?" Lowengren smiled.

Sanderx pained expression disappeared, and as he continued to listen to the malevolence of Lowengren, he started smiling.

"As for Macronaldo, let\'s keep him alive. Let\'s make him see you have relationships with your daughters. Since we have General Aurom as a Pillar, and since Major Lester will soon be one, you have two pillars to vouch for you and grant you that special status. The Polygamy Status can be yours. It hasn\'t been approved for the past seven years because no two Pillars would ever desire to approve of such a thing. But with this, you can. How many women do you want in your harem, Sanderx? I can offer you all the finger-lickin\' good women that you desire even beyond this base!" Lowengren laughed.

"Is it true? You are going to be...?" Sanderx turned to the Light.

"Yes. I only declined from that position temporarily. But once I render good merit in the coming war, I\'ll be a Pillar. You will have that status. You can legally marry Macronaldo\'s two daughters, your best friend, and since we will be massacring the syndicates, that leaves their organization with many windows. And since most of the syndicate members have beautiful wives, you can marry them to spare them from being executed by military command." Lowengren offered as he opened a certain file that displayed all of the wives of the members of the syndicate they confirmed.

The moment Sanderx saw it, he saw heaven.

"All of this... Can be mine?"

"Um... You should stick to just one or two women." Vender couldn\'t help but interject.

Arthur, Lowengren, and Harker frowned at Vender\'s statement.

"Alright! I want this one! And this one! Wait! Can I have this one instead? Can I have three women?"

"Um... It\'s not about morality... see.. I checked the files. And all of these soon-to-be widows have been confirmed to be guilty of murder, poisoning, arson, blackmail, and stuff... Almost all of them have affairs with other members of the syndicate. You sure you want such toxic people in your life? Isn\'t this what brought you to this pitiful situation you are in? You kept making friends and chasing the approval of toxic people!"

"That\'s right..." Sanderx became sad again.

Arthur glared at Vender. This plan aimed to tempt Andrew Sanderx into falling into a great temptation, yet this man was talking some sense into Andrew. The momentum of the great temptation was practically destroyed with that eye-opening statement.

"Shut up!" Arthur said in a different frequency that only the Unlocked could hear.

"What\'s wrong with you?!" Harker chastized in the same frequency.

"What\'s wrong with me? Are you guys listening to yourself? The amount of immorality in this plan is enough to make God judge Egypt with the Ten Plagues all over again!" Vender argued.

"Relax, Vender! Besides, we\'re just helping a poor guy who has been abused all of his life to have some fun! And I\'ve seen McGonagall\'s daughters. They are a rather sad pair. So giving them to Andrew would be a great thing for them!" Gardo explained.

"McGonagall? You\'re a Potterhead?"

"Is that a better type of pothead?"

"Ne-Never mind."

"Can we please, go back to finalizing our plans?!" Harker grunted.

"So-Sorry." Gardo apologized.

"Vender... Fix this mess. You made him rethink his entire life!" Arthur ordered as the silent Andrew began to look at the pictures and kept on pondering if he wanted toxic, crazy, but hot women in his life.

"Are you... rethinking your life?" Vender asked.

"Yes. I want to go home and rethink my life." Andrew sighed.

"Erm... Andrews... What are your thoughts regarding selling death sticks?" Vender couldn\'t help but ask.

"What the fragment?!" Lowengren cursed.

"Stop quoting Star Wars!" Harker exploded.

"I should have gone with another plan than to gather these idiots!" Arthur regretted.

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