Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 594: Over My Drop Dead Gorgeous Body

Chapter 594: Over My Drop Dead Gorgeous Body

Three people sat inside one of the private rooms reserved for the Royal Family of the Kraetor Empire in the Dancing Lady Pavillion.

What they were going to talk about required confidentiality, so Princess Sidonie decided to go to a High-Class Inn, that was not far away from Kenneth’s accommodations.

The three people drank their tea in silence. It was as if they had agreed upon an unwritten rule that they would first finish drinking before they started their discussion.

Ten minutes later, the tea in their cups had been emptied.

Princess Sidonie smiled and decided to take the lead in the conversation.

“I believe that the two of us haven’t introduced ourselves to each other,” Princess Sidonie said. “I am Sidonie Val Freesia. Princess of the Kingdom of Freesia, and Granddaughter of Emperor Leonidas. I am also William’s fiance. Nice to meet you.”

Princess Sidonie didn’t extend her hand in greeting, because there was no need for it. Since Kenneth was under suspicion of spying on William, the beautiful princess decided not to be too lax with the person in front of her.

“Kenneth Xin Ashleigh,” Kenneth replied. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Sidonie.”

Kenneth also didn’t exchange his hand in greeting. He could tell that both girls were very wary of him, so he decided to just stick to his purpose of coming with the two of them.

“Is William here in the Kraetor Empire?” Kenneth asked.

Ian frowned before answering Kenneth’s question with another question, “Why are you looking for him?”

“… I can’t tell you that.”

“What a coincidence. I also can’t tell you the answer to your question.”

The corner of Kenneth’s lips twitched after hearing Ian’s reply. He could tell that the latter had no intention of telling him William’s whereabouts until he stated his reason for looking for the Half-Elf.

“I really can’t tell you the reason because it is a private affair,” Kenneth replied. He needed to compromise to get some answers, so he faced Princess Sidonie who seemed to be less hostile than Ian. “I can only answer questions that I am able to answer. Aside from that, my lips are sealed.”

Princess Sidonie nodded in understanding.

“Very well.” Princess Sidonie pressed her palms together and rested her chin over them. She then stared at Kenneth with a scrutinizing gaze that made the latter feel uncomfortable. “Back in the Hellan Kingdom, were you spying on my fiance?”

“Yes.” Kenneth admitted in a heartbeat. He had no reason to deny this point since everything was already over. “I volunteered to spy on him, to prevent others from spying on him.

“Know that while I was with William, I didn’t divulge any of his secrets to others. I only reported what I thought would be overlooked, so that the Elders of my Family would not pay too much attention to him.”

Princess Sidonie arched an eyebrow. She was a good judge in reading the body language of people and Kenneth’s words, and actions told her that he wasn’t lying.

“You came here to the Kraetor Empire to look for William, right?”


“Why?” Princess Sidonie asked.

Kenneth smiled as he tapped the table with his finger. “I think it is my turn to ask questions, don’t you think?”

Princess Sidonie smiled sweetly because the person in front of her was someone that wouldn’t lose to her when it came to negotiations. Since that was the case, she nodded her head and waited for Kenneth’s question.

“Is William here?” Kenneth asked.

Princess Sidonie shook her head, “No. My Fiance is currently out on an errand, and is not present in the empire right now.”

Kenneth frowned, but he still nodded his head. Although he wasn’t as proficient with Sidonie in reading people, his gut instinct told him that the beautiful princess was telling the truth.

“Were you with the Elves during the war in the Southern Continent?” Ian asked from the side.

Kenneth shifted his gaze to the snot-nosed-pansy before shaking his head. “No. I didn’t join the Anti-Human Faction because my family is part of the Conservative Faction. Also, I didn’t want Will to hate me, so I stayed away from the conflict.”

After hearing Kenneth’s words, the irritation that Ian felt decreased significantly. She hadn’t seen him among the survivors of the Elves, which proved that he didn’t take part in the war that almost brought the Hellan Kingdom to its knees.

“Then, where were you during the war? Don’t tell me you were just watching from the sides?” Ian inquired.

“Yes,” Kenneth replied. “I was watching from the sides. I gazed at the battle from far away, but I didn’t expect that kind of outcome. William is really something, isn’t he?”

Princess Sidonie grinned. “Of course he is. He is the man I chose, after all.”

Ian wanted to say that she chose him first. But, since she couldn’t possibly say that in front of a spy from the Silvermoon Continent, she allowed Princess Sidonie to take the spotlight.

“When will William return?” Kenneth asked. “Like I said earlier, there is an important message that I need to pass to him.”

Princess Sidonie sighed before leaning back on her chair. “I don’t know when he will come back. But, it had been a month since he left the Empire. I miss him terribly.”

Kenneth ignored the part about the princess missing William terribly and only focused on the important information that she had just told him.

‘He had been away for more than a month?’ Kenneth thought. ‘Just where did he go?’

A few minutes of silence passed inside the room. Both sides wanted to ask each other more questions, but they somehow came to an agreement that they had discussed enough for the day.

Princess Sidonie couldn’t leave the Royal Residence for a long period of time, and she had only snuck out with Ian as her escort.

“We will come and find you again when the opportunity arises,” Princess Sidonie said as she stood. She was about to leave when she remembered something important.

“By the way, did you also join the tournament because you are attracted to the prizes?” Princess Sidonie asked.

Kenneth smiled as he gazed at the princess that had declared herself as William’s fiance. Although he still had doubts whether Princess Sidonie was telling the truth or not, he decided to believe her for the time being.

“The Emperor of the Kraetor Empire would grant a wish to the winner, correct?” Kenneth asked back.

“Oh, so that is what you are aiming for.” Princess Sidonie smirked. “Yes. Grandfather plans to award the champion a wish. As long as he is able to fulfill it, that wish will be granted without fail.”

Kenneth nodded. “So, that means that he can also break your engagement with William, right?”

Princess Sidonie’s smile stiffened when she heard Kenneth’s question.

The silver haired teenager chuckled before standing up. He then headed to the door in a carefree manner. However, before leaving the room, he glanced back at Princess Sidonie one more time and left his parting words.

“I may not have stayed long by William’s side, but I know him well enough to know he would not make a girl his lover just because of her beauty,” Kenneth commented. “That collar on your neck belonged to William. I also know the custom of the Kraetor Royal Family.

“I don’t know what kind of trick you used to have William place that collar on your neck, but know this, I don’t like other people taking advantage of his kindness.”

Kenneth opened the door and left the room. However, before the door closed, he left a few more words that made Sidonie want to strangle him up.

“William is too good for you,” Kenneth added. “I will free him from your clutches.”

The door closed leaving a beet-red princess who seemed to be out for blood. Ian, who was standing not far away from her, lowered her head as she suppressed a giggle.

She had long accepted Princess Sidonie as William’s lover, so Kenneth’s words didn’t bother her much. However, the look on her friend’s face as she received Kenneth’s one-sided banter was priceless.

Clearly, the scheming princess didn’t want her engagement with William to be broken by anyone. What she didn’t know was that an intense internal discussion was currently happening inside Princess Sidonie’s mindscape.

[ That boy wants to break our engagement with Darling? Over my drop dead, gorgeous body! Sidonie, let’s have that person killed! ]

Morgana was fuming. After having their first time with William on his eighteenth birthday, both girls had truly become his women both in heart and body. They would not allow their engagement to be broken, even if the one that decreed it was the Emperor of the Kraetor Empire.

‘Don’t worry, he will not win the tournament,’ Princess Sidonie replied. ‘I will not let him no matter what.’

[ Hmp! That pretty boy bastard. Why is he getting in our way? ]

As Morgana was raving, a sudden possibility appeared inside her head.

[ W-Wait! Could it be that he is also… ]

‘He is also what?’

[ He is also cursed like Ashe? Maybe he is a girl in disguise? ]

‘… Okay, let’s kill him.’

[ … ]

Morgana wanted to protest that she had already proposed it earlier, but her other half had rejected it. Now that she mentioned that Kenneth could be a cursed person like Ian, Princess Sidonie switched gears in order to eliminate the silver-haired pretty boy.

[ I don’t mind if you plan to eliminate him, but do that after you find out why he is looking for William. Whatever he wanted to talk to him about, it seemed rather important. ]

Princess Sidonie agreed with Morgana’s advice, and promised that she would do her best to pry some answers from Kenneth on their next meeting.

She had worked hard to become William’s lover, and she would not allow anyone, not even the Emperor of the Kraetor Empire, to get in the way of her happiness.

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