Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 879 - Let Me Show You My Hospitality

"I\'m going ahead first." Amalthea patted the handsome man\'s shoulder with a smile.. "Don\'t miss me too much."

The handsome man sighed, "You\'re asking for the impossible."

Amalthea smiled mischievously as her body started to float.

"Remember this, Dias," Amalthea said softly. "You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. As to what you wish to do in the future, know that I will always be on your side."

The beautiful lady then transformed into a golden beam of light and shot towards the Heavens.

The handsome man watched this scene with tears streaming down his face. A few moments later, several stars appeared in the sky forming the constellation that would be later known as the zodiac sign Capricorn.

William, who had watched everything unfold, felt an ache in his heart. Although this was the first time that he had seen the beautiful lady with long, light blue hair, he felt that he had seen her before.

He believed that she was someone very dear to him, someone who had been with him for a very long time.

As William stared at the bright stars that were shining in the sky, he could feel that someone was looking at him.

Shifting his gaze to the handsome man who was standing just a few meters away from him, the Half-Elf realized that the man whose name was, Dias, was looking at him intently. Tear-stains could be seen on his face, and yet, that didn\'t tarnish his good looks, which made him look more… Human.

"Friend who doesn\'t belong in this era, why are you crying?" Dias asked.

"Crying? I\'m not cryi–," William wasn\'t able to finish his words because he had subconsciously raised his hands to touch his face.

He could feel something wet on his fingers and that was when he realized that he had cried without knowing that he cried.

Dias smiled, as he wiped the tears in his own eyes as he tried his best to look composed and dignified in front of the stranger whom he was seeing for the first time.

"Very few people are able to reach this place," Dias stated. "I can see that you are a mortal, albeit not an ordinary one. So, tell me, friend, did you come from the past, or perhaps the future?"

Dias gave William a critical gaze as he pondered why such a person had arrived in one of the most secluded places in the world.

The Half-Elf shook his head because he didn\'t know the answer to this question. After appearing in the Deadlands, his concept of past, present, and future, had completely changed.

The man in front of him was wearing elegant clothes that wouldn\'t look out of place in the world of Hestia, so he couldn\'t tell which timeline he was in.

Seeing his discomfort, Dias chuckled as he walked up to William with a smile.

The Handsome man was taller than William, and his body was also more refined than his own.

Dias radiated a powerful presence that William was very familiar with. The Half-Elf had no doubt in his mind that the person that was in front of him was a God, and a very powerful one at that.

"C-Can you tell me who that beautiful lady is?" William inquired. He really wanted to know the identity of the beautiful lady who had made his heart ache, just by looking at her.

Dias immediately frowned after hearing William\'s question. The two-meter tall handsome man grabbed the red-headed teenager by the scruff of his neck and raised him easily with one hand.

"Boy, I know that Amalthea is beautiful and no mortal is capable of taking their eyes off her," Dias said in a voice with a trace of anger, "but she\'s off limits. It will be best if you forget about her. Do I make myself clear?"

Lightning crackled around the man\'s body and thunder boomed in the heavens. Clearly, Dias didn\'t like people who were trying to get any information regarding Amalthea.

Knowing that he might get into trouble if he continued the discussion, William nodded, which prompted Dias to release him.

"Sorry," Dias apologized after regaining his calm. "My emotions got the better of me."

"It\'s fine," William replied. "I was being rude by asking for information about her out of the blue. Let me introduce myself first. My name is William Von Ainsworth. Just call me William."

Dias nodded in acknowledgement. "Just call me Dias. Tell me, friend. What is your purpose for coming here? Do you need something from me?"

William blinked once then twice before finally remembering how he had appeared in this strange place. He then told Dias the truth, in the hope that the handsome man would be able to help him unlock the final Job Class of his Prince of Thunder Job Class.

"I came here through the Hall of Thunder," William answered. "I reached a bottleneck, and I need help in order to make a breakthrough. I am hoping that you can help me."

Dias rubbed his chin as he eyed William from head to toe. "You said you came from the Hall of Thunder, correct?"



Without giving any warning, Dias pressed his palm over William\'s chest and shot a powerful lightning bolt at point blank range.

The Half-Elf flew several meters away until he slammed into the wall of the mountain next to the one that they were standing on.

Smoke rose up from William\'s chest, as he propped himself from the ground. The Half-Elf then looked at his burned robe in shock because even the Heavenly Thunder that he had faced in the Seventh Sanctum wasn\'t able to destroy it while his Prince of Thunder Job Class was equipped.

Unknown to William, Dias was more shocked than him because he didn\'t expect that his strike was only strong enough to burn the Half-Elf\'s clothes. Although he didn\'t attack with the intention to kill, the lightning bolt he unleashed was still enough to give serious injuries to someone that was hit by it.

The reason he had attacked William was because he thought the boy was lying. Only those that had the power to wield the Power of Thunder and Lightning could enter the Hall of Thunder.

Right now, the only one who could enter that sacred place in this world, was none other than himself.

Angered by Dias\' sudden attack, William also fired a lightning bolt in the God\'s direction.

The handsome man didn\'t move and allowed the lightning bolt to hit him.

Although William expected it, he still felt pissed when the lightning bolt dispersed before it even hit Dias\' body.

"I see, so you hold considerable power as well." Dias nodded. "I now believe your claim that you have come from the Hall of Thunder."

William wanted to slap Dias so badly. Gods were known to be able to tell if someone was lying or not. So, he didn\'t believe that Dias didn\'t know that he was telling the truth.

Seeing his face filled with injustice, the handsome man raised an eyebrow.

\'Strange. I can\'t tell if he\'s lying or not,\' Dias thought. \'Also, I can\'t read his thoughts. This is the first time that this has happened. I\'m really curious about this mortal\'s identity now.\'

After William changed his robes, he didn\'t dare move closer to the unpredictable God who seemed to be suffering from mood swings.

"Since this is a special occasion, why don\'t you come with me, William?" Dias asked. "I will take you to a place to enjoy good food, wine, and women. What do you say?"

"Sorry, but I\'ll pass," William answered. \'Hmp! Do you think I\'m stupid? Why would I go with a crazy god like you?\'

Dias appeared beside William and pressed his hand over the Half-Elf\'s shoulder. "But I insist. Come, let me show you my hospitality."

Before William could voice his rejection, Dias had already grabbed his waist and turned into a lightning bolt, streaking across the night sky.

The red-headed teenager was powerless because the God held him in a vice-grip, preventing him from breaking free.

In the end, he decided to give up and just go with the flow.

Perhaps after spending some time with this moody, yet handsome, man, he would find a way to break through his bottleneck and unlock the final form of his Prince of Thunder Job Class.

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