Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 504: The Wrath Of The Righteous [Part 3]

Chapter 504: The Wrath Of The Righteous [Part 3]

As the Elves were thinking these things, a Golden Portal appeared above the center of the Elven Army.


A powerful voice forced the Undead Legion to stop their advance.

A giant bird clad in flames flew out of the portal and hovered above the Elven Army.

“Know your limits, Half-Elf. If you do not cease your arrogance, I will be more than happy to teach you a lesson!”

The proud and majestic voice gave hope to the Elves as they looked up at the blazing bird that hovered above their heads.

The Demigod Phoenix, Sepheron, that served as the protector of the Elves in the Silvermoon Continent had forced its appearance using the Teleportation Gate of the Elves. It felt the aura of the Guardians weakening and knew that they were in danger.

Because of this, it hurriedly crossed the distance in order to save them from certain demise.

The Elves regained their confidence and cheered for the arrival of their Demigod. A few moments ago they were already feeling despair, now that the head of the Guardians had arrived they had once again regained their courage that had been nearly snuffed out like the flame of a candle.

William gazed at the Majestic Phoenix that burned brightly in the sky. It was like a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that would shine for eternity.

“Big words from a flashy chicken that dares to barge into someone else’s house and even have the audacity to tell the owner what to do?” An amused voice said. “Haven’t you heard of the saying, the guest does as the host pleases?”

High up in the Kyrintor Mountains, Takam sat on his throne. The side of his face rested on the palm of his left hand. The Sovereign that ruled the Northern Tribes then raised its right hand and a beam of blue light shot out from it, traveling at great speeds.

“I am not pleased by your attitude,” Takam said. “It’s time for you to know your place.”

As soon as his speech was finished the beam of light had arrived at the battlefield. The Phoenix opened its wings wide and created a fiery magical shield that protected its entire body.

The moment that beam collided with the shield, no explosion happened, or any of the sort. Instead. The beam spread across the magical shield, enclosing the Demigod of the Silvermoon Continent in an Icy Prison.

Soon, magical chains descended from the sky and bound the Sepheron.

Several cracks immediately appeared on the Ice that were currently holding the Demigod in place. At a glance, one could tell that the Ice Prison wouldn’t hold for long. However, what was even more surprising was that they saw an individual standing on top of it with a smile.

William, took out a pocket cube from his storage ring and dropped it on the Ice Prison. The Cube immediately expanded and covered the entirety of the cage. It then slowly shrank, as sparks emitted from all over the cube’s body.


[ I’m on it! ]

[ Sacrificing 100,000 God Points to bind the Demigod for a few seconds! ]

The sparks appearing on the Pocket Cube disappeared as it shrank to the size of a carriage.

William stood on top of the cube, with a serious expression on his face. This was a critical time and even the air around him seemed to be at a standstill. This was a decisive moment, and William waited with bated breath for the result of his gamble.

Drauum, which had just reformed itself, shouted at William and fired a massive Earth Spike at the cube that had imprisoned Sepheron. He didn’t know why, but he had a bad feeling about the weird cube that had imprisoned the Demigod that protected the Silvermoon Continent.

William jumped off from the cube to evade Drauum’s attack. The moment the Earth Spike hit the Cube, a loud cracking sound was heard. Parts of the cube started to shatter, emitting a fiery blaze that was threatening to burn it down.

Soon, more cracks appeared, and burning beams of light shot out from those cracks, which made William frown.

“You fool who dared to entrap a Demigod, I will burn you to ashes!”

Sepheron’s mighty scream resonated through the sky as the cube trembled violently. It started to break apart, and the top part of it burst open, as if it was hit by a cannonball.

“I will end you!” Sepheron shrieked. The cube now expanded threatening to explode.

Drauum had a satisfied look on his face as he sneered at the Half-Elf that was standing on top of the Bone Dragon. Once Sepheron had broken out of its cage, they would work together to annihilate the pesky undead warriors and display William’s severed head on a sharp pike, as a warning to everyone that dared to oppose them.

However, before the Demigod was about to break free, the cube disappeared from the sky, taking the Demigod along with it.

A series of notifications appeared on William’s status page which made the Half-Elf laugh out loud.

His laughter was like the sound of fingernails scratching a blackboard, which irritated Drauum’s and the Elves’ ears.

“What have you done?!” Ezkalor, who had somewhat recovered, asked out loud. “Where is Sepheron?”

William stopped laughing. However, a very domineering smile spread across his face as if he had won the lottery a thousand times over.


[ Ding! ]

[ Demigod Sepheron had been successfully sent to the Auction House of the Gods ]

[ Auction will begin in two days. ]

[ Host had been given a special token to watch the auction at a VIP seat ]


(A/N: You might be wondering where he got those God Points, right? Then let me remind you about a certain Millennial Dragon that disappeared in the story. Yes, he was sold in the Auction House for 100k God Points. Now you know.)

“You don’t have to worry about him,” William replied with a smug expression. “You won’t be seeing your precious Demigod ever again. This is the price you Elves have to pay for trespassing on our domain.”

At first, Drauum didn’t believe William’s words. Sepheron and the Guardians had a strong connection to each other. Although it was certain the Sepheron was very much alive, since it was an immortal creature, The Ancient Golem couldn’t sense the Demigod’s location no matter how far he extended his senses.

“What have you done?!” Drauum demanded. “Where is he?”

William narrowed his gaze as he looked down at the annoying golem on the ground.

“Do you want to meet him so badly?” William asked back as he took out another cube from his storage ring, and shook it in his hand. “I can do that.”

Drauum unconsciously took a step back when it heard William’s threat. It still didn’t know where Sepheron was, but it was sure that the Demigod was no longer in the Southern nor in the Silvermoon Continent.

Sepheron simply vanished, as if it was thrown into a domain that it couldn’t escape from.

“Now where was I?” William casually played with the cube in his hand as he looked down on the Elves. “Ah yes… only a hundred and seventy of you are going to live. You better act quickly, my patience is limited.”

As if agreeing to William’s words, the three monstrous beasts, and the three Sovereigns riding on top of the Bone Dragons advanced towards the Elves.

Nuckelavee chuckled as it thrust his spear forward, killing a dozen Elves without warning.

The Arcane Spectral Lich also fired a cone of cold energy that froze several elves in place. It then snapped its fingers causing the frozen elves to shatter into hundreds of pieces.

“As you can see, I don’t have all day,” William commented from the side. “Well, I suppose I can let my Legion kill to their heart’s content until only a handful of you are left. I guess I’ll spare twenty people at most.”

Hearing William’s words, the Skeleton Soldiers rushed towards the Elven Army like a swarm of locusts. Their intention? Complete annihilation of the Elven Army.

“Don’t you have any compassion?” Zyphon the deer tried to stand up as it gazed pleadingly at William. “The Elves have already surrendered. This war is over.”

William snorted as he stared at the Guardian Deer of the Elves that reminded him of Spire.

“It’s not over until I say it is over,” William answered crisply. “I can still turn a blind eye to your actions since you didn’t play any active role in this war. However, if you get in my way, I swear upon my name that I will exterminate your entire Clan when I go to the Silvermoon Continent. Do not test my patience.”

Zyphon lowered its head dejectedly because it could tell that William didn’t want to negotiate.

The officers of the Kraetor Empire clicked their tongue because they thought that it was a waste to kill the Elven Women who were known for their beauty. If they could have them, they would definitely profit from this expedition to the Southern Lands.

Prince Jason was of the same mind. However, after seeing what William did to the Demigod of the Elves, he was forced to keep his idea to himself.

Even the Protectors of the Kraetor Empire felt threatened by what William had done to the one and only Demigod of the Silvermoon Continent.

They didn’t dare to gamble with their lives to see if William could do it a second time.

Empress Sidonie had a serious expression on her face as he observed the Half-Elf from afar. This had gone beyond her calculations, and flipped the plans that she had prepared on their head.

Morgana however was different. After William had made his appearance, Sidonie’s other half became silent. She just looked at William with a sad expression. Her eyes could see things that Empress Sidonie couldn’t see.

After seeing William’s current state she knew that the boy had paid a high price in order to obtain the power he had now. A price that saddened her.

Alessio who was standing at the center of the Elven Army gritted his teeth as he made a decision.

He used the special invisibility spell that he was proficient in and vanished in place. A minute later, he reappeared behind Elandorr and gave a quick jab to the Young Elven Commander’s jaw, knocking the lights out of him.

“I captured Elandorr!” Alessio shouted. “Anyone who sides with me will be part of the fifty people that will be spared from death! Who is with me?!”

The Elven Warriors froze in shock at Alessio’s sudden betrayal. However, some of them were relieved. They didn’t dare make the first move because they didn’t want to be seen as traitors of their race.

However, since someone had already seized their Elven Commander, it was now time to switch sides in order to live.

“I will go with you!”

“I will, too!”

“Me too!”

Several Elite Warriors stormed towards Alessio and surrounded him. They raised their weapons and pointed it at the Elves who were planning to save Elandorr from Alessio’s grasp.

“Okay, you and fifty of your men will be saved,” William declared. He then sent a mental message to Nuckelavee which sent the Monstrous Devil to where Elandorr was held.

The Elves screamed as they hurriedly parted to give way to Nuckelavee. However, the monster didn’t shy away from killing anyone within its spear’s reach. Seeing that William was serious in exterminating them, the remaining Blademaster by Princess Eowyn’s side decided to capture one of the Patriarch’s in order to save the Princess’ life and the life of her entourage.

“Very decisive, I like,” William praised the Blademaster. “Aren’t you glad, Princess? You get to live another day.”

Princess Eowyn bit her lip in frustration as she wiped away the tears on her eyes. She didn’t want to give William the satisfaction of seeing her sorry state.

What the princess didn’t know was that William had already decided to let her live, along with her entourage. The Half-Elf knew that he wouldn’t be able to face his mother in the Silvermoon Continent if one of her Disciples died under his subordinate’s hand.

The Blademaster’s betrayal was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, and the Elves began to swarm the location of the remaining patriarchs. Not only that, they started to fight each other. Princess Eowyn covered her lips and averted her eyes. She didn’t want to see the gruesome scene that was happening around them.

The once prideful and elegant Elves had now turned into distorted creatures that clung to life.

Skyla had already told William some of the backgrounds of these clans from the Silvermoon Continent. They were the clans that were Anti-Humans and had given his Grandfather, Theoden—who was also the head of the Elven Council—a lot of trouble.

Since that was the case, William decided to eradicate all of them since they were making things difficult for his family.

Nero clicked his tongue as he watched the Elves kill each other as if they were fighting against their most hated enemies.

The Undead didn’t stop killing either as the ranks of the Elven Army thinned. William didn’t bat an eye and raised the dead that had fallen on the ground, over and over again. He wanted the Elves to experience fear, and despair, before their lives ended at the hands of their own comrades.

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