New Game+

Chapter 379 - Taking Over Egypt’s Base (1)

The movement of the WGP to attack an Underwater City caused several huge cities to surface, and some even merged, fearing the threat of the WGP. These actions were so decisive that they happened not more than three hours since the attack occurred.

One city rose after the other, and more were being reported to surface.


The surfacing of this city opened an incredible opportunity for most nations. It meant they would have independent cities to trade with, and the routes of trading that were once deemed impossible were opened up.

But very few realized what this meant.

In the region near the Mediterranean sea, an underground base was on the route towards a specified location. Two men were being called into a direct line and spoke with the very leaders of Egypt itself. The two were talking to all of the members of the people known as the Pillars of Egypt.

A series of faces were displayed on the screen, and General Aurom was being questioned for his decision.

"The attacks of the WGP that has happened a few hours ago have made various Underwater cities rise. We have detected one in the Mediterranean and even another hiding in the Dead Sea itself! These secret societies have appeared, and look at the map! All countries will create additional trade routes! This was something that the world never expected!" General Aurom explained.

"And you believe that the trade route in Suez Canal will no longer be used?" A woman questioned.

"Yes! These cities will strive to make alliances with nations! The WGP scared them! A single attack of a single army wiped out a city that our satellites estimate to be one of the large cities based on the estimates of the tremors that the ripples of an explosion created on top of the sea! If such a city falls, it places every other city in danger of being attacked!"

"That does make sense... These cities may have hidden, but unlike us here in Egypt, who has proven that our xenophobic nature does not equate to weakness, they will look for allies or at least try to become a society making them indispensable to the WGP." Another person concluded.

"We can even say this was the intent of the WGP. With the threat of the Lost Primordial. The WGP can\'t afford to allow secret societies to exists. So it\'s forcing everyone out in the open. The conclusion General Aurom came to is correct. The Suez Canal won\'t be the only trading route, and betrayal is bound to happen." Another spoke and supported General Aurom\'s decision.

"And that is why I trusted Major Lester and followed with his suggestion. I beg for you to approve of his promotion. I can tell for certain that the reports and accusations that you have received from members of my base are from jealous people who are likely to be fired as Major Lester replaces their work. Seven people earning salaries that are only a class lower than mine can be fired." General Aurom explained.

"The reports say he is not a native of Egypt."

"He claims that it was necessary. His return to Egypt was by force. His identity has been compromised and can only disclose that he is a Pioneer serving Joab Barak." Aurom explained.

"Oh? A Pioneer? Prove it!"

"Pillars. If I may... the attack in the WGP involved Lanterk. That is all I know. The information which resulted in the Pioneer massacre in the Caliphate region has something to do with the Progenitor and the Desert Empress." Harker explained. In all of this, Harker told the truth. And this truth resonated and made the people listening believe.

Some Pillars were confused at the statement that this man-made. But some were secretly trembling and has sent some messages to the real leader of the land, the Sun God.

The information was sent to Andronze.

Andronze took one look at the report and frowned. The truth was, there have been several strange events that have occurred on the borders of Egypt that resulted in an influx of Pioneers and Planteds who survived the Caliphate massacre.

Many in Africa also retreated to Egypt because of the sudden political shift and rise to power by the Desert Empress. Because of this, many have spoken with the soldiers for such requests, but all of them were denied.

"So someone was smart enough to use tricks to get into an underground base? Impressive. This is definitely someone backed by another Presider. Oh well, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If they are here to investigate the future robots, they can try. If I can\'t find them, then they probably can\'t, and if they can, it will be helpful." Andronze thought to herself.

"Make him a Pillar," Andronze ordered.

Back at the meeting, the Pillars were discussing the strange titles. This wasn\'t the first time they have heard this request.

"So you belong to that group of people that were given a special mission. Welcome, comrade. I vote to legalize his identity as an Egyptian."


"Just like that?!"

"What\'s going on?"

One-third of the Pillars in that conference call complained.

The remaining groups immediately agreed and voted. With a majority vote received, those who were complaining couldn\'t do anything about it.

"This pertains to another secret that only the original members of the Pillars are allowed to know. You must have heard of this. Many ran to the border and made such requests. We generally ignored them. But Lester has proven his heritage. He is one of us. He even went so far as to wisely chose a path that would assure a meeting with us, unlike those others who just made noise." A Pillar explained.

The other Pillars were silent. They knew that the first set of Pillars had a certain power and connection. Although they never have used this to an advantage and have often fought with one another, there were scarce and generally unimportant moments when these selfish and divided groups would all act in one accord.

"I shall speak to Major Lester directly. What do you know?"

"A city is to be built. There have been rumors and evidence that some groups of people are building cities that will become important trading spots to cater in this new era. This is why the WGP attacked the Underwater cities. The opening of the Suez Canal would create an imbalance in the world. Only a few nations can trade with others, and a shifting of power will happen. The rise of the Underwater cities will ruin many deals." Major Lester answered.

"Of course! It waited for the world to 

"And this means war?"

"Yes. A conflict will arise in the Mediterranean Sea. It will definitely happen. With newer routers available that might even allow the Americas to trade with India through a route, who needs the Suez Canal? If I were an enemy general, I\'d attack and ransack the items being traded there. That route won\'t be used a second time by these nations who risked it. Those who risked participating on this trade have placed too much on the table. But now that other trade routes are available, the nations who were intentionally adamant in protecting this trade route won\'t be so serious because trade routes are open." Major Lester explained.

"So you want three underground bases to move there to protect Egypt?"

"No. But to ransack the other nations. The battle will be huge and will naturally spill over Egypt\'s borders. We use the conflict as an excuse and raid the enemy ships and attack them. Of course, if no battle occurs, then we can just ignore everything. This base won\'t be detected anyway." Lester explained.

"Having that base there is more beneficial than it\'s not. And we have had several attacks, including the attack that occurred regarding those alleged time-traveling robots. This is no longer the time for being passive. They have already forced us to make a trade route. We give an inch, they take a mile!"

"I agree!"

"Since Major Lester has shown some impressive wisdom and since he has THAT background, I nominate to vote him to be a Pillar of Egypt." A woman voiced out.

"What? You can\'t be serious?"

"Why? Is there a problem? All of you who weren\'t pillars before were never meant to be Pillars in the first place. We, the First Pillars have always made you the minority so that the will of the Sun God will be fulfilled. Adding another member is our choice." Another of the Pillars sneered.

"All in favor?" One of the Pillars initiated the voting.

"Is there anything we can do regarding this?" Another pillar frowned, and everyone raised their hands.

"Pillars. I would like to decline. Please give the position to General Aurom instead. I wish to serve as Major under his command. The battle that is coming... is personal. I want to fight and defeat those arrogant men and women who have long exalted themselves." Harker told the truth.

His gaze pierced through every one of them. They could not help but sense the dedication.

The Pillars were surprised.

"Alright. Then I suppose since we will be putting a Pioneer in place as a Pillar, it\'s only normal to have someone who isn\'t one to be promoted. All in favor of promoting General Aurom to Pillar and Major Lester to Pillar once he completes his mission in defending the base?" A-Pillar asked.

Various Pillars who weren\'t Aragarians and did not know about the great secret all found the arrangement pleasing. Many already had dealings with General Aurom, and while the mysterious Lester was uncontrollable, Aurom was. Many of the Pillars might even have the chance of establishing a relationship with Lester through Aurom.

Everyone voted and confirmed it without question.

"That\'s that. Each Pillars, prep your regions in case support to the Eastern region is required. General Aurom, the Sun God, will send that package with all your necessary tools as a Pillar. Congratulations. That is all." 

The Pillars of Egypt began to disconnect, and soon, no one was on the line.

Aurom was frozen stiff. He had never imagined a simple call to report what Major Lester said would catapult him into the highest position within Egypt.

"General, I\'m sorry for keeping that a secret to you?"

Aurom glanced at Harker, who was bowing.

"Why are you bowing?! You! You! You are my boss from now on!" The General exploded. He had been following the suggestions of this man for less than three days, and he was now a new man! Will he be a WGP Emperor within the next week?

"I am happy that General is pleased with my results. Please allow me to prepare for battle."

"Right! What must I do?"

"General, everything I have now is because of your willingness to help me. I could not have risen to this post if not for you believing in me. So let me handle this. This battle is personal, and I am confident I will win. Let me deal with this. As for you, I have requested for a stop to the surface, and a team will come in here and interview you for your rise to Pillar. You are the first in a decade after all."

"What? That\'s amazing! Alright! I trust you to lead us to victory!"

"You can count on me, General!"

And so, General Aurom moved, and Harker finally had free reign and control over the base. The announcement was made, and it was made known that not only will General Aurom be the first person promoted to Pillar in ten years, but Major Lester was someone who traces his bloodline to the first few Pillars.

"Arthur... you\'re up!" 

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