The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 182 2 Things

At the same time, I created a rapidly spinning ring of blades around me to destroy the biomechs that were trying to physically surround and capture me.


Biomech after biomech started losing bits and pieces of their body parts.

Even though those parts were so close to me, I could not spare a single iota of energy to break them down to absorb them.

My main focus was the biomech powerhouse that was still very miraculously resisting my massive red energy drill!

"Whatever power the Horse Gavarels have to resist my red energy, I must have it." I muttered to myself. "I must devour it and let my red energy gain immunity against it!"

It was, of course, the right way and the only way to deal with Darkblood Energy. But I had no idea that I had instinctively stumbled upon the solution that many researchers were already grappling with for so long.

Although the Horse Gavarels were a ferocious bunch, they had never fought against one such as me who had metal blade tornadoes at their beck and call.

Shrieks of agony and fear started to sound from the second bunch of what was supposed to be stronger and more Elite Gavarels.

In an important engagement against a visibly similar enemy, most armies could sustain over thirty to fifty percent losses before routing.

In an even battle against an enemy that was also visibly weakening as quickly as they were, they probably could last up to seventy five percent.

The numbers vary wildly depending on the quality of the soldiers, of course. An excellently trained and brainwashed army could even fight to the last man if the commander is crazy enough to will it so.

However, against an unknown enemy that was decimating them with great ease, most armies would not last longer than sustaining fifteen percent losses before fear would overcome them.

And by the looks and sound of it, the second Gavarel army was about to break.

Unlike the first Gavarel army who had the false impression of safety due to being physically far away from me and each other, these bunch of Gavarels could see my blade tornado ripping their comrades apart at close range, and their gruesome deaths worked wonders to undo the tough training they had been through, and to send them plunging into the deep depths of horror.

After another minute of butchery, both things I had been aiming to achieve suddenly happened within seconds of each other.

With one fearsome wave of panicked screaming, the second Gavarel Army finally broke formation and fled in all directions!

And a second after that, soundlessly, their commander finally succumbed to my red energy drill and exploded in a burst of blood and metal parts.


"YEAHHHH!!!" I screamed out victoriously and immediately spread both my hands wide as I willed my red energy to disperse and to devour every single biomech up.

At that moment, right when I thought I was at the peak of my elation, my red energy pierced through the bits of flesh which was what remained of the Horse Gavarel Commander, and devoured it as well!

"HOLYYYYYYYY SMOKEEESSSS!!!" I screamed in an ecstacy I never knew I was capable of feeling.

I truly felt like I was a poor peasant winning a billion dollar lotto!!

After every victorious battle, the looting is always the best and most looked forward part.

And it was the same for me in that case.

I was in complete and utter bliss as the streams of high grade biomech particles from the downed elite soldiers and flesh from their commander surged towards me from all directions and enhanced my already incredibly powerful self.

Several unique biomech designs presented themselves to me, including the commander\'s very unique and much more powerful design which was equivalent to a standard medium white mecha from the Chinese Federation.

I wasted no time to send those designs to the Demoness, and then closed my eyes to make sense of the images that was already starting to flash in my mind.

Like the previous Gavarel I absorbed, the images were flashes of memories belonging to the commander.

I ignored his personal memories and focused solely on their race, politics, economic and military details.

What I discovered astounded me to my core.

That the Horse Gavarels were preparing an invasion on the land dwellers was not a surprise for me.

However, the sheer scope and preparation of the invasion that were happening was something that truly blew my mind away.

Apparently, the Horse Gavarels were only one out of nearly a thousand ocean dwelling races that had evolved rapidly and were in a coalition to invade the entire world!

No, not invade…

To CONSUME the entire world!

The deep ocean civilisation had very unknowingly developed at an explosive rate, completely skipping decades of intellectual, cultural and technological gestation to reach a startling level of maturity that resulted in hundreds of advanced tech being implemented in their ever growing armies.

I did not say a single word, and merely transmitted all the information I got from the commander Gavarel into the transmitter.

Within seconds, I saw Secretary Wang\'s face pale very visibly.

The information transmitter delivered the information directly to the Secretary and bypassed both Bruce Pang and the Ancestor. However, Secretary Wang\'s natural reaction did not escape their notice at all.

Their faces turned grim.

If the information that I got from the commander\'s memories was serious enough to make even the Demoness turn deathly white in fear, then…

"I think we\'re pretty much screwed this time." Bruce Pang couldn\'t help but mutter. He then turned to look at me earnestly.

The Ancestor did so as well.

I sighed and told them the gist of what I saw.

"They say in every danger lies an awesome opportunity." The Ancestor said sagely, albeit in a slightly trembling voice.

"Awesome opportunity?" I asked him carefully.

"Indeed. If the tech is as advanced as you say, then we must achieve two things here in our mission." The Ancestor said.

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