Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 596: The Rice Has Already Been Cooked

Chapter 596: The Rice Has Already Been Cooked

Two days had passed since the first Elimination Round of the tournament. The two thousand participants that survived the Battle Royale were given a day to rest in order to fully recover from their injuries.

Of course, they received proper treatment from the Clerics of the Kraetor Empire, so all of them had recovered from their injuries. The one day of rest was given in order for them to raise their performance to the peak condition, before fighting their next match.

The two thousand contestants were once again divided into the two hundred arenas that were prepared for the battle.

This time, each arena had ten people in it. There would be five one on one matches. The winners would proceed to the third phase of the tournament.

The Tournament of Champions was a grand event. It meant that almost all the merchants in the Central Continent were taking advantage of the festivities and doing business in the capital city of the Kraetor Empire.

Naturally, the Empire received a small percentage of their earnings. This was why Emperor Leonidas had drafted out a plan to control the pace of the competition, and secure more profits as the days went by.

The other rulers knew of this as well, but they decided to turn a blind eye on it. All of them decided to make the Tournament of Champions a regular event that would be hosted by the different Empires every three years.

Although they were quite envious of the current riches that Emperor Leonidas was raking in, they held back their greed in preparation for the time when it would be their turn to host the event in their home turf.

Kenneth stood in the arena and stared at his opponent. The one he was facing off against was one of the candidates from the Demon Race. Just like always, everyone drew a ballot to find their designated arenas.

It just so happened that Kenneth was paired up against a Demon who had gained infamy on the first day by killing many people.

“I guess this is your unlucky day, Elf.” The Demon chuckled as he appraised Kenneth from head to foot. “Too bad you are not a girl. If you were, I would definitely bring you back to my room after I knocked you unconscious.”

The demon chuckled lecherously, which made Kenneth frown.

The referee stared at the two fighters before raising his hand to begin the battle. As soon as he gave the signal, the demon disappeared from his location and reappeared behind Kenneth with a sneer.

As one of the prodigies of the Demon Race, the reason he had no qualms in killing people was due to his ability to control Space.

The Demon Lord saw his potential and decided to nurture his talents. Because of this, he was able to raise his rank at a very rapid pace.

The Demon Lord had ordered the ten Demonic teenagers that he had sent to the Kraetor Empire to kill as many as they could. His purpose for this was two-fold. The first reason was that it was the most efficient way to show everyone that they should be feared.

The second one was to weaken the empires by killing off their young geniuses. There was once a popular saying in the Demonic Lands when it came to talented individuals.

A dead genius is no longer a genius.

Before the demons declared war on the Elves, the competition in the Demonic Continent was fierce. Now that the number of their talented individuals had decreased, they stopped killing each other, and focused on increasing their ranks as much as possible.

Slaves were a hot commodity in the Demonic Continent.

Slave merchants would go out of their way to travel there in order to share their wares, which they had captured from all over the world.

The Demon that controlled Space was one of the spawns that was birthed from the union of Demon and a lady that was born with strong magical power. It was quite unfortunate that she had been backstabbed by her rivals, and sold to the slave merchants, which in turn brought her to the Demonic Continent.

She was but one of the many people who were unlucky enough to be enslaved for various reasons and sold to the highest bidder.

When the Demon was about to stab Kenneth’s back to end the pretty boy’s life, he felt his body turning sluggish.

It was as if he was moving thirty times slower than normal even with his power of Space.

“Pay for your sins in the afterlife.”

That was the last thing that the Demon heard before his head fell off from his body.

Kenneth flicked his short sword, sending the bloodstain flying towards the ground. He was someone that didn’t enjoy killing. However, if faced with someone that deserved to die, he would not hesitate to end their miserable lives and send them to hell.

The spectators who were watching the match looked at Kenneth with dumbfounded expressions.

What they saw was the silver-haired teenager casually swinging his sword behind him. After that, the demon’s head was cut off from its body, ending the battle in mere seconds.

Princess Sidonie and Ian, who was paying close attention to Kenneth’s battle, couldn’t believe their eyes. They didn’t see anything special about Kenneth’s move. What he did was just a simple slash and the match ended just like that.

They didn’t even see him use any technique or magical ability.

Kenneth sheathed his sword and left the arena with even steps. His Master had sent him to get real life experience in the world, so he decided to go to the Southern Continent to meet William.

Now that the Half-Elf had gone to the Central Continent, Kenneth decided to follow him. For him, it was his duty to look after William in place of his Master who couldn’t leave the Silvermoon Continent.

He also didn’t like the way Princess Sidonie tricked the Half-Elf into becoming her fiance. Kenneth despised these underhanded methods and vowed to free William from the scheming princess’ grasp.

Unknown to him, William had already recognized Princess Sidonie as his lover and had even become her first man. Even if the silver-haired teenager managed to win the tournament, and ask Emperor Leonidas to break the engagement, the two had already been joined at the hip.

The rice had already been cooked, and it couldn’t be uncooked no matter how hard Kenneth tried.

(A/N: Just in case you guys are not familiar with the term the rice has been cooked, it meant that the deed has already been done. This refers to having experienced sex, or losing one’s maidenhood. Since it is already lost, it cannot be recovered again.)

“Should we go and meet him?” Princess Sidonie asked as she glanced at Ian who was seated by her side.

Ian pondered a bit before nodding her head. William had assigned them to try and get close to Kenneth, to find out the real reason why his Ex-Roommate was looking for him. The Half-Elf had also forbidden the two ladies to harm Kenneth and scheme against him.

The two reluctantly agreed to William’s order and promised not to do anything reckless. However, that didn’t mean that they would take things lightly if they discovered that Kenneth was lying to them.

“It will be best if we can pry some answers from him,” Ian replied. “Will said that Kenneth isn’t hostile towards him, but we need to confirm if this is really true. Our lover trusts people too much, and it worries me.”

Princess Sidonie nodded her head in agreement.

The two of them once again headed towards the city where the Silver Haired teenager was already waiting for their arrival.

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