Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 207: The Star Of The Show Has Arrived

Chapter 207: The Star Of The Show Has Arrived

The various noble families from all over the Hellan Kingdom, as well as those who held considerable influence, all gathered within the Royal Academy.

Today was the day when the King of the Kingdom, Noah Ernest Vi Hellan, would officially recognize the birth of a new Knight Order.

Currently, there was only one Knight Order in the Hellan Kingdom and that was the Knight Order of Gladiolus. The members of this order were given special treatment by the nobles as well as the other important people in the Kingdom.

Their Commander, Andreas Valentine, was hailed as one of the pillars that supported the King’s rule and ensured that laws and orders were followed without fail.

Now that a new Knight Order was about to be founded, many nobles were wondering why the King had made such a move. Of course, there were speculations, but none of them dared to ask the king publicly or in private.

Afterall, Noah was known for being a firm ruler and once he had decided upon something, he wouldn’t take it back.

The Sun was about to reach its Zenith and the time for the official Knighting Ceremony was near. However, the one who would be granted the prestigious title was nowhere to be seen. This irritated some of the nobles who had travelled a long distance just to participate in the event that was organized by the Royal Academy.

“I daresay it was a mistake to appoint a lowly country bumpkin to be the head of a Knight Order,” an Earl said in disdain. “Just who does he think he is for making the King and all of us wait here for his arrival?”

“That’s right!” a baron supported. “Just because his family has earned him a few achievements, he dares to act like he’s a bigshot? Such arrogance!”

“Why don’t we ask the honorable Viscount Ainsworth why his nephew is still not here?” a Marquess asked to join in the fun. “Since both of them came from the same hometown, he should be aware of the boy’s current status, Yes?”

“Yes! Speak up Lord Ainsworth, where is this nephew of yours who is supposed to be the Commander of this new Knight Order?”

“Don’t tell me he chickened out? Well, that is to be expected of someone who tends to sheep and goats.”

The sneers, jeers, and laughter filled with contempt, started to spread within the area where the nobles were seated.

Naturally, Noah, the King of the Hellan Kingdom, heard it all, but he made no move to help Mordred. Deep inside, he was wondering why the boy Est had praised over the high heavens was still not around.

Although there were still fifteen minutes before the appointed time, his behavior was not satisfactory.

Andreas, who was seated on the King’s left side, had a smile on his lips. He had heard about the boy from the King and wondered what kind of individual he was. Unlike the nobles, the Commander of the Knight Order of Gladiolus was looking forward to William’s appearance. In his mind, anyone who could make the King wait for him was someone worth befriending.

While Mordred was being taunted by his peers, the students of the First Year Martial Class Division were feeling anxious.

Everyone in the academy knew that William was their Head Prefect, and was looking forward to his arrival. However, as the hours passed, no signs of the “Heroic First Year” could be seen. The upperclassmen of the Martial, Magic, and Spirit Divisions were looking at the anxious first years with various expressions.

Some of them felt contempt, ridicule, and disdain.

Some felt interest, and amusement.

Only a small minority, mainly the First Years of the Magic, and Spirit Divisions sympathized with the Martial Class Division. They had come to admire William after his inspiring performance during the Dungeon Outbreak, and some of them even treated him as their target to overcome and an idol to idolize. Only these students felt genuine concern for William’s absence.

Est, Ian, Isaac, and Wendy, in particular, were feeling more anxious than most. Ian had even cursed William internally for the umpteenth time for being an idiot.

The sun had risen to its zenith and only two minutes remained from the allotted time. Mordred, who was seated in the noble’s area, raised his hand to stop the nobles from speaking. He had a smug look on his face, as he turned his head to look at the people around him.

“Calm your tits, everyone,” Mordred said with a smile. “The star of the show has arrived.”

As if waiting for his words, a loud screech reverberated in the air as several dark figures appeared over the horizon.

Conrad, William’s Dragon Knight, grinned as he ordered his partner to dive.

Right behind him was a platoon of Hipogriffs flying in a V formation with him as the lead. In the center of their formation, was a flying carriage pulled by a Gryphon. The carriage was coated in gold and shone brilliantly under the light of the sun.

The nobles who watched the scene gasped in shock because the Wyvern’s speed didn’t decrease, in fact, it had even increased as it glided near the ground. The Hippogriffs flying on its left and right side had done the same thing with the golden carriage at their center.

When they neared the area where the nobles were located, the Wyvern made a right turn with only a few meters away from the seat of the nearest noble. The gust of wind created by the sudden turn, and the whirring sounds that followed not long after, made the nobles seated at the very front almost pee in their pants.

Suddenly, the sound of cheering was heard and it came from the First Years of the Martial Class Division. The Aerial Knights circled around the venue once before separating into four groups. These four groups made crisscrossing aerial maneuvers that made Andreas raise his brow.

Ironically, the leader of the Gryphon Brigade of the Hellan Kingdom was also there. He watched as the First Years performed an air show that even he and the members of his brigade were unable to perform.

The First Years of the Magic and Spirit Divisions joined in the cheering and some of them even called out William’s name.

Suddenly, trails of colorful smoke appeared behind the Aerial Knights as they zigzagged across the sky to continue their performance.

This was the first time that the citizens of the Hellan Kingdom had seen this kind of thing. Even Noah found himself transfixed by the exhibition that was happening in the skies. The interchanging smoke trails of white, blue, and red, created various shapes that mesmerized those who viewed them from the ground.

In the end, three giant hearts of different colors appeared in the sky above the academy. At the center of the heart, a trail of blazing fire-made by the Wyvern’s Dragon Breath-created a flaming bridge headed towards the ground.

Right at that moment, the Gryphon, pulling the Golden Carriage, trailed over the bridge and flew towards the place where the King and his important ministers sat.

The Gryphon landed smoothly on the ground where it was showered by cheers from the students, and also a few members of the nobility. Even those that had taunted Mordred earlier found it hard not to be impressed by the performance that they just saw.

The Gryphon made a right turn when it neared the King’s makeshift throne and stopped.

The doors of the carriage had a unique design on them that was similar to an Angorian War Ibex with its front legs raised high and head facing the sky.

It was the insignia of the Angorian War Sovereign and it was now making a debut in front of everyone.

Dave jumped down from the coachman’s seat and respectfully opened the door closest to the King.

Priscilla, Kenneth, Spencer, and Drake, disembarked from the carriage and lined up on either side of the door. They pressed their fists over their chest and looked straight in front of them.

Not long after, William stepped out of the carriage wearing his full Battle Regalia. The equipment that was forged for him by the greatest Blacksmith of Lont, Barbatos, appeared in front of everyone.

This was the same set of armor that he had worn during the Dungeon Outbreak and it made the ladies of the First Year Divisions look at him with starry eyes. Wendy wasn’t able to stop herself from emitting a soft squeal when she saw how handsome William was.

The Golden Armor, as well as the Winged Circlet that adorned the young boy’s head, made him look like a prince that was about to go to war.

He walked with steady steps as he passed his officers. All the nobles’ expressions became serious as they appraised the young man.

Lawrence, who was seated not far away, looked at William with a wide smile on his face. Seated right next to him was his granddaughter, Rebecca, as well as the representatives of the Misty Sect.

Naturally, Rebecca’s mother, Agatha, and mentor, Eleanor, were also there. The Misty Sect Disciples, headed by Kingsley, looked at William with various emotions. Right at the center of them all was a “Great Elder” from their Sect, who had a higher position than Eleanor.

The old lady gazed at William with a calm expression. She knew who he was, because Eleanor had mentioned his name many times in the past. Her reason for coming today was to give the King some face, as well as to see this “fiance” of one of the prodigies of their sect.

She was already aware of the Seven Year Duel agreement and, to be honest, she didn’t care much about it. For her, Rebecca was one of the Core Disciples of the Misty Sect and no ordinary man was suitable to become her partner.

When William arrived in front of Noah, he bent his knee like a knight and saluted his sovereign.

“Long Live his Majesty, King Noah Ernest Vi Hellan,” William shouted. “Glory be to the Hellan Kingdom!”

“”Long Live his Majesty, King Noah Ernest Vi Hellan!””

“”Glory be to the Hellan Kingdom!””

The nobles and the students repeated his words, as they, too, saluted their sovereign.

Noah nodded his head in appreciation of William’s performance. Deep down, he felt slightly better for having to wait for the arrival of this “red-headed hot potato” that had caught Est’s eye.

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