Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 304: A Secret Meeting With Mother-In-Law

Chapter 304: A Secret Meeting With Mother-In-Law

The sound of water splashing echoed within the walls of the indoor spring within the Special Quarters of the Hellan Royal Academy.

There, a beautiful girl with blue hair washed the body of the red-haired boy who was floating above the water’s surface. If this was a month ago, Ashe would definitely not be able to look at William’s naked body with a calm expression.

However, after the two of them had spent some time within Issei’s Special Domain, the two of them had become so close to each other that they bathed and slept together. Of course, Ashe was embarrassed at first. How could she not be?

Even so, William was so patient and gentle with her that, in the end, she wasn’t able to stop herself from surrendering to her inner desires. Aside from training, the two of them spent their time getting to know more about each other.

The beautiful mermaid learned the likes and dislikes of her lover, William, which made her feelings for the handsome Half-Elf grow by the day.

After twenty days of living inside the special domain, the two had grown so close that they even bathed together. Of course, they didn’t do anything inappropriate because William’s willpower had grown after he had “made love” with the adult Wendy in his dreams.

Ashe wiped William’s body with a wet cloth in a systematic manner, leaving no side untouched. Half an hour later, she left the indoor spring and helped dry William’s body with a towel.

The Academy was almost devoid of students and teachers, because most of them had gone to the Windsor Fortress as reinforcements.

It had been two days since then and she was not aware that the Fortress had already fallen. She didn’t know that the defenders had already moved to Ravenlord Citadel to prevent the Aenasha Army from reaching the capital of the Hellan Kingdom, Gladiolus.

After the morning ritual was completed, Ashe undid her transformation and returned to being Ian. She couldn’t stay in her Nymph form for too long, because the curse of a Goddess was not easily undone.

At most, she could stay in her Mermaid Form for three hours in a day, that was the reward she received after clearing the Trial of Enlightenment back on the Kyrintor Mountains.

Deep inside, she was thankful that she was given the opportunity to revert to her true form. If not, her relationship with William would not be as intimate as their relationship was right now.

The two had moved to the Dean’s Residence at Simon’s insistence. Now that there was almost no one inside the academy, the Dean’s Residence was the safest place within the academy because it was protected by the strongest runic formation cast by a legendary Runemaster.

After hearing about William’s condition, Simon proposed that William stay in a special room that had the most dense Spiritual Power in the academy. Ian readily agreed to this proposal because it would increase the rate of William’s recovery.

When Ian arrived at their room, she noticed that something wasn’t right in the air and raised her guard. She was firmly holding William in his embrace as she scanned the room for any abnormalities.

“Very good, your perception is quite high,” an approving voice said from behind the curtain of William’s bed.

When the curtain parted, Ian came face to face with an otherworldly beauty who seemed to be in her early twenties. Her beauty was enough to make Kings and Emperors kneel and profess their undying love for her.

Although Ian was confident with her looks, in her mermaid form, she felt that she was nothing compared to the lady that stood in front of her. Her looks, and womanly curves, made Ian feel envious enough that she was hoping that what she was seeing was just an illusion made from her lack of sleep.

Ian’s gaze landed on the lady’s light-blue hair, which was a few shades lighter than her own blue hair when she was in her mermaid form.

Ironically, the eyes of the lady were also a few shades lighter than Ian’s own purple eyes. But, the thing that caught Ian’s attention the most were none other than the two purple horns that glowed faintly atop the lady’s head.

She had seen those horns so many times before that it was impossible not to recognize them. However, her discovery only made her even more confused.

Ian couldn’t feel any sort of malice or hostility from the beautiful lady who seemed familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

Ian held William’s body firmly as she gathered up her courage and said a name.


The lady smiled and nodded her head.

“Lay William down on the bed first,” Ella said as she looked at the red-haired boy in Ian’s embrace. “There are some important things that I need to discuss with you. If possible, I would like you to cooperate with me. Not only for your sake, but for William’s sake as well.”

Ian nodded her head and did as she was told. Although she didn’t know how Ella managed to get a humanoid form, she knew that the beautiful lady would never hurt William.

In fact, Ian was feeling anxious. It was as if she was going to have a meeting with her “mother-in-law”.

Deep in her heart, she hoped that Ella wouldn’t bring up the times when she argued with William in the past. More than anything, Ian wanted to gain Ella’s approval because in the Half-Elf’s eyes, Ella was his Mama, who had raised him since he was a baby.

Ella caressed the side of William’s face and looked at him with eyes full of tenderness. After having her fill of skinship, which only lasted for half a minute, Ella returned her attention to the boy that was seated on the bed and holding her son’s hand.

“I need both of you to leave the academy and travel to the North,” Ella said in a tone that demanded no room for opposition. “You are to bring the Youngest Prince, and the granddaughter of the Great Chieftain as well. Dave is still in the academy, so tell him to make the necessary arrangements. All of you must be away from the Capital before midnight.”

“Why?” Ian asked. “Why do we have to leave the Capital? What about the Young Lady? Did something happen on the Frontlines?”

“I can’t answer your questions right now, and it would be best if you let the Youngest Prince answer them for you,” Ella replied. “Est, is fine for the time being. However, it is of utmost importance that you leave the Capital tonight.

“If you delay, not only you, but Will’s life will also be in danger. There are people pulling the strings in the shadows and they are going to strike soon. If you really love William then do as I say before it’s too late.”

Ian looked at Ella’s eyes and saw the urgency in them. She then clenched her fists and reluctantly nodded her head.

Seeing that Ian had agreed to carry out her order, Ella lowered her head and planted a kiss on each of William’s cheeks before standing up.

“Remember, you and the rest have to leave before midnight,” Ella said as she walked towards the door. “I will head to the North first and make the necessary arrangements. Also, Ian…”

“Ashe,” Ashe interjected. “Just call me Ashe, Ella.”

Ella turned her head and smiled, “Well then, Ashe, keep this meeting between the two of us a secret. William is still unaware of my existence and I plan to keep it that way for as long as possible.”

“Okay.” Ashe nodded her head. “Can I also call you Mama from now on?”

Ella giggled as she waved her hand to bid Ashe goodbye. “I’ll think about it. See you soon, Ashe.”

Ella closed the door behind her and sighed. “Almost fifteen years old and already has four ladies waiting for him to grow up. William sure is popular with the girls.”

William’s second mother shook her head one more time before turning into particles of light. She planned to head North and make preparations for their arrival.

David had secretly sent her a message through the Bell of Anthanasia and told her everything that was happening in the background.

After careful consideration, Ella decided that the North was the safest place for William at the moment. Although she was worried about the people important to her “adopted” son, now was not the time to be sentimental.

War was knocking at the Capital’s doorstep and the final battle was only days away from reaching a conclusion.

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