Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 372: The Leaders of Deus [Part 2]

Chapter 372: The Leaders of Deus [Part 2]

“This is why I hate you humans.” The Elf, Alessio, shook his head in disdain. “All of you are crude and barbaric. Can’t we just sit down and talk like civilized people?”

Berthold, the middle-aged man who stood beside the Elf, spat on the ground. “This is why I hate Elves. You pretend to be so refined and elegant, yet every word that comes out of your mouths is rubbish. Do you all, perhaps, eat the deer dung in your forests for breakfast?

“As expected of Humans, all of you are scum.”

“As expected of Elves, all of you are hypocrites.”

The two glared at each other, completely ignoring Conner who had his short sword at the ready.

Although the two were quarreling with each other, Conner didn’t lower his guard. Backstabbing was very common among the leaders of The Organization. They would be more than happy to kick those that had fallen from the grace of their Pontifex and take all of his possessions like spoils of war.

“Speak, why are both of you here?” Conner declared as he pointed his short sword at the Elf.

The Elf frowned as he faced Conner’s glare fearlessly. “Why are you pointing that thing at me?”

“It’s really simple,” Conner replied. “I hate Elves more than I hate Humans.”

Berthold laughed out loud as he saw Conner antagonize his Elven Counterpart. He already knew of Conner’s hatred for Elves, so he wasn’t surprised at his current action.

Alessio also knew of Conner’s hatred for the elves, but the same was mutual so he wasn’t backing down as well.

Ironically, after a standoff that lasted for a few minutes, it was Berthold who took the lead to pacify both sides.

“Calm down, both of you,” Berthold said. “Conner, we didn’t come here to fight. At least for now. Our real fight will start soon. But, since we are acquaintances, we decided to come here to give you a chance to surrender.”

Conner grinned as he looked at his acquaintance with disdain. “Surrender? Me? What nonsense are you talking about?”

Alessio chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Aren’t you wondering why the two of us are here?”

Conner gave the Elf a side-long glance. Naturally, he was surprised when his rivals had suddenly appeared in the Southern Continent. However, knowing that the two were opportunistic bastards, his surprise didn’t last long.

Since all of them were members of the same organization, it was highly possible that his plans were leaked out by the spies that his two guests had planted in his own men.

Seeing that Conner wasn’t planning on saying anything, Alessio gave an exaggerated sigh as he continued his explanation.

“Simply put, the Elven Army and the Kraetor Empire have invaded this continent.” Alessio smirked. “We are just giving you an opportunity to surrender before our armies trample on your men during our conquest of this Kingdom.”

Conner snorted at the Elf’s arrogant words. “Conquer this Continent? You make it sound so easy. Do you really think that you can do that?”

“Of course. What can a few scum Humans do to our mighty Elven Army?” Alessio raised his head arrogantly. “No matter how many subordinates you have, do you think you can beat a tenth of the Silvermoon Continent’s Army? I’d love to see you try.”

Berthold, who was keeping quiet earlier, yawned as if the Elf’s bravado was just the boast of a five-year-old child.

“Maybe a miracle will happen and you can beat these weak Elves, but you cannot do anything about the forces of our Kraetor Empire,” Berthold stated. “You already know what kind of Army we have, right?”

Conner frowned. He didn’t know how many men Berthold and Alessio had brought to the Southern Continent. However, their confident words made him understand that both of them weren’t joking.

“Frankly, I don’t mind if you cut the ears of some of these Elves and take them back as trophies. Their arrogance had been rising as of late. The kids in my army are looking forward to capturing some Elven beauties to be raised as their pets.”

“Barbaric brutes, I’d like to see how you do that under my watch. It’s about time you realize that the time when you can enslave our race is now over.”

Conner watched the two men bicker with each other as he thought of their plans to invade the Hellan Kingdom. If one of them invaded, he might be able to resist, but if the two of them were to work together…

“What if I refuse?” Conner asked.

Alessio and Berthold exchanged a glance before laughing together. Their laughter rang out freely which irritated Conner’s ears.

“Do you dare refuse?” Alessio asked with disdain. “Do you dare?”

Berthold had also stopped laughing and his expression became serious. He wanted to know if Conner had the guts to fight the two of them at the same time.

“Why shouldn’t I dare?” Conner challenged. “Both of you came here, uninvited, in my domain and you think I will just bow and allow you to have your way? I am the leader of The Organization in this continent. Both of you are mere trespassers.”

Berthold and Alessio didn’t deny Conner’s accusation because he was correct. Both of them were trespassers, but in the face of such a juicy opportunity to gain more lands, they were unable to resist wanting to take a slice of the cake as well.

Within The Organization, it was not forbidden for the leaders to fight against each other. The strong will lead and the weak shall have to submit. This was a rule that their Supreme Pontifex had decreed.

Even Conner, Berthold, and Alessio had to fight against the former Branch Leaders before they were able to gain the position they had now. All three of them were ruthless individuals, which allowed them to become the leaders in their respective territories.

“Since it has already come this far, we have nothing more to discuss,” Alessio replied.”We will just have to fight and see who becomes the top dog between the three of us.”

“I agree. I have long wanted to punch your face, just once, Alessio.” Berthold nodded his head in agreement, “This is a good opportunity to do that.”

“Hahaha! Fine. I’ll give you an opportunity, just make sure that you don’t die in your attempt,” Alessio commented. He then turned towards Conner and smirked. “May the best Elf win.”

Berthold scoffed. “It’s time for you to wake up from your daydream.”

Conner ignored the two men’s bickering and walked away with steady steps. He still had many things to do and one of them was assigning men to find the Undying Lands before the Elves, and the Kraetor Empire, got wind of the real reason for bringing the entire continent to its knees.

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