Reincarnated With A Badluck System

Chapter 74 Stage Two Sex Beast Mode

"Whaaaaa…d-did you take these from master Edgar\'s collection?"

"These are all intermediate weapons!"

"S-so beautiful….." 

Everyone starts to gape at the weapons on the ground in admiration, however, none of them picks any of them up.

Abby simply gives me an unusual glare….

"Why did you have to do this? And why did you pick that worthless garbage from master Edgar\'s collection when you have these…?" She asks while squinting her eyes.

"All these weapons don\'t suit me, that\'s why I chose to see if  I can get a compatible one from master Edgar\'s collection…." I answer.

I pick up the katana and give it to Layla… 

"I think this would suit you

 best," I tell her as I hand the katana over to her.

She blushes furiously as she accepts the blade from my hands, her eyes also get a little teary due to the elation she is feeling right now.

"T-Thank you very much, I don\'t know how to repay you, Vincent….." Layla says as she appreciates me with a deep bow while collecting the sword.

Looking at her, I can tell that she is not up to 17 years of age or she should be exactly around that age.

Right now, Abby is looking at Layla with murderous intent and severe jealousy etched on her face….

I don\'t bother sparing her a glance, instead I gaze at the rest of the teammates that are still drooling….

"You guys should pick the weapon that suits you best," I declare. 

"Really?!" Kim rushes forward and clings to me as her eyes sparkle like stars…

"Of course, you can pick any weapon…." I tell her with a pat on her head.

She simply nods her head in excitement and picks up a retractable spear. 

Laura and Kurt follow suit and pick up a spear and a longsword.  Laura takes the sword while Kurt picks the spear. The two boys behind Layla also come forward and pick up two swords.

After everyone picks their weapon, I put away the remaining two long swords and five spears… the only person who did not pick a weapon is Russell… because he prefers using his fists to battle.

"We don\'t know how to thank you, bro, but if you ever need our assistance in the future, we\'ll gladly help you…." The two boys in Layla\'s group say with a deep bow as they store their new weapons like sacred artifacts.

"Thank you very much– Vincent! I love you!!!" Kim rushes toward me again and kisses me on my cheek, causing her lip gloss to stain my cheek.

This time around Abby\'s face is full of rage and she looks like she\'s about to explode….

"Hey, Kim…. You shouldn\'t do that…" Kurt scolds Kim as she hides behind his back because of Abby\'s murderous glare.

"Waaaaah!!! Why does big sister Abby need to have him all to herself?" Kim cries out.

Everyone simply let out a sigh… and facepalms.

"Kim…why are you still so gullible? The team leader\'s face is about to explode, you idiot." Laura whispers and pinches Kim.

"Uwaaaaah!!! Why are you pinching me, I am telling the truth… I want Vincent," Kim cries out again as she peeks while hiding at the back of her brother.

"I\'m sorry man…. Kim has always been like this since we were small. She\'s had ADHD (Attention deficit/Hyperactivity disorder) since she was a she just started acting mature and is trying to fit in among her peers, but at times…her childish side kicks in. 

She is in the same group as me so that I can look after her…." Kurt apologizes to me and looks at Abby for forgiveness.

"Ahh~! You don\'t need to worry much…Kurt, Kim is like my younger sister and I understand her predicament… Let\'s proceed with the mission," Abby swiftly replies like she isn\'t bothered, but the look on her face says it all.

As for Kim, it\'s no surprise that she has some complications. The surprising thing is that there are things in this world that are the same on earth. For example, the ADHD syndrome.

"Uwaaaaaaah!!! Team leader, I like Vincent, we are going to share him." Kim cries out again.


"Alright, now that everyone has upgraded their beast weapons to the intermediate-tier, we should be able to complete this mission effortlessly," Abby announces as she ignores Kim and glances at the katana in Layla\'s hand.

Fuck! She probably knows that it is a king-tier beast sword.

In the next moment, everyone starts to move toward the human settlement on this beast planet. This settlement looks like a small town as there are several races living here and going about their day-to-day activities.

What is noticeable here is that there are several blacksmiths and beast crystal Vendors. Furthermore, there are also tons of adventurers that are either selling their beast items or purchasing them. 

"Abby, I\'d like to sell some of my weapons, can you spare me some time?" I ask.

"Humph, suit yourself," Abby answers with a snort.

I leave the rest of the team as they ask for directions from the denizens…

I walk for quite some time around the lousy market, before I finally see a weapon shop that I like.

There are several weapons displayed and hung in this shop. The weapons range from basic-tier to intermediate-tier, so it\'s obvious that the owner isn\'t a rich merchant. 

I walk to the entrance of the shop and call out to the shop owner who is inside the shop.

In the next moment, a very old man who is human suddenly emerges. It\'s apparent that this man has lived longer than 10,000 years….as there are wrinkles on his face…and his back is bent slightly.

"Waddaya want boy?" The old man asks as his eyes scan me from head to toe.

"I have some weapons to sell," I tell the old man as I wave my hand in the air and bring out five spears and two longswords, and put them on the steel table in front of us.

The old man\'s eyes suddenly brightens and shines with stars the moment his eyes land on the swords and spears.

"Yes!!! Finally! I have made it!! Hahaha, the handwork of the legendary warrior that single-handedly slaughtered 20,000 foot soldiers, 500 warlords, and a single Arch-mage." The old man cries tears of joy as he inspects the weapons.

Is my father that popular?

"Old man, why do you look  so happy?" I ask in confusion.

"You don\'t know?"

"Know what?"

"That these weapons were made by General Lancelot before he died!?

"Yeah, I know… what\'s so special about it?" I ask, in confusion…

The old man drops the weapon, letting out a sigh….

"How can you be so ignorant? If it wasn\'t for the fact that you are a noble, I would have reported you to the guards."

"W-What…why? How did you know that I am a noble?"

"I have lived long enough, I can tell that you are a noble with just a glance. Not to talk about the high-grade space ring, aura concealer, Jade stone ring, and flawless, healthy-looking skin that is perfected by drinking tea made out of dragon scales…" The old man starts to list all the things on my body.

Damn…do they cost that much? This is the kind of person that Abby warned me about….fuck! I need to leave real quick.

As if the old man can read my thoughts, he suddenly starts talking…

"Don\'t be scared, I am a kind, old man… but it would be better if you don\'t flaunt that ring around…

The maker of these swords and spears only created 100 intermediate-tier beast weapons for his sergeants….and 10 king-tier weapons for his knights.

It is rumored that the intermediate weapons can go toe-to-toe with other forgers\' king-tier weapons, while his king-tier weapons are on par with other forgers\' Emperor-tier weapons. To top it all off, it is also rumored that the swords can only be used by their wielders and even after their deaths, the will of the wielder will still be instilled in them. This just makes me wonder how they got into your hands when you have no idea about them" The old man explains…

I see….

"Each sword goes for 10 platinum coins. Normal intermediate beast weapons cost 1 platinum coin. However, because of these special babies, I am going to buy them from you for 10 platinum coins each…" The old man tells me as he looks at the weapons with sparkling eyes.

Mmm, such a cunning old man…he is probably going to auction it.

"30 platinum coins each, don\'t be a greedy old man…" I tell him nonchalantly.

The old man grits his teeth…

"Fuck! You have yourself a deal!" The old man curses and immediately packs the weapons into his shop, while motioning for me to enter. 

The moment I enter the shop, a sweet fragrance wafts into my nose and I see a young lady who is about my age or slightly older, playing the violin.

The man\'s shop is nothing special as there are only weapons hanging around. Then the moment the girl\'s gaze lands on me she drops the violin and covers her face…

"Grandpa!!! What are you doing? Why did you bring him in?" The girl yells while covering her face.

"Aiyoo~! I am sorry, my little princess. It was so urgent that grandpa forgot about you," The old man apologizes and immediately covers the girl\'s face with a cloth.

"I am sorry young lad, my granddaughter is just too beautiful, so much so that men go crazy and pounce on her the moment they see her… o-only her family members are immune to her beauty." The old man tells me.

Mmm, weird…

"I didn\'t feel anything though… even after seeing her face. She just looks like a normal girl to me," I tell the old man with a shrug.



Even the girl leaks out a voice in surprise and removes the cloth that is shielding her face. I will admit that she is very beautiful, but there is nothing special about her…..maybe It is probably because I have seen a lot of beautiful women…. However, this girl makes me remember the stage two sex beast mode, causing sweat to roll down my face.

It is just like a ticking time bomb…

"This is unheard of!!!"


The old man and the girl shout at the same time, snapping me out of my daze.

The girl walks toward me and stands in front of me like she can\'t believe her eyes….

"I am not here for drama, please give me my money." I tell the old man.

"Okay-Okay-Okay," the old man replies and finally closes his mouth as he walks into a small room, while the girl stands in front of me, looking dumbfounded. 

Sometime later, the old man pays me my money which is a total of 210 platinum coins…and I exchange contact with his granddaughter through my amulet.

The money I earned just from selling these weapons is almost half of the money I have made in this world…damn ... .just how rich is my mom.

Once I come out of the shop, I see the rest of my teammates looking at me with a frown.

"Honey, what took you so long?" Abby asks, as she walks toward me and interlocks her arm with mine.

Mmmm, what\'s up with her?....

"I am sorry for taking so long…guys," I apologize.

"Vincent! Let\'s go and board the carriage…." Kim calls out to me and points toward a fancy-looking carriage that looks like a sedan SUV. This carriage is much bigger than the ones we own in our house.

In the next moment, all of us board the carriage. However, the moment we enter, Abby tells me to sit at the back…

What I notice right away is that only Abby and I are sitting in the back row seat that can still take four more people…

The rest of my teammates along with Layla\'s team are sitting in the front row with red faces as the driver ignites the carriage and starts moving.

What the heck….?

Before I understand what is going on, Abby suddenly sits down on my lap with a grin on her face…and starts to grind her buttocks against my sleeping dragon….

Suddenly Green words start to appear in my view…


[Stage Two Sex Beast Mode Activated]

[The Host has lost all of his senses….]


In the next moment, my body suddenly moves on its own as I grab Abby and pin her to the chair.

"Kyaaaa!!! What are you doing? I was only messing with you!!"

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