New Game+

Chapter 381 - Taking Over Egypt’s Base (3)

Andrew Sanderx was offered several amazing promises. But even then, he had his doubts about the truth. There were just too many things that were revealed to him that he didn\'t know which one of them was true! Moreover, Lieutenant Eclayne, who revealed these things, was also a newly hired soldier that only got his promotion at Major Lester\'s request. So he could not help but harbor doubts about this.

As a test, Arthur told him to go on specific locations of the bases. Arthur informed him that certain people would meet even though they had no purpose in the meeting. Arthur even gave him some ideas as to how to investigate this truth. Since Arthur would soon be hired, Andrew was asked to go and run around the base to check with certain people and access certain file names.

Arthur already prepared a handy excuse for him that would allow him to go and access specific networks. And each time he accessed the networks, Arthur gave him the passwords which would allow him to access the files he needed.

The files he saw on those networks shocked him.

When it was proven that the syndicate did exist, Andrew immediately investigated the actions of his wife. Sure enough, his wife emerged out of the room of Macronaldo. She was on her way back to the office to punch out of her clock.

He pretended to be rushing off to another part and would accidentally bump with his wife in surprise.

Her wife was startled at his sudden haggard appearance. He greeted her and casually asked why she was there. Her wife apologized and immediately said that she had to race back to the office to time out.

As his wife walked, so did Andrew\'s morality. The pain he felt was immense, but his dark desires slowly awakened. And so, with that in mind, he didn\'t rush towards Arthur\'s office but went to another part of the base, which was conveniently undergoing particular renovations at the orders of Major Lester.

A young, beautiful woman with flawless skin sat at her desk and kept on typing. She was pulling overtime at the orders of Harker as she was the only person skilled for a specific job.

Andrew entered and saw the young woman.

"Oh! Colonel Sanderx! I\'m sorry. Everyone was sent home early for reassignment. I\'m the only one here. Were you looking for someone?"

"Tell me the truth... you\'re father is having an affair with my wife, isn\'t he?" Andrew approached and asked seriously.

This was not a spur-of-the-moment question. Instead, it was a well-plotted and prepared set of questions and statements that was easy enough for Andrew to remember.

"What?!" The young woman reacted in surprise.

"I\'ve seen my wife left your father\'s office not a few moments ago. I came here because I wanted to kill you in revenge. But seeing you up close, your beauty and innocence are far purer than that of my wife. She can\'t even compare to you. I\'m such an idiot." Sanderx laughed as he fell on the floor and dropped the gun.

"Perhaps tainting your innocence counts as revenge. Hey miss... Could you please take that gun and shoot me? Your father has robbed many things in my life. At least if it\'s from someone as pretty as you, I could accept it." Sanderx smiled as tears began to fall. These were real tears that he kept back after confirming his wife was cheating on him.

The young woman trembled. She knew the horrors her father brought but never expected it could make the respected Colonel of the base fall into similar circumstances.

The woman rushed towards Andrew and gave him a tight hug, and began to apologize in tears.

The pair continued to talk for the next twenty or so minutes as they immersed themselves in depression and pain. Not thirty minutes later, the two began to...


Andrew left the room a new man. He had a new religion, and his life was restored.

It was all true. The analysis of the syndicate, the truth of his wife\'s affair, and the promised future of a harem, he was certain it could happen.

Andrew Sanderx rushed like mad towards Arthur\'s office.

The moment he arrived, he burst in and knelt down.

"Lieutenant Eclayne! What must I do to be saved?" He asked seriously.

"Do you believe?"

"I believe! You are the Messiah! Forgive my dog eyes for not seeing the truth! Please save me! Deliver me from my chains!"

"You must follow my commands. First, allow me to become the head of human resources. Since it takes a few hours for that order to be finalized, you must do hire and fire certain groups of people. The most important one is that you must assign this soldier to become head of security. Is that possible?" Arthur asked as he pointed to Vender.

"The security detail cannot be easily replaced. I cannot fire everyone but only hire him since firing someone has to go over loads of paperwork and signatures not possible tonight!"

"You can hire him? That\'s fine. As long as this man gets in the room, it should be good."

"How else can I serve you?"

"Kneel down and say you love me." Gardo ordered.



Everyone had odd expressions as they glanced at Gardo.

"What? It\'s from a classic Christmas movie! I thought it would be funny!" Gardo defended his orders.

"Vender, you have your mission. In thirty minutes, they will arrive. To distract them and your ultimate goal is to get everyone out of that room! Each member of the security team will have a heart tracker connecting to certain unknown individuals. As long as they are on duty, you can\'t kill them. So either keep them looking elsewhere or get them out of the office. Once they are out, give the signal so that Gardo can start killing those syndicates."

"Yes, sir!" Vender did a rather awkward salute and went his merry way.

"I can\'t believe that that man used to be a General..." Harker shook his head.

Vender arrived at his post.

The security detail of the Pillars of Egypt was unique. Egypt was a chaotic land. When it conquered many nations, the hatred between the nations and Egypt was immense from the horrifying crimes among the people. And so, when Egypt won the war, it enslaved and imposed heavy restrictions on these people. Although the enslaver was rather \'humane\' as these slaves were generally allowed certain benefits, they still had to work almost every day to perform various manual labor in exchange for food. If they contributed enough, they could exchange it for certain recreational activities, trips, and other entertainment materials.

The lifestyle was favorable to many. The slaves always had food and fun if they worked hard. But while many accepted this lifestyle, plenty rebelled and hid in the underground tunnels that connected all of Egypt. As locust technology and sandstorm technology engulfed the surface, the rebels had their warfare underground and would raid bases, pilfer food, and attack military bases as part of their rebellion. 

Because of this, most of those who could be hired into the military may be secretly spies from these bases. And so, the operations of the most important position within the military were strictly guarded. The security team was among them, and it was necessary that different people from different groups would always have an active duty to ensure that there were no traitors among them.

And yet now, a move of such insanity was approved. 

Colonel Sanderx approved the promotion of an unknown man, and the others are scheduled to be reassigned to another branch of the military. The outrage erupted, and many were waiting outside the office of Major Lester, Lieutenant Eclayne, and even around Colonel Sanderx\'s office.

But as that happened, Vender was standing in front of the security team, who were all looking at him with judging eyes.

"What makes you think you are better than us?" One of the security detail asked immediately.

"I don\'t secretly work for a syndicate, I haven\'t slept with my sister, I don\'t do drugs or have purchased various slaves for my sexual comfort, I don\'t commit adultery with the wives of other officials living in this base, and I think the original trilogy is better than the sequels, the prequel sequels and all the other sequel forms canon or non-canon." Vender answered easily.

The statement made everyone freeze.

Each member had been secretly involved in one or two of the things Vender mentioned except the last part.

"What are you talking about?" One of the men feigned ignorance.

"I\'m just here to do my job. I was hired because I have this sort of photographic memory thing. I can look at all these screens and remember every detail at once. We can test it if you like. But man, sleeping with your sister... That\'s very tough and weird. I mean, how does that wall fall down? Is it from watching too much material that led you actually to do that? I can\'t understand that mindset, even if the sister is insanely hot! But sleeping with a sister that\'s just \'meh\'? That\'s a new low. Well, on the other hand, you are a meh too." Vender sat down, ignoring everyone\'s gazes.

"Could it be the drugs? I mean, it\'s a given. Whoever that is, you should really stop taking them. And that\'s just a blanket description to explain all of you. I mean, what if the rebels use drugs as a means to intoxicate or poison you? You\'d all die and get this base into trouble. Hey, I heard that recreational drugs or when used for medicine, are effective for some people, but I mean, there\'s got to be a limit, right? But I guess it\'s expected if there\'s like a secret syndicate in this base. I heard that several Pillars are planning to wipe them all out, so whoever is better gets out while he still can; otherwise, oh look! The sister appears in one of the cameras. Man, she needs to get better clothes. Can\'t you buy one for her? I mean, you are already erm... whatever. But you should buy her some clothes. Oh! Is that syndicate activity I see on one of the videos on the left side? Bet you were waiting for that moment to do something. How do you hide your activities here anyway? I mean, there are several of you watching, and only a third of you belong to the syndicate. Wow. Another event on the right camera, it must be tiring hiding criminal activities like that." Vender kept ranting and ranting as he watched.

The more he talked, the more nervous people got. How was it that this man knew all their secrets and used the cameras to prove his claims? They couldn\'t argue as they fear this man would challenge them with the truth.

They all watched nervously, and even though they planned to insult and stop this man from taking their post, all they could do was nervously looking at him.

"Vender. You have ten minutes. They are arriving faster than expected." Harker communicated secretly to Vender.

"Alright. I think I can just make it in time." Vender replied and began his insidious mission.

Harker, Arthur, and Lowengren were waiting at the rooftop of the underground base that continued to move.

"How do you think Vender will take care of this? Does he plan to annoy them too much that they would leave?"

"No. He doesn\'t plan that stuff. His Path of Vexation is something he does unconsciously." Lowengren rejected Harker\'s guess.

"I know what he will do."


"Just keep listening. It\'s more interesting than me telling you. What I can tell you is that it will definitely involve Star Wars.

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