Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 1260 He Who Must Not Be Born [Part 3]

1260 He Who Must Not Be Born [Part 3]

“Make the World tremble in your presence,” William declared. “Annihilate all opposition, Assal!”

A sharp, and shrill, ear-piercing sound reverberated in the surroundings as Assal traveled at the speed of light and pierced through Ahriman’s chest.

Due to how fast the attack was, Ahriman didn’t have any time to dodge it. Immediately, the power of the concentrated lightning bolt, mixed with the Divinity of the Sun, and William’s Godslayer Divinity, started to erupt from the tip of the spear, which was firmly planted in the Primordial God’s chest.

Suddenly a circle of light spread across the surroundings, pushing Adephagia, Eros, Astrid, and Lyssa back.

A moment later, a loud explosion took place, making the land, as well as the sky, tremble as an attack that was strong enough to lethally injure, and even kill a God, erupted in full force, destroying everything in its path.

William felt as if his entire soul had been sucked out of his body the moment the spear left his grip. Even so, a faint sneer appeared on his lips before he closed his eyes and succumbed to the backlash of the attack that was near impossible for someone, who only had a quarter of his soul active, to execute.

Gavin immediately grabbed hold of the Half-Elf before flying away in a hurry.

The entire Fortaare Desert was being sucked up by the radiant light, which was as bright as the sun, making the God that was trapped inside it, scream in pain due to the Divine Weapon that pierced through his chest.

‘No good!’ Gavin thought as the range of the explosion was about to engulf him and William.

Left with no choice, the God of All Trades held the Half-Elf’s body firmly and used his own body to cushion the blow that both of them were about to receive.

Suddenly, two beams of light, one light-blue, the other black, descended from the heavens, and intertwined with each other.

A moment later, a barrier composed of light, and darkness encapsulated the God of All Trades, as well as the unconscious Half-Elf in his arm.

The explosion pushed the two all the way to the very edge of the desert, sending them crashing towards one of the mountains in the distance.

Fortunately, the barrier protecting them held them in place, despite the fact that its surface was riddled with cracks.

Gavin and WIlliam didn’t receive any damage from the attack that came from a Pseudo-God Slayer, which was enough to destroy an entire empire with one strike.

As Gavin held the Half-Elf in place like a sack of rice on his shoulder, his gaze landed on the gigantic mushroom cloud in the distance.

Suddenly, the body of the God of All Trades started to glow, before slowly becoming transparent.

“I guess time’s up,” Gavin said softly as he gently placed William on the ground. “I hope the others are okay.”

As one of the weakest Gods’ in existence, Gavin wasn’t able to stay in the mortal realm for a long period of time. Also, he had already used up most of his Divinity fighting Ahriman earlier.

Although he was unwilling to leave William alone on the mountain, there was nothing he could do about it.

Albert, his other disciple was still in the Central Continent, and the latter had no ability to instantaneously travel long distances in order to pick William and return to the Elun Empire.

With one last sigh of helplessness, the God of All Trades turned into particles of light and ascended into the Heavens, leaving the unconscious Half-Elf alone, and unable to fend for himself.

A minute later, Eros, Astrid, and Lyssa landed beside the Half-Elf with serious injuries on their bodies.

They had descended into Hestia without their full powers, and William’s attack that didn’t know how to discriminate between friend and foe had also dealt serious injuries to their Divine Bodies.

“Where is Adephagia?” Eros asked.

The Goddess of Gluttony could be considered as the Goddess of Lust’s close friend, and not seeing her around made her feel anxious.

Astrid and Lyssa both shook their heads because all three of them were blown away in different directions by the explosion.

“Forget her for the time being,” Lyssa said as she stared at the Desert, that had stopped being a desert. “Is Ahriman dead?”

All the sands had melted due to the extreme heat that was unleashed due to William’s attack, and had turned into liquified glass.

In the future, this place would be called the Mirror Land, because the topography had changed, and turned the Fortaare Domain into one giant mirror that reflected the image of the heavens above it. But, for now, it was still a place where molten-hot-liquified-glass flowed through its surrounding areas.

“I don’t see him anywhere,” Astrid replied. “But, I doubt that he died from that attack.”

“Even if he’s not dead, he would be close to dying,” Lyssa commented before shifting her gaze at the unconscious Half-Elf with a complicated look on her face. “The attack that came from a Pseudo-God Slayer is simply the bane of our existence.”

Eros and Astrid nodded their heads in agreement. Even if Gods fought and lost to each other, this was an understandable outcome.

However, a God getting seriously injured, and even killed by a mortal was an extremely rare case.

The Gods had one term for these people and that was “God Slayer”. These individuals were usually hunted down by the Gods to prevent them from threatening their Divine existence.

“I’ll guard him,” Lyssa stated. “Both of you check for Ahriman’s whereabouts. If he managed to survive this attack, he will need dozens of years to fully recover. However, because he is a Primordial God, the moment he recovers will spell the end for this child. We need to ensure that Ahriman wouldn’t threaten anyone ever again.

Eros and Astrid nodded their heads before flying to the molten wasteland to look for any signs of the Primordial God, who they believed was still at large.


‘Dammit!’ Ahriman cursed silently as he forcefully propped his body from the ground. But due to the extent of his injuries, he was unable to stand up, so he simply dragged his body and crawled on the ground.

Just like the Goddesses had surmised, he had received a fatal injury from William’s attack. A gaping hole could be seen on his chest, and all of the blood vessels inside his body had swollen up, with some of them bursting as he used the remaining strength in his body to crawl.

Ahriman’s black blood dyed the ground, destroying its ability to support any form of life, leaving only a blackened land in his wake.

‘I need to get as far away from this area as I can,’ Ahriman thought as he glanced at his surroundings. ‘Those b*tches might sniff me out if I don’t hurry.’

At the last moment, before William’s attack could deal more damage in his body, he had forcefully teleported himself away from the Fortaare Desert to one of the locations where he had hidden one of his Teleportation Gates in the Demon Continent.

Ahriman had only dragged himself for dozens of meters when he noticed something sticking out of his left arm, which made him frown.

‘A small knife?’ Ahriman thought as he gazed at the object in his arm.

Suddenly, the knife on his arm trembled before dislodging itself from Ahriman’s arm.

A moment later a fat, and bloody hand caught it in a firm grip, making the Primordial God’s body stiffen after seeing the Goddess that was slowly materializing in front of him.

The Goddess of Gluttony, who was missing a left arm and left leg, looked at Ahriman with a hideous smile on her disheveled face.

“Hah... so this... is where... you are hiding,” Adephagia said through labored breaths. Several tentacles, similar to that of an octopus, appeared where her severed left arm and leg were, allowing her to stand.

Blood streamed down from her body, as she pushed herself to walk forward.

Ahriman, on the other hand, tried to back away, but before he could do that, one of the tentacles on Adephagia’s body latched onto his arms, pulling him to her.

“Where do... you think... you’re going?” Adephagia asked as she panted for breath. “I will... make you pay... for what you did... to my daughter.”

Adephagia walked with great hardship towards the Primordial God, who was doing his best to pry his arms away from the tentacles that were holding him in place. He knew what the God of Gluttony was planning to do, so he was resisting with all of his might in an effort to break free and escape from her grasp.

“Stay away you ugly hag!” Ahriman shouted. “Trash like you have no qualifications to threaten me!”

“Trash?” Adephagia chuckled hoarsely as he continued to walk towards the fallen God, who was on his last legs. “Yes... my daughter... used to eat... trash. It broke my heart... whenever I saw it. But... after she met... William... she was able to eat... good food.”

Adephagia slowly knelt on the ground as she used her right hand to hold Ahriman’s hair, pulling him up.

“My daughter... didn’t deserve... to eat trash,” Adephagia said as bloody tears fell down her eyes. “I am the only one... who has the qualifications... to eat trash.”

The Goddess of Gluttony opened her mouth as saliva poured out of it.

“I will... start... with trash... like you!” Adephagia shouted as she opened her mouth wide.

“Damn you!” Ahriman shouted in frustration and anger as Adephagia pulled his head close to her gaping mouth. “This is not over! I refuse to yield! I am the Primordial God of this world! You can’t kill me!”

His loud shouts came to an abrupt halt as Adephagia’s jaws clamped onto his head.


Several more crunching sounds followed as the Goddess of Gluttony hatefully bit, and chewed off Ahriman’s head.

A moment later, an orb of darkness flew away from Ahriman’s body and forcefully opened a path towards the void, leaving the World of Hestia behind.

Ahriman had decided to leave his Divine Body behind and save his Divine Soul from being consumed by the Goddess of Gluttony, who was still busy biting his body to pieces.

The Goddess had already lost consciousness, and only her primitive instincts remained. Little by little, she bit, and tore off Ahrimans’ flesh, devouring it with relish.

This was what she had set out to do when she descended into the world of Hestia, and her body obeyed her orders. Only after she had fully devoured Ahriman’s body, until nothing was left, did the Goddess of Gluttony stop moving.

A moment later, her body became transparent and exploded into particles of light, which rose up into the Heavens.

Somewhere, in the burning pits of hell, a soul teared up after seeing what happened to her doting Patron God, who fought for her sake with everything she had.

While the other Goddesses were searching futilely for Ahriman’s whereabouts, a single flower bloomed in a place where no mortal would dare to tread.

Swaying in the wind, it bore witness to the love of one Goddess, who had done everything she could for her beloved until her entire existence.. shattered into a hundred pieces, bringing an end to the terror of an Evil God, and turning the page to the next chapter...

That heralded the destruction of the world.

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