Master Of Myths

Chapter 200 - A Changed Man

With the echoes of steps came Mia\'s voice, stopping shortly after as she and the newly dressed YuJu came before a certain cell

"Hmm, he does look the part"

Gazing at the huddled up man he saw his figure reflect in the tired eyes staring back up fearfully, so different that he barely even recognized himself anymore

The hair and eyes were a start, but his outfit saw a complete overhaul too, instead of the usual gray color wheel he followed his clothes now consisted a white vest splitting down the end, lined up with dark gold that supplemented the black cloak draped on his shoulders, with a silver linchpin holding it together from the top

"Bow before your Lord"

Mia warned promoting the man to shiver and get up shakily, giving a low bow to this man whom he\'d never seen

"Display your Obsidian Skin"

YuJu ordered as Mia got the bars to open, something that made the man feel even more fearful but he did as told anyway, many times already he had seen what miserable fate awaits those who disobey these monsters, not that the ruling over his blood allowed much room for that to begin with

In the dark cell the man\'s completion slowly shifted from pale into dark, arms and chest gaining a sheen as the skin turned metallic

"I guess this should do"

Saying so YuJu walked inside, taking off his left glove to reveal the skeletal hand which now held an ingot, the other hand meanwhile pressing on the thrall\'s hard as rock chest

The next second a vortex formed sucking up the ingot, slowly but surely channeling through the other hand into the thrall whose veins looked like they\'d pop any moment now

Once the process was done YuJu withdrew his hand and hid the skeletal hand with the glove once more while the man heaved one heavy breath after the other

"Any change in your skill yet?"

" haah...."

"Guess it is not as efficient as blood purification, though you managed to live through it which is enough for now"

Turning around he left the cell, walking back up


Mia motioned for the man, following her Master without paying him any more attention

Struggling to understand what they wanted from him the man stepped out of his cell slowly, trudging the stairs behind them in a resigned manner

Later the three arrived at the meeting hall where he saw two other similarly dressed thralls kneeling, strong vampires meanwhile stood near the throne where the man took seat


"Uh, Lord"

YuJu nodded at him and then glared, confusing the man as a sort of pressure started to form around him, only when it started pushing down did he realize he was supposed to kneel like the other two thralls

"Now then"

Seeing the man kneeling YuJu started the meeting everyone had been gathered for

"From here on we will discuss our approach to the human race as vampires"

Those present all nodded in understanding

"So far we have taken forceful methods in turning them into thralls, this method has been useful thus far but must be ceased, with how strong they have become it would prove to be inefficient to forcefully control them as we do now"

Ika was the first to nod in agreement, finally they would stop kidnapping them

"But Master, wouldn\'t it defeat the purpose of our hidden actions thus far?"

Mia was the first and only one to question this course of action, granted for good reason

"That\'s why we are to appoint a vampire as the leader of the faction, thus not exposing any of our cards in the process"

"Who might that be?"

"That\'s one of the reasons we are here, to choose who among you takes the position"

His eyes scanned the few vampires, looking for any volunteers

"I recommend Saa takes the position"

Ika spoke in her absent friend\'s place, but Mia quickly interjected

"A vampire with nature powers? Doesn\'t sound very domineering, the leader will paint an image in the human\'s minds, and it must be one that scares them from crossing us"


A glare from her mother shut her up quick, what was she thinking recommending the traitor anyway

"Hmm, Nee does fit right in that\'s decided then, she shall become the leader of the vampires in their eyes, that is, if she manages to live till then"

Those words caused the quiet Nee to shiver, reminded of her fate if she failed to convince humans of the vampires\' \'good intentions\'

No one objected this time and the conversation moved on

"Now, we need a way to entice them into joining, mind you my powers will be excluded from most of the recruits, only those deemed of use would have their blood purified and helped in evolution"

"The concept of long life span and greater power should easily entice them no?"

"Not quite Ika, what\'s the use of living a longer life or having more power if you will be spending it under another\'s rule, unless they have a goal like you do they wouldn\'t choose this path"

Most of those present, especially Ellis, formed a surprised expression, when had their master understood the value of freedom?

"Why the surprised expressions, all of you?"

"Umm, no it\'s just…Master didn\'t strike us as someone who cared for feelings as much as practicality"

"Well of course I would, not that I would be willing to allow it given a choice, the only loyal ones are those who cannot betray"

There was a ting of nostalgia in that sentence, one of bitter memories they were sure

"Let us not go off subject, anyone has an idea as to what we should offer?"

He looked at them and they looked at each other, feeling somewhat lost, if he didn\'t know then what was he asking them for? Wasn\'t he the smartest and most knowledgeable one here?

"Come now, it can\'t be that none of you have anything at all"

He teased, giving them the hint that he possibly knew what to offer but gave them the chance to present their own ideas

"Umm, perhaps offer rewards?"

"Too resource draining my dear Mia"

"Training then? We are one of the best combat experts in the land"

"If they were willing to train then they wouldn\'t have come to us to begin with, furthermore no one is enticed by training, perhaps only you Ellis"


That struck the lady hard, she also didn\'t like training! It was just her diligent self that pushed her to do it….probably

"My Lord"

"Hmm? Do you have anything in mind Arthur"

Seeing the thrall speak up he wore an intrigued look on his face

"It may be pompous of me but could I put forth an idea?"

"Hoo, go ahead"

A little impressed by the man\'s bravery to speak when he just came here YuJu decided to give him a chance, who knew, maybe he would have the best idea

"Many thanks my Lord, it is as my Lord had pointed, the highest gains would be getting some sort of purification or evolution, but since they would only be saved for some key members, how about making it look like those members deserved the reward?"

The idea was pretty straightforward, simply because it offered nothing new, in fact it came back and answered from his very question, YuJu could only say…

"Well done, it\'s the same as what I had in mind, leave it to the low blood to figure their own needs"

"My Lord\'s praise is wasted on me"

Arthur seemed more accustomed to this way of speaking that he found no difficulty fitting into the conversation, much unlike the other two thralls who\'ve yet to speak a single word

"Anyone has a brighter idea?"

This time the vampires lowered their head in shame, a thrall had beat them, and in such a simple task at that, it would seem they needed to work on tier intellect a little more

"No? Then we have ourselves a rough idea of what we are to do, as for its execution, we need to see whether the future leader would live before beginning"

With a soft chuckle he sent a glance Nee\'s way, causing the woman to lower her head in deference immediately

"This concludes our meeting, go back to your stations"

They all nodded and proceeded to exit the meeting hall

"Except you Mia, I need a briefing"

She stopped in her tracks and turned back in confusion, what did he need a briefing about

"Tell me, the recent attack"

Leaning forward and narrowing his eyes YuJu continued

"Just what in the world caused you to fail such simple defense"

Mia gulped under the piercing eyes, indeed it was supposed to be a one sided victory, yet she failed it so miserably, combine that with Nee\'s recent schemes coming to light…she really was in trouble, perhaps more so then the pesky traitor

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