Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 1453 Time For All Of You To Feel True Despair

Yaldabaoth was one of the most evil Gods in existence, and he had many titles.

He was often referred to as the Malevolent Demiurge, or "False Creator God".

Just like his title suggested, he was a powerful God that could create anything in existence, even a universe filled with living creatures.

In truth, the true Mastermind behind the Army of Destruction was none other than Yaldabaoth.

He was the God that decided which world was meant to be destroyed, but he didn\'t just randomly choose which worlds to destroy.

No. Even though he was evil, there was a certain law that he followed, and that was the lifespan of the world.

Just like how a mortal child would be born, grow, and die, the Malevolent Demiurge would only send his Army when the time was ripe. Naturally, those who lived on that world would do their best to resist their demise, which was only a natural thing to do.

No one wanted to die.

Even Gods who lived for thousands of years would like to live longer, but Yaldabaoth didn\'t care whether they wanted to live or die. Regardless of how powerful they were, their deaths would come as soon as his Army descended upon their home worlds, and destroyed its core, making all their believers vanish from existence, and thereby make them die as well.

Now, as the battle started to become even due to the various reinforcements that came from the Asgardians, as well as Kasogonaga\'s Underworld Forces, Yaldabaoth knew that the destruction of the world would be stopped if he didn\'t do something.

The False Creator God was a Lion-headed serpent that was over a hundred meters long, and he observed the battlefield with a critical eye, while he flicked his tongue, determining who was getting the upper hand.

\'The resistance this time is just as troublesome as the one we had with Asgard,\' Yaldabaoth mused. \'Even Odin reincarnated into this world, and is giving us a staunch opposition. Also… that boy spells trouble.\'

The Lion-headed serpent eyed William in the distance and he could feel the power of a God Slayer within his body. An existence that could fight against Divine Beings who lorded the mortal worlds.

\'Fortunately, it seems that he can only muster a fraction of his power,\' Yaldabaoth thought. \'Surtr will be enough to ki–\'

The Malevolent Demiurge\'s eyes widened in shock when he saw William summon Tiamat.

As one of the oldest Goddesses in existence, he knew what Tiamat was capable of, so he thought that Surtr was going to have a problem with her. Fortunately, the one that the Half-Elf summoned was just a fragment of her Will, which was unable to unleash her true powers.

Seeing how Surtr easily cut one of the heads of the seven-headed dragon put Yaldabaoth at ease.

However, just before the False Creator God could shift his attention elsewhere, he felt a surge of power that made his heart tremble.

\'Marduk!\' Yaldabaoth hissed when he saw one of the most powerful Gods that existed thousands of years ago.

Among Gods, there were those who specialized in killing other Gods, and Marduk was one of them.

"Enuma Elish…," Marduk said in a word that was almost akin to a whisper as he let loose the arrow in his hand.

Yaldabaoth screeched as he used his Divine Powers to prevent Surtr from dying.

A blinding explosion erupted somewhere in the battlefield as Marduk\'s God Slaying arrow pierced the Fire Giant\'s flesh.

William gritted his teeth as he held on to Stormcaller and Soleil to keep himself from being blown away by the aftermath of his strongest attack that he had squeezed every bit of his Divinity into in order to put an end to the God before him.

When the light receded, a dense dust cloud appeared in his vision, preventing him from seeing anything.

Suddenly, he saw a faint spark at the center of the dust cloud, which made William\'s face turn ashen.

A moment later, a giant Fire Serpent charged at the Half-Elf, turning the ground where it passed into molten magma.

Stormcaller and Soleil flew in front of William and unleashed lightning bolts and radiant flames, which merged together forming a fiery lightning tornado that collided against the Flame Serpent.

However, it only took less than a second for Stormcaller\'s and Soleil\'s attack to disperse, forcing the Half-Elf to jump to the side, barely evading the attack that came from the Fire Serpent within the dust cloud.

The Fire Serpent continued its trajectory, leaving a trail of flames that rose high in the air, creating a hellish scene.

William gritted his teeth as he turned and looked at the Fire Giant whose left arm, and a good portion of his body, had been obliterated by Marduk\'s and his combined attack. However, that wasn\'t enough to kill Surtr making the Half-Elf clench his fist so hard that blood started to ooze from his palms.

At the last second, Sutr overpowered Tiamat and used the dragon\'s body as a shield to mitigate the attack. However, since Marduk\'s attack was so devastating, it passed through the seven-headed dragon\'s body, completely obliterating a quarter of Surtr\'s body in the process.

"Congratulations, boy," Surtr said as he looked at the Half-Elf whose helpless expression made him sneer. "You almost killed me. Now, playtime\'s over."

Using the surplus Divinity that came from Yaldabaoth, the destroyed part of Surtr\'s body burst into flames. A few seconds later, his arm, and chest area regenerated making those who were paying close attention to William\'s battle despair.

"Good." Surtr smiled when he saw the horror in everyone\'s face after seeing his body regenerate. "Now, time for all of you to feel true despair."

The Fire Giant raised his flaming sword towards the heavens, and the flames of his sword rose upwards, turning the entire sky into a blazing inferno.

"Meteor Storm!" Surtr roared.

Then it happened.

Giant flaming fireballs started to descend from the fiery sky, falling towards the bulk of the combined armies that were trying to resist their invasion.

"Noooo!" William shouted as thousands of these giant fireballs started to fall en masse.

The Half-Elf gathered his strength and turned into a lightning bolt, heading straight towards Surtr, while the latter roared in laughter as his attack decimated the armies that tried to oppose him.


Somewhere in the battlefield…

"Erinys, evade!" Shannon shouted as the Half-ling maneuvered her flying ship to dodge one of the fireballs that appeared directly above their ship.

The Flagship of the Holy Order of Light, fared a bit better because the one controlling it was Shana.

With her powers, she was able to predict where the Fireballs would fall, so she hurriedly navigated it away from danger, as everything around them started to burst in flames.

In the location of the Elven Army, the Ent King, Myrendor, raised his head before emitting a defiant roar against the giant fireball which contained the Divinity of a God.

If this attack had come from a Pseudo-God, Myrendor was confident that he could block it. However, an attack of this magnitude was something that he wasn\'t prepared to face head-on. Even so, he planted his roots deep in the ground as he transformed into a giant tree, using his entire body to block the fireball falling over the Elven Armies.

Princess Aila, and Anh, who was busy helping the injured soldiers, looked up in the sky in despair as the Giant Fireball fell in their direction.

"I won\'t let you!" Loxos screamed as she guided the attacks of Opis and Hekaerge to destroy the Fireball that was about to fall to the ladies whom she now treated as her sisters.

However, even with the combined powers of three Pseudo-Gods, the only thing they managed to do was to form cracks on the Fireball that was about to kill the people that were important to her husband.

At that moment, several vines rose up from the ground, forming a drill, which pierced through the Giant Fireball, splitting it in half.

Even though it was split in the middle, the two halves still continued to fall, forcing Titania to summon walls of vines, while using her body to shield Princess Aila, and Anh from the imminent disaster that was going to fall on their heads.

A mile away from them, Malacai pressed his hands together, moving Avalon to block one of the Giant Fireballs that were about to fall in their location.

The Arcane Spectral Lich, urged his Bone Dragon to fly upwards, using all of his powers to block the attack that was about to fall upon the Hellan Army.

As its founder, he would not allow the armies that symbolized his kingdom to perish.

The Headmaster of Hestia Academy, Byron, did the same. Without batting an eye, he flew towards a Fireball that was headed towards the students of Hestia Academy, in an attempt to stop it with his full powered attack.

Similar scenes were happening everywhere, as Pseudo-Gods, Demigods, and even mortals alike, did their best to save the people around them from complete annihilation.

However, no matter how hard they tried, these fireballs descended to the ground, and instantly vaporized anything within a mile radius around it.

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