Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 401: Boss Room Battle [Part 2]

Chapter 401: Boss Room Battle [Part 2]

William switched his Subclass to Ice Wizard and buffed all the members of his King’s Legion with Ice Armor. Although they were already strong enough to resist the disparity in numbers, he didn’t want to take any chances and bolstered their defenses as well.

After imparting the defensive buff to everyone, William jumped on Ella’s back and charged through the thousand strong Goblin Army. His target was the Hobgoblin Witch Doctor that was busy casting enhancement spells on its army.

Ironically, this particular Hobgoblin Witch Doctor’s second elemental magic was Life Magic.

Life magic specialized in healing and providing beneficial buffs to anyone, which made the thousand strong Goblin Army more formidable.

The only saving grace was that the Hobgoblin Witch Doctor had just recently reached the Centennial Rank and its pool of Mana wasn’t large enough to give its entire army strong buffs. However, it was highly intelligent and focused its powerful buffs on the Elites of its Army, namely the Hobgoblin Leaders, Berserkers, Goblin Shamans, and Hobgoblin Chieftain.

The violent collision of weapons, horns, claws, fangs, talons, and magic erupted inside the Boss Room.

William knew that taking out the greatest threat would ease the burden on his Legion. It was quite unfortunate that he couldn’t summon the members of the Minotaur Tribe that were currently inside the room of the Dungeon Core, inside the other Goblin Crypt.

A powerful barrier seemed to be in place which prevented this from happening.

William entrusted Ian’s and Wendy’s safety to the Black-Winged Panthers that were known for their all-around offensive and defensive abilities.

“I’m Rolling!”

Kasogonaga’s adorable voice was drowned out by the war cries of the Hobgoblins that were dead set on turning it into chopped tofu. Fortunately, the rainbow-colored Anteater was not a vegetarian and flattened everything that blocked its path.

Its protective scales were among the hardest scales in the world of Hestia, which had earned it the moniker of Rolling Calamity among its peers.

The Rainbow Birds cursed out loud as they used their lollipops to fire Magic Missiles to decimate the bulk of the Goblin Army.

“Stupid Hobgoblins!”

“Sh*t faced, green-skinned p*ssies!”

“Fck off!”

They were the loudest beasts among William’s Legion and their curses made all the Hobgoblins mad with anger. Because of this, their numbers were thinned greatly by the Hobgoblin Hunters that targeted them specifically because of their obnoxious mouths.

Fenrir and his pack of Trollhounds were at the very front of the battle, engaging the Hobgoblins in a deathmatch. Due to their powerful regeneration ability, they were able to stand back up even after being hacked repeatedly.

The most notorious fighters among William’s party were none other than the Supreme Killer Koalas, that had turned into Giant Rabid Beasts, that ripped apart everything that was within the reach of their massive claws.

Their skin was very tough and even though there were dozens of arrows embedded in their bodies, their onslaught never stopped.

If they could speak in Human Language, all of them would just say “Tis but a scratch” and continue their killing spree.

The Centaurs, on the other hand, used their amazing marksmanship and rained arrows upon the Goblin Army. William’s buffs had also been applied to them and they had jumped from being Class C Beasts to Rank A Beasts.

Bastian and his comrades were very surprised by this additional boost in their strength. However, this was no time to consult William about it. They just focused on thinning out the Goblin Army with their long-ranged attacks.


Meanwhile, deep inside the Magic Crystal Cavern, Thor and Ragnar started to stir.

Magical energies gathered inside their bodies like a whirlpool as their bodies glowed. Dia, who was sleeping beside her two brothers, remained asleep. She was not aware of the changes that were happening in her surroundings.


Ian and Wendy fought back to back while being guarded by the five Black-Winged Panthers.

These magical beasts were some of the latest additions to William’s Herd and their powers had also increased due to William’s buffs. The Pantheress, whom William called Shalla, was the biggest Panther among the group.

She had opted to accept William’s invitation to join his Legion rather than leave the Thousand Beast Domain.

The reason? The Pantheress had a feeling that if she let go of this opportunity, she would miss out on a lot of things. Although Black-Winged Panthers were generally solitary creatures, they had decided to stick together and form a group in order to survive inside the Hidden Valley where the entrance of the Undying Lands was located.

Because of this, they remained as one of the dominant groups in the hierarchy and none dared to mess with them.

Shalla also understood that she needed to make contributions in order for William to recognize them. Right now, her task was to protect the Half-Elves lovers, and she and her team of Black-Winged Panthers ensured that the two ladies were safe.

They used their wings that were as hard as steel to block the rain of arrows that were aimed at the two girls. The Panthers also went out of their way to block the Dark Magic Spells, that were aimed at William’s lovers, with their bodies.

Due to the resistance that William had towards Dark Magic, these spells only left minor scratches on their tough, magical, bodies.

Ian and Wendy understood that William had assigned the Beasts to protect them, so they didn’t charge into the center of the fray like William and the War Ibexes. They only fought at the front lines, helping the Trollhounds and the Cercopes Monkey to decrease their enemies’ numbers.

Stormcaller rumbled in William’s hand and icycle shards flew in the air. The Hobgoblin Chieftain, and Leaders who were guarding the Hobgoblin Witch Doctor clashed with William and his goats.

‘Go, Will,’ Ella said as she stomped her hooves at the Hobgoblin Chieftain who brandished its scimitars at her. ‘Leave these Hobgoblins to us. Take down their leader first.’

“Understood. Take care, Mama,” William replied as he jumped off her back and charged towards the Contracted Monster that was surrounded by Hobgoblins on all sides.

(A/N: Yes. This is how Ella and William usually communicate. Outsiders only hear “Meeeh”. So, are you an outsider or not? Kekekeke!)

Stormcaller shone brightly as lightning bolts emerged from its tip. William thrust his spear and blasted away the Hobgoblins that were blocking his way.

The smell of charred flesh permeated the air, but that didn’t stop the Hobgoblins from closing the gap as they charged at William with blood-shot eyes.

“Icycle Realm!” William roared and everything around him was surrounded in razor sharp icicle spikes that jutted out of the ground.

The Icycle Realm is William’s Territory spell. Similar to a Battle Domain, it allowed William to create a field of razor sharp icicles that would soon explode and turn into sharp projectiles that would pierce, slash, and cut anything they come in contact with, except for William and his allies.

The Hobgoblin Defenders screamed in pain as sharp icicles pierced their bodies. Using this brief lapse in their formation, William brandished his spear and cut their heads off from their bodies.

The Hobgoblin Witch Doctor pointed its gnarled fingers at William, while chanting a spell. William smiled evilly as he held the spear in his hands and aimed it at the defenders that had formed a wall in front of the Hobgoblin Witch Doctor in the distance.

“Quick Shot Shepherd Fourth Form…” William shouted. “Grand Bazooka!”

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