Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 1451 FOR THE HORDE! [PART 1]

On the other side of the battlefield, several minutes before William summoned Tiamat…

Ahriman\'s body smashed against one of the Giants that were fighting on the frontlines of the battle, pushing it back alongside the Giants that were right behind him.

"I-Impossible!" Ahriman said through gritted teeth as he slowly propped himself up from the pile of bodies under him.

His gaze locked on the old man who was mounted on top of an eight-legged horse who was looking down at him as if he was a piece of sh*t.

The moment William charged towards Surtr, Ahriman tried to follow, but was blocked by the old man whom he\'d belittled.

However, after being trashed around one-sidedly, the former God of Chaos and Darkness couldn\'t understand how James was doing it.

"How?!" Ahriman asked. "You lost your Divinity when you died. How can you be so strong?!"

James sneered after hearing Ahriman\'s words before throwing his spear behind his back, piercing the forehead of the Giant who tried to sneak attack him from behind.

"I lost my Divinity, true," James replied. "But, I didn\'t lose the most important thing in the world and that is…"

The old bandit of Lont pointed his thumb to his chest making Ahriman\'s face turn grim.

"Nonsense!" Ahriman shouted. "You spout nonsense. You are just a pitiful old man that has been forgotten for thousands of years!"

"Forgotten, yes." James nodded. "As for pitiful? Tell me, when was the last time you looked in the mirror?"

With an angry roar, Ahriman lunged at James as black wings sprouted from his back. He couldn\'t believe that someone who had already lost his Godhood was able to make him feel as if he was nothing more than a baby trying to fight against an adult in a fist fight.

James yawned as Ahriman approached him, allowing the latter to punch the hand that covered the old man\'s lips.

A wicked smile graced Ahriman\'s lips as he looked at James, but his smile instantly disappeared when he noticed that James was completely unhurt by his full-powered punch.

The bandit of Lont casually moved his hand away from his lips, as he gazed at his opponent whose face was full of utter disbelief.

"Is that your best punch?" James asked as he pulled his right arm back and formed a fist with his hand. "Then, let me show you what a real punch is."

Without another word, James smashed his fist into Ahriman\'s face, sending the latter flying backwards for hundreds of meters until he collided with the Goddess of Immorality, Kakia, making the latter cry out in shock.

Just like the others Gods of Destruction, they didn\'t think much of James when he made his appearance. For them, adding one more old man to their list of enemies wasn\'t a big deal, but they quickly changed their mind after the one-sided beating that Ahriman was receiving from James\' hand.

"Need some help, James?"

Vlad, the Demigod who had become good friends with James, and protected Lont for a time, asked as he appeared beside him.

Just like all the other Demigods that William had gathered for the war, Vlad\'s Rank was now upgraded to that of a Pseudo-God, making him more powerful than his past self.

His son, Jekyll, had managed to break through to the Demigod Realm not too long ago, and was lucky enough to be part of the blessing that allowed him to step into the Initial-Stage of the Pseudo-God rank.

"You deal with the Giants that get in my way," James replied. "I\'ll beat up the rest."

"Hahaha! Very well!" Vlad smirked as he gave James a knowing smile.

The two of them had fought against each other in the past, and that was also when Vlad came to know about James\' true strength, that the latter had been hiding since the time they had met.

However, Vlad also understood that James couldn\'t casually call upon his power anytime he wanted. Just like a water barrel, with a small hole at its bottom, James\' strength would gradually disappear if he used it often.

Because of this, the old bandit had placed a seal upon himself, reducing his strength by leaps and bounds.

"Let\'s go," James said as Sleipnir sprinted towards the Ahriman, and the Goddess of Immorality.

Vlad followed behind him, and repelled the Giants who tried to attack James, and block him from his advance.


In another part of the battlefield…

Several chains materialized in the air as a Demihuman Goat with wings, which was similar to the image of Baphomet, slaughtered Giant Bats and Demogorgons without pause.

He was none other than Takam.

The God that resided in the Kyrintor Mountains, and the only Demigod that had helped William during the war in the Southern Continent.

Takam, who also became a Pseudo-God after receiving Leviathan\'s and Tarasque blessing, hovered between the hellish monsters, and the Human armies, protecting the latter from the denizens of hell, who had climbed up to the surface to lay destruction upon the world.

"I\'ll kill you!" the One-Eyed Giant, Balor, shouted as he unleashed a red-beam of light from his eye towards the Guardian of the Kyrintor Mountains.

Takam calmly raised his hand, and several chains merged together forming a giant ice snake, which he unleashed towards the red-beam of light that was targeted at him.

The two powers collided, making crackling sounds, and sent sparks flying in every direction.

When the two powers canceled each other, Balor flew towards Takam and lashed his flame whip against the Goat-like Pseudo-God, which the latter repelled using a whip made of chains.

Since Takam was currently fighting against one of the most powerful forces working for the Army of Destruction, the Giant bats, and the Demogorgons rushed towards the Allied Armies, killing them, and being killed in return.

The only problem was that after a few minutes, other denizens from hell emerged from the split in the ground, joining the ranks of the Giant Bats and Demogorgons as they continued to slaughter all those who stood against their way.

With a loud shout, a young man with dark-brown hair smashed his wooden staff against one of the Demogorgons that had managed to break past the first line of defense of the Hellan Kingdom\'s Army.

He was none other than William\'s best friend, Theo, who was also a Shepherd.

Just like all-able bodied men and women in the world, Theo also trained very hard in order to fight against the Army of Destruction.

Fighting beside him was Matthew, William\'s cousin, who was also Leah\'s husband.

Unlike his father, who could turn into a dragon, Matthew could only transform himself into a demihuman Dragon, which covered his entire body in dragon scale, and allowed him to use his sharp claws to rend his opponents apart.

"Hold the line, Theo!" Matthew shouted. "We can\'t let them get past us!"

"I know!" Theo replied as he swung his staff left and right, sending the monsters he hit flying. "Damn, there\'s no end to them!"

Aside from the Giant Bats and Demogorgons, Hellish Imps, and Hell Hounds joined the fray, putting great pressure on the Mortal Armies, who were now slowly being pushed back due to the seemingly endless reinforcements coming from Hell.

Suddenly, two Hell Hounds lunged at Theo from behind, with the intention of biting off the Shepherds\' head while he was busy dealing with the Demogorgons in front of him.

"Theo!" Matthew cried out as he tried to help his friend, but was blocked by four Imps carrying forked spears in their hands.

He could only watch helplessly as the two Hell Hounds descended upon the Shepherd with a vengeance.

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