Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 328: William’s and Sha’s Collaboration [Part 2]

Chapter 328: William’s and Sha’s Collaboration [Part 2]

A day passed.

Three days passed.

Many more days had passed by since William’s disappearance and the Celestial Army’s faces had started to get irritable. They had been on high alert for the past six days, and some of them even felt constipated because they were always on guard for William’s sneak attack.

It was as if there was an itch inside their body that wouldn’t go away no matter how hard they tried to scratch it. While all of this was happening, the Half-Elf that they had been looking for was snoring under the Earth after working hard for the past six days.

William was very tired. He knew that there’s no way that he would win against an Army that numbered in the millions if he faced them head on. This was why he prepared a surprise for them, thousands of meters under their feet.

At the start, it was only him working alone, but after a day, Sha decided to join in on the fun and helped him clear the land beneath the earth.

The Sand Demon that was seated right beside Zhu was only a sand clone that Sha had created in order to prevent the Celestial Army from noticing anything suspicious. The Pig Demon was their lookout that would warn Sha if anyone started to come near their location.

“Seriously, this plan of yours is so evil, Will,” Sha muttered as he glanced at the snoring Half-Elf beside him.

The Sand Demon was also very tired, but a hint of anticipation could be seen on his face.

‘Tomorrow,’ Sha thought. ‘All of this will end tomorrow.’

Sha slowly closed his eyes as well. Their work had been completed. All that was left to do was rest and recover their strength for the big battle that would happen the next day.


The Gods and the Immortal Heroes were quite interested in the outcome of this trial. They couldn’t see where William was, but they didn’t care. For them, who had lived in the Heavens for thousands of years, this was first-class entertainment.

However, William’s disappearance had made some of the Gods and Immortal Heroes return to their duties. They had waited a few days, but the Half-Elf was nowhere to be seen. They just asked their friends and acquaintances to call them when the battle began once again.

The King sipped his winecup as his brows furrowed into a frown. He had used his eyes to scan over the battlefield and the boy couldn’t be found anywhere. The other warriors did the same and got the same results.

What did this mean? It meant that William was currently not on the battlefield. Since that was the case, there was only one place he could be hiding…

Naturally, if the King and the other Immortal Warriors had thought of this, the Gods and the Celestial Army thought of it as well.

The Crimson Knight had already ordered the Knights to use their aura to attack the ground under them, in order to force the boy out, but it was to no avail.

When they started their attacks, Sha had taken William very deep under the ground where the shockwaves wouldn’t reach him. After a full-day of bombardment, the Celestial Army stopped. They had already done their best, but the rat that was hiding underground refused to come out no matter what.

What they didn’t know was that their attacks had unknowingly helped the Half-Elf loosen the hard layers of soil under the army’s feet. Because of this, the drilling process became faster.

William and Sha didn’t have to forcefully break these solid rocks and soil, which made their work less troublesome. They even thanked the Celestial Army in their hearts because they had made their jobs easier!

When the Seventh Day came the Celestial Army was at their wits end. They had finally reached their limit and even the slightest movement would trigger them into action. What they didn’t know was that this was also a part of Wiliam’s plan.

After working with Ezio for six months, the boy had learned how to create tension. Ezio was an expert in making his victims feel uncomfortable. He would never give them a moment of rest. He would make them feel as if they were being watched all the time which would put stress on their bodies and minds.

Wiliam had employed the same techniques with the Celestial Army with the help of Sha. The Sand Demon would make certain parts of the ground shake, rise, and create dust clouds which would prompt the army to go and investigate it.

The Celestial Army had grown tired of this harassment and just ignored these random movements from the ground.

When the sun finally set, and darkness covered the domain, William’s eyes opened. A wicked grin appeared on his face as he unwrapped a black lollipop before placing it in his mouth.

“Is it time?” Sha asked. He then stood up and crossed his arms over his chest.

William nodded, “It’s showtime!”


Perhaps it was just a coincidence, but on the Seventh Day, when William decided to execute his plans, there was no moon in the sky.

The battlefield around the Heavenly Gate was shrouded in darkness, and only the light within its portal could be seen for miles.

A Golden Knight yawned in order to release the pent-up exhaustion inside his body. Soon, more yawns spread across the battlefield as the other soldiers gave in to their bodies instincts.

They said that yawns were contagious. When one person yawned, everyone would yawn as well.

After the Golden Knight finished yawning, he felt something brush off his body, like a passing breeze. The knight scanned his surroundings, but didn’t see anything suspicious. Thinking that he was just imagining things, he returned to his vigil in order to prevent the Half-Elf from getting past the Heavenly Gate.

William slowly made his way towards the Heavenly Gate with steady steps. The lollipop inside his mouth was the black lollipop that allowed him to use the passive ability “Cloak of Darkness”. As long as the lollipop was inside his lips, he could use the cover of the night to move without being detected.

Naturally, this skill had its limitations. Powerful individuals, who were able to see through illusions and temperature would be able to detect him right away. Fortunately, none of the Knights that he had passed by had these abilities.

Every so slowly, the gap between William and the Heavenly Gate lessened. When he was only a few hundred meters away from the gate, William’s steps became slower. He was doing his best to create the least amount of noise in order to prevent others from detecting his presence.

It was one of the things he learned from Ezio during his training, and so far, things were going smoothly… that was until.


One of the guards sneezed and everyone looked in his direction. The Celestial Knight was embarrassed and bowed his head in apology to his superior. However, before he could even raise his head, another sneeze sounded right beside him.

William hurriedly covered his nose, to prevent himself from sneezing one more time. It was quite unfortunate that when the guard sneezed, he sneezed right on William’s face, which irritated the Half-Elf’s nose.

The Half-Elf’s body tensed as he remained completely still. A few seconds later, several aura’s washed over his body, making it stiffen.

William sighed as he took the lollipop out from inside his mouth. His cover had already been blown, so there was no use hiding it.

“You know, you should really cover your nose when you sneeze,” William nagged at the Knight that sneezed on his face. “You lack manners.”

The Celestial Knight grinned as he nodded, “Sorry. I’ll do better next time.”

“That you should.” William wiped his face using his shirt. He then gave the Celestial Knights that had already encircled him a refreshing smile before waving his hand. “Bye!”

The knights closed in and hacked William with their weapons, but the boy remained unmoved. When their attacks hit the boy’s body, it collapsed and turned into a pile of sand.

“He’s here!” the Captain of the Celestial Knights shouted. “The boy is here.”

The powerful Captains of each Squad activated their aura’s and scanned their surroundings. After seven days of waiting, their target had once again made himself known.

“Quick Shot War Art… Fusion Form.” William’s voice echoed eerily in the dark night. “Blitzer Railgun!”

The Black Knight Commander near the gate immediately turned himself into a giant and used his body to block the entrance of the Heavenly Gate. The Crimson Commander stood in front of the giant and unsheathed his blade, while expanding his senses to the limit.

Suddenly, the Crimson Knight slashed his sword at something, only to find himself being covered in a sticky substance. After taking a whiff of it, the Great General of the Celestial Army identified it as grease.

The Crimson Knight frowned and used his aura to repel the foreign substance from his body.

Although the Knight wasn’t fully certain, he could have sworn that he had heard a low chuckle the moment the grease splattered on his body. It was as if William was making fun of him and the Crimson Knight hated it.

The battlefield once again descended into darkness because they had lost the trail of the boy once again.

A minute later, a loud explosion was heard a few meters away from the Heavenly Gate, prompting everyone to look in that direction.

William stood at the center of several knights that had lost their consciousness. The boy casually unwrapped a chocolate lollipop in front of everyone, while his green eyes glowed in the darkness.

He then pointed his staff at the Heavenly Gate and said… “Quick Shot War Art… Fusion Form.” William’s voice echoed eerily in the dark night. “Blitzer Railgun!”

William disappeared from where he stood and the Crimson Knight immediately went to block his trajectory. However, nothing happened.

Soon, several loud voices echoed across the battlefield and all of them were saying the same thing.

“”Quick Shot War Art… Fusion Form.” William’s voice echoed eerily in the dark night. “Blitzer Railgun!””

Several whooshing sounds followed after and several projectiles flew towards the Heavenly Gate from the darkness of the night.

Those with strong senses were able to pinpoint these flying objects, and went to intercept them.

Suddenly, a blinding white light descended upon the battlefield. The light came from the flying projectiles that the Commanders of the Celestial Army tried to intercept.

They were the concentrated white lollipops that William had fused together, to create an intense blinding light that forced the knights to close their eyes. Several of these lights appeared at the battlefield at the same time, which forced the defenders to shield their eyes for a brief moment, due to its intensity.

However, what followed next made the Gods and Immortal Heroes suck their breaths in surprise.

“Omae wa mou…”

Those were the last words that the Celestial Army heard before the ground from under their feet collapsed, sending all of them falling into a huge pit that was over a thousand meters deep.

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