Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 1162 Meeting With The Guardians Of The Sllvermoon Continent

Sepheron was once the strongest Guardian of the Silvermoon Continent. But now, it was just the black-haired teenager\'s subordinate, and it was fine with that. After knowing that there was a heaven above the heavens, it finally understood how laughable it was for thinking that it was the strongest existence in the world of Hestia.

Now that it now had the power that exceeded its previous strength, it decided to swear its allegiance to William, who was treated as a special existence by its Mistress.

"Where is Drauum?" William asked as he looked at the Guardians that he had summoned to meet with him.

Myrendor sighed as he stared at the Half-Elf who was determined to make his comrade suffer.

"Drauum doesn\'t want to meet with you currently," Myrendor replied. "But, I will make sure that he knows about whatever happens in this meeting of ours."

William smiled and nodded his head. Although his plan to make things difficult for the Ancient Golem was put on hold for the time being, he was still satisfied with having all the Guardians assembled before him.

"As you may already know, I am now the Supreme Overlord of the Silvermoon Continent," William replied. "I\'m sure that all of you have an idea why I gathered you here today, but in order to make things clear, I will tell you why so that there will be no misunderstandings in the future."

The Half-Elf paused in order to give the Guardians a breather before he continued his proposal.

"Help me fight against Felix," William stated. "If you do that, I will drop my petty grudge, and no longer bother with any of you again. Also, after we win the war, I will remove the curse I placed on all the Elves, and we can all call it quits."

Myrendor rubbed its chin as it gazed at the black-haired teenager who sat confidently on his black throne. Although it knew that going against William was a bad idea, it still thought that the Half-Elf\'s proposal was too one-sided.

"You admitted that your grudge is petty, and yet you expect us to fight for you just because you said so," Myrendor said. "Don\'t you think that\'s a bit too much?"

William eyed the Ent King with a smile. He already expected that they would reject his proposal, so he wasn\'t surprised by Myrendor\'s reaction.

"Okay. Then tell me, what is it that you want in return for your servitude?" William asked.

Myrendor quieted down after hearing William\'s reply. It didn\'t expect that the Half-Elf would take a step back in their discussion. He had expected that the black-haired teenager would not take no for an answer, and force them to become his subordinates by using threats, or other methods to make them submit to him.

"What\'s wrong?" William asked after five minutes had passed after he asked his question. "I am asking what you want in order to serve me faithfully."

Myrendor glanced at his comrades before looking back at the Half-Elf who was waiting for his answer.

"You already know that we don\'t want to submit to you," Myrendor replied. "Even if you ask us what we want, we have no answer to give you at the moment."

William nodded before shifting his gaze to the other Guardians who were eyeing him with a critical gaze.

"Does he speak for all of you?" William asked. "Is there really nothing that you guys want to have in exchange for serving me faithfully?"

None of the Guardians answered because just like Myrendor, they couldn\'t think of anything that they wanted on the spot.

Seeing all of their reactions, William decided to proceed with the Plan B he had in mind as a compromise. He knew that Myrendor would rather die than serve under him. Although he could kill the Ent King and corrupt its corpse afterwards to become his subordinate, he decided not to do that.

He was looking at a bigger picture, and the Silvermoon Continent was just a part of the goal he had in mind.

"Okay then let\'s compromise," William said. "Two days from now, I will be heading to the Forbidden Realm of Hyperborea. While I am away, all of you can think of what you want in return for serving me. I\'m sure that all of you are aware that I can forcefully corrupt all of you to become my loyal slaves, but I have no intention of doing that.

"My mother is still the Saintess of the World Tree, and I\'m sure that all of you have protected her in some form over the past few years. I admire that, so I\'ve decided to respect your wishes and not forcefully turn you into mindless pawns. So, here is what we\'re going to do. While I am away, use that time to think of what you want to obtain.

"Although I am certain that Felix won\'t sneak attack the Silvermoon Continent, while I am away, there is still a possibility, so I ask you to continue to carry out your duties to protect your Domain. Lastly, you will prevent any members from the Holy Order of Light from entering the Sacred Grove, as well as the capital city of Morne Entheas. That is all I will ask of you for now."

Myrendor and the rest of the Guardians all looked at William with surprise after hearing what he had to say. They could understand why they should protect their Domain from the Heir of Darkness, but they didn\'t understand why he specifically asked them to stop the entrance of the members of the Holy Order into the Sacred Grove, as well as the capital city of the Elves.

"Why should we stop the members of the Holy Order from coming to the Sacred Grove, as well as the Capital City?" Myrendor asked. "They are our allies in the fight against the Heir of Darkness."

William smirked as he lightly tapped the armrest of his throne.

"Myrendor, you are already so ancient, and yet, you still don\'t understand the hearts of people," William replied. "The Heir of Darkness, and me, may be the greatest threats right now, but this also makes us the perfect camouflage for anything bad that happens at this period of time."

"I don\'t understand." Myrendor shook his head. "What do you mean by that?"

"It means that Felix and I are convenient pawns to be used when a certain organization causes trouble from the shadows," William answered. "Since Felix and I are painted as black, and evil, it will be very easy to frame us for everything. Tell me, Myrendor, do you really believe that the Holy Order is so righteous? I\'m sure that for them, the current war is an ideal way to destabilize the current status quo of the Central Continent."

William stood up from his throne and sneered at the Ent King who was now starting to understand what he was trying to say.

"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don\'t do anything about it," William commented as Astrape and Bronte held his arms.

"Myrendor, make sure that none of those hypocrites step foot in the Silvermoon Continent while I am away, or the deal is off. I will no longer hold back and make sure that all of you understand what it means to fight against the Prince of Darkness. All of you don\'t want that to happen, right?"

The four Pseudo-Gods on William\'s side finally unleashed their auras in full, which made the Guardians, aside from Myrendor, feel great discomfort.

"Very well. I will agree to your condition," Myrendor replied. "Before you return, the members of the Holy Order will be barred from entering the Silvermoon Continent."

William snorted before walking away. He had already said everything that needed to be said. The Half-Elf had compromised enough, and allowed the Guardians to keep their free will. But, that didn\'t mean that he would not change his mind if they did something funny behind his back.

The moment he returned from the lands of Hyperborea, the sooner he would start the final phase of his plan.

There was one more Dungeon that he needed to conquer before he fought against the Heir of Darkness, in addition to preparing an insurance for fighting against the Holy Order of Light.

\'Atlantis,\' William thought as he stood on top of the Black Phoenix which flew in the direction of the Sacred Grove. He had long wanted to conquer this Dungeon, but didn\'t have the necessary strength to do it.

The final battlefield for the Pseudo-God that could be found on its last floor was under the deepest parts of the ocean. Even with the four demigods by his side, he was still not confident that he could beat it.

Sepheron was useless underwater, and although water would be a great conductor to lightning, the Half-Elf had a feeling that it wouldn\'t amount to much when facing against the final boss of the dungeon.

Titania could probably assist everyone to fight to a stalemate, but a stalemate wasn\'t what William wanted.

The black-haired teenager needed a power that would tilt the battle in his favor, and to do that, he needed to go to Hyperborea, the Mythical Land located beyond the North Wind.

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