Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 393: The Best Gift Of All [Part 2]

Chapter 393: The Best Gift Of All [Part 2]


William gently laid the drunken Ashe on the bed and took off her shoes. After doing that, he took off his own and laid beside her. Will gently pressed his forehead against Ian’s in an attempt to Synchronize so they could enter William’s Spiritual World.

The Half-Elf had just entered his Sea of Consciousness when a pair of arms wrapped around him and a pair of seductive eyes stared up at him.

“Will, do you… *hic* love me?” Ashe asked.

William marvelled at the light blush that spread on Ashe’s cheeks, heightening her already beautiful features.

“I love you,” William replied.

“I love you, too,” Ashe said as she kissed William’s lips.

William was quite surprised because usually it was him who initiated to kiss Ashe on the lips. The beautiful mermaid would only kiss him on the forehead and cheeks, but never on the lips.

Perhaps due to the effects of the wine, Ashe had suddenly become bold and daring. At first, she started to kiss William’s lips with small pecks. However, it then escalated to ravenous and passionate kisses, causing both of them to gasp for breath the moment their lips parted.

Of course, this was not the first time that the two of them had kissed. What was different was that Ashe was the one taking the lead and William was allowing his mermaid lover to do whatever she wanted.

Seeing that William was not resisting her advances, Ashe pinned him down on the blue sea that was the same color as her hair. Her hands suddenly ripped off his clothes off as if they were made of paper, which caught the Half-Elf by surprise.

‘Fortunately, we are inside my Sea of Consciousness,’ William thought.

William could easily create clothes inside his Spiritual World, so he didn’t mind having his shirt ripped apart. However, he just didn’t expect that Ashe had this side to her that she had never shown him before.

Ashe didn’t know what William was thinking, nor did she care. She was busy kissing her significant other all over the place.

The drunk mermaid kissed his forehead, his cheeks, ears, nose, lips, chin, neck, and didn’t stop there. She had become a complete kissing addict after getting drunk, and her kisses were slowly going down towards William’s lower half.

William hurriedly stopped the drunken mermaid before she crossed the point of no return. He was afraid that his willpower wouldn’t last long if Little William was kissed by Ashe, who seemed to be dead set on marking every inch of his body in her drunken state.

Ashe tried to resist William, but the Half-Elf was stronger than her. In the end, William had no choice but to hold her firmly in order to prevent her from waking the sleeping dragon that had already started to stir.

“Something *hic* is poking me.”

“You’re drunk. You’re just imagining things.”

William admonished the little guy who had woken up to poke their drunk lover. He took deep breaths, in order to clear his mind and prevent himself from eating the delicious fish that had landed on his plate.

The minutes passed by before Ashe finally settled down and laid on top of William. The Half-Elf didn’t dare to let her go, and allow her to do anything she wanted anymore, because he was also close to reaching his limit. He drank a few cups of wine himself and his body had started to heat up due to Ashe’s sensuous actions.

“Will. Whom do you *hic* love the most?” Ashe asked as she playfully caressed William’s chest. “Is it Wendy, Est, or Me?”

“Of course I love you the most,” William replied. He was doing his best to not focus on the playful hand that was stoking the fire that was starting to blaze inside his chest.

According to the Goddess of Lust, William must always focus on the lady in front of him and not think of other girls whenever he spends some quality time with them. She added that a lady would always want the man they love to say that they love them, no matter the situation.

“Really? Are you telling me the truth?”


Ashe raised her head and gazed at her reflection on William’s clear-green eyes, which proved that he was only looking at her at this point in time.

“Well then, why don’t you *hic* prove it to me?” Ashe laid her head on William’s chest once again, where the other half of her heart was located. “Tell me *hic* the name of the girl you love the most, and swear it upon *hic* my true name.”

William’s body stiffened when he heard the drunken mermaid’s challenge. Ashe was asking him to give her an honest answer with her true name on the line. This caught William completely by surprise and he was at a loss on how to properly respond to his drunk lover.

The Half-Elf could feel Ashe’s warm breath as she breathed softly. Her soft and delicate hand rested over the jewel that was embedded in his chest. This was the half of her heart that she had given to William in order to prevent his Spiritual World from collapsing completely.

If William were to lie to her now, wouldn’t that be tantamount to stepping on her trust and the affection that she had given him?

William took a deep breath, before finally making up his mind. Since Ashe wanted to know the truth then he would give it to her. This was also a form of love.

“Ashe, I…”


William wasn’t able to finish his words because the drunken mermaid had fallen asleep on top of him. Not to mention, she was even snoring loudly, which had never happened before. This just proved the potency of the wines that William had bought from the God Shop.

Since they were being sold there, their quality was superior to the common wines that could be found elsewhere.

William held Ashe’s warm, and soft, body firmly in his embrace as he planted a kiss on her head. Although his feelings for the girl in his arms weren’t as strong as his feelings for Belle and Wendy, they were starting to take shape.

“I know that you won’t believe me, but this I swear is true,” William said softly. “I promise to love you, just as much as you love me. So, give me some time to fully show you just how much you mean to me.”

The corner of Ashe’s lips raised slightly into a sweet smile. Perhaps it was due to William’s words, or perhaps she was having a good dream. However, one thing was sure. The hearts that were beating on both of their chests, were slowly, but surely, starting to beat as one.

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