Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 1173 There's No Fool,Like An Old Fool

Each battle he fought was watched by many, and garnered a lot of attention from even the high-ranking nobles of Camelot.

Suddenly, the cheer of the crowd erupted as the Dark Knight\'s opponent surrendered after getting pinned down on the ground by a foot, and a sword tip placed on his chest.

"I think he is going to be the representative of his division," Gawain said as he rubbed his chin. "Although his swordsmanship isn\'t that refined, I have to admit that he is still better than the rest of the aspiring knights who want to join our rank. What do you think, Lancelot?"

A handsome, yet sharp-eyed looking man gave the Dark Knight a side-long glance before shifting his attention on the other candidates.

"He will only be worthy of my notice once he arrives in the semifinals," Lancelot replied. "That is the true proof of his strength."

The other knights agreed and nodded their heads. Only Gawain felt that his friend\'s standards were too high. For him, the Dark Knight\'s performance was already worthy of being noticed.

\'I guess I\'ll just have to wait until the qualifiers end today,\' Gawain thought. \'But, I don\'t see anyone giving him any trouble in this competition, maybe except for the three apprentice knights that have been trained by my colleagues for this very day.\'

Several of the Knights of the Round Table had apprentices that served as their squires. Naturally, they mentored these young saplings in the hope that they would be recognized as future knights through the Knight Tournament of Camelot.

A few hours later, the final eight combatants from each division were announced. Just as Gawain, and a few others expected, the Dark Knight emerged victorious and represented the 7th Division to fight in the last leg of the tourney.

Anyone who won their next match would reach the Semifinals, and that was where everything would get interesting.

Just like always, the Dark Knight left the venue in a casual manner. Even when the number of those stalking him had increased, he wasn\'t too worried. After all, how could they possibly hope to catch the Prince of Darkness?

Half an hour later, William managed to shake off his pursuers as he entered the new inn that he had rented. He decided to switch accommodations every day to prevent others from finding his lodgings.

He had only taken off his helmet when he noticed a person standing at the corner of his room. After giving the unexpected visitor a glance, he removed his armor as if the person that had snuck inside his room was of no importance.

"What do you hope to achieve by joining the tournament?"

"That\'s none of your business, old man. Just go back to conducting your experiments in the castle."

Merlin, the Grand Archmage who served the King, frowned as he glanced at the black-haired teenager who didn\'t hide his dislike for him.

"The Knight Tournament is an important occasion for the aspiring knights. Are you planning to do something during the competition?" Merlin asked.

"Yes I do," William answered. "I plan to win. So, if you have nothing else to say then go away. I\'m tired and I want to sleep early."

"You got tired from fighting mere mortals? Is that supposed to be a joke?"

"Yes. Why aren\'t you laughing? Is it not funny enough?"

Magic power crackled on the tip of Merlin\'s staff as he pointed it at William. He knew how dangerous the black-haired teenager was, so he had no intention of letting his guard down.

"I will ask again. What is your purpose for joining the tournament?" Merlin asked. "Depending on your answer, I might have no choice but to take things into my own hands."

William chuckled as he walked towards the bed and laid down.

"You are the wisest mage in this world, and you still ask me why I joined?" William asked back in a teasing manner. "Can\'t you figure it out on your own, old man?"

Merlin didn\'t reply and simply stared at the teenager whose carefree manner made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

"You\'re here for revenge, am I right?" Merlin inquired after several minutes of silence. "Is it because you were banished from Camelot and were forced to die on the battlefield?"

William snorted. "You can think of whatever convenient reason you can think of to answer your question. However, I advise you to not get in my way. Do you still not understand, Merlin? I am no longer the brat that you people kicked out of Camelot just because you could. This time, I am the one kicking people.

"So, if you don\'t want me to kick you out, make sure to leave peacefully while I\'m still being nice. Old man, believe me when I say that you won\'t like it when I get angry."

Merlin ignored William\'s words as the magic power on the tip of his staff glowed brighter.

"Just tell me one thing, are you planning to kill the King?" Merlin inquired.

"You think too much, Merlin," William replied. "If and when he dies, you can rest assured that it will not be by my hands. Somewhere out there will carry out that deed, it just will not be me. Now go. I want to rest, and your presence annoys me."

Merlin stared at the black-haired teenager for a full minute before vanishing in a brilliant light.

A moment later, the room descended into darkness. William closed his eyes and rested. He didn\'t lie when he said that the King\'s death had nothing to do with him. That was not his role. Right now, there was only one thing he wanted to do, and that was to right the wrongs that had been done to him in the past.

\'The first one I\'ll get revenge on is Lancelot,\' William mused as he allowed himself to be embraced by Lady Sleep. \'After that, it will be your turn, Arthur Pendragon. You sorry excuse for a father.\'

In the past, the silver-haired William had no power to defy his Fate. He couldn\'t fight the flow of the river and was forced to be carried away by the raging waters, until he met his death.

Upon stepping into this plane of existence, William had regained the memories he lost when he became an Einherjar in Asgard.

He remembered the unwillingness he felt as he drew his last breath.

Until the moment his heart stopped beating, his only regret was not being able to be recognized by his own father, which made the black-haired teenager feel disgusted by how pathetic his past self was.

This was why he also wanted to get back to those people that had ridiculed him in the past and show them what it was like to grovel under one\'s feet.


Castle of Camelot…

Merlin reappeared inside his room with a sigh. He already suspected that the Dark Knight was William and he had come to find him in order to ask him if he planned to kill King Arthur.

Although the black-haired teenager denied his allegations, the Grand Archmage couldn\'t sit still and informed the King about his discovery.

In the end, the King only thanked Merlin and told the Archmage that he would be careful. After the old mage left the King\'s quarters, an owl flew through the window and landed on the King\'s bed.

A moment later, a beautiful enchantress appeared with a serious expression on her face.

"Merlin beat me to it, but I guess this is only natural," Morgaine said. "You better be careful. William will definitely challenge you tomorrow."

"I know," King Arthur replied. "But, I am not worried. He will not be able to beat me."

Morgaine snorted as she once again took the form of the owl and flew out the window. However, she left a trail of words that made the King of Camelot frown.

"There\'s no fool, like an old fool."

Morgaine knew that even though the king was protected by the Holy Sword, Excalibur, the one he would be fighting against was no push over. In the end, she decided to leave because she understood that the King would not listen to any of the words that she was going to say.

\'William, beat the crap of that fool for me,\' Morgaine cursed under her breath. \'That will teach him that he is only Human, and not a perfect being who thinks that the world revolves around him.\'

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