You're My Mate (BL)

Chapter 209 - 209 Finally!

After the two of them had intercourse for a long duration, finally, they both rested while hugging each other.

“Did you have good news?” Robert whispered to Edward, who was looking at him with a deep look.

“Of course...”

Edward answered with a broad smile and gave all the information known to him.

David and Leon don’t know if Edward is a traitor. He has been secretly spying on the movements of David and Leon for the past month.

All information he got will be notified directly to Robert.

Of course, Edward also knew about the birth of David and Leon’s daughter.

Edward told everything he knew, making Robert widen his eyes and smile too wide. He did not expect if it turned out that Leon could also get pregnant like Nicholas.


This information is a gem that is so valuable to Robert because, with information from Edward, he can carry out his plans smoothly.

“Alright, if it’s like that, my plan will run smoothly. You can indeed be relied upon!” Said Robert smiling broadly at his lover, then hotly kissing his lover’s lips.

Finally, the two, who rested for only 30 minutes, immediately continued to have intercourse.


Henderson’s residence.

David and Leon are currently in the backyard swimming pool; they both decided to play water for a moment so they could refresh the weather so hot.

They both sat by the pool, soaking their feet.

“So you can feel if our daughter has a magic power?” David asked while playing with his legs that entered the swimming pool.

Leon nodded while looking at David; he was sure that the feeling he felt earlier was a sign that a little Davareon had magic power.

“I am still unsure about my speculates because Aunt Chelsea is also in Davareon’s consciousness. So I think that nothing is impossible,”

“Nothing is impossible for her to be able to do magic at her age. That is still so early!” Leon added, smiling at his husband.

Someone smiled broadly behind the kitchen window when they were discussing the topic.

Who else, if not Roland? He always eavesdropped on the conversation discussed by David and Leon so that he did not miss any news that concerned little Davareon.

“It turned out that what I thought was true, little Davareon could use magic! I was even more curious to be able to meet her soon!” Roland thought, smiling broadly and looking at David and Leon, who were currently talking.

Roland always hopes Leon can use his Teleport Magic to visit his daughter immediately. Because he also immediately wanted to meet with little Davareon.

After almost 15 minutes of chatting while soaking feet in the backyard pool, David and Leon finally decided to practice again.

“Are you sure we continue training again?” David asked Leon because he was a little worried about Leon’s condition. Because for more than a week, they both practiced but took a break for only a few hours.

Leon smiled broadly at his husband and said, “Of course, we have to continue training again; I immediately want to meet with Davareon!”

“Don’t you immediately want to meet our daughter?” Leon asked, adding to David.

“Of course I want; I can’t wait to meet her,” David answered with a smile to Leon, then suddenly lifted Leon’s body and was invited to run to the front yard.

They both look so happy and can joke while doing activities.

Until Leon had to do the exercise again to stabilize his strength.

David sat under a shady tree while looking at Leon, who was currently going to do training.

Leon slowly walked to the middle of the yard.

Meanwhile, Roland immediately ran again to the attic open to observe the exercise of the two.

When Leon was in the middle of the yard, he closed his eyes and concentrated on using the strength inside him well.

Right now, he will try first to use his magic power. That’s the most important thing to do now.

Although he already has a full Werewolf status, until now, he has never tried his Werewolf strength, Because it’s too focused to use the magic power.

Currently, Leon is trying to concentrate on achieving the magic power that is in him. More precisely, he wanted to be able to fully control the magic power he had because there had been various experiments that tried but always failed.

This time he wanted to succeed to be able to control the power of his magic.

“I have to be able to. I have to be able to control this magic power! I want to meet my little Davareon! Please!” Leon thought while continuing to concentrate on being able to achieve the magic power that was in him.

When he concentrates on being able to use magic power and full control, he suddenly feels a different sensation than before.

Previously, Leon felt a vibration in his fingers. And feel an adrenaline that is so strong in his heart.

But this time, it was different; when Leon concentrated and begged to be able to use the power of his magic completely, suddenly, he felt like there was a spark in him that would light.

When he felt the sensation, he did not refuse that feeling. He was sure that the feeling of sparks that seemed to be burning in his body was a sign that he would be able to control the power of his magic.

So finally, he decided to follow the sensation of power currently spreading throughout his body.

When Leon felt the spark slowly burning in his body, without realizing it, suddenly his body drifted into the air.

It certainly made David widen his eyes, surprised because it felt Leon could slowly control his magic power.

Roland, who saw that, also smiled broadly because he knew Leon could slowly control his magic power.

When Leon felt the sparks in his body were increasingly flaring up. His body also drifted into the air and the higher without he realized.

Leon’s body floated in the air at a certain height, and soon, a strong wind came from all directions, like burning his body.

The strong wind currently wrapping around his body continues to move in a spinning manner, thus making a funnel with a fairly large size, like a tornado.

David, who previously smiled broadly because he felt Leon would be able to control his magic power, smile now faded immediately when he saw the scene.

“Leon! Leon !!!” David shouted in panic when Leon’s body was in the middle of a giant wind funnel.

And it feels like David’s screams are in vain because Leon cannot hear him. Because, at this time, he was too focused on being able to achieve and control the power of his magic.

But the incident did not last long; Leon slowly opened his eyes.

When he realized he was currently in a large vortex, he immediately tried to control the wind with his magic power.

Leon moved his fingers; he turned his body opposite the direction of the wind spinning.

At that moment, a bright blue light came out of Leon’s fingers.

The bright blue light is like directly mingling with a whirlpool that is currently like being wanted to devour.

David, who had previously panicked to see the incident, suddenly fell silent while raising his eyebrows.

“Did he deliberately make the tornado wind?” Said David while looking at the vortex of the wind, which is currently coated with a light blue light.

Leon turned his body faster and faster so that it made the rotation reject the wind rotation currently surrounding him.

As a result of the bright blue light colliding with the vortex of the wind, the size of the giant wind slowly decomposed.

And leaving the figure of the shadow of the man who is currently floating in the air, namely Leon.

Leon, who has succeeded in taming the vortex of the wind, slowly landed right in front of his husband.

Smiling broadly, David hugged Leon tightly without saying a single word.

Leon was a little surprised when his husband suddenly hugged him tightly. But because he knew his husband was happy because he finally could control his magic power, he stroked his husband back gently.

“Finally, you can control your magic power!” Said David while releasing his arms.

He smiled broadly and then kissed Leon’s lips gently.

After that, he invited Leon to get into the house to enjoy lunch, Because David knows that Leon today requires a lot of energy intake.

“We better enter the house; we must celebrate your success by enjoying lunch!” Said David inviting Leon to enter the house.

Leon smiled broadly as he nodded, “I want to eat stirring stomach spicy and salty soy sauce!” Leon added while smiling broadly at David.

Of course, David agreed to what Leon had just asked.

Finally, they both decided to immediately enter the house and enjoy lunch.

After arriving in the dining room, their eyes widened instantly when the food desired by Leon was presented on the dining table.

And in the dining room, there was already Roland sitting while smiling broadly at the two of them.

“Ah, both of you have finished practicing. Let’s eat together, and I just made a stir-fried sauce and spicy for both of you; we can eat together!” Roland said with a big smile, making David and Leon see each other.

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