Accompanying the Phoenix

Chapter 63

Shen Li frowned: “I only know that I was born on the battlefield . My mother and father were both members of the demon army . I was raised by the Demon Lord . For thousands of years, no one has ever questioned my identity, I don’t think my life experience is weird . ”

Lady Jin said silently: Perhaps your Demon Lord is hiding a lot of things from you... When you get well, you might as well go back and ask him . ”

After saying this Lady Ji looked at her own hands and then helped Shen Li to tie her belt,

“After two more treatments, I can’t touch you like this anymore . This lady is really reluctant to part ways . ”

Shen Li smiled: “Lady Jin is kind to Shen Li, wait for Shen Li to deal with trivial matters, after everything is done, I will definitely come to Lady Jin to drink tea and play games and comfort your loneliness . ”

Lady Jin covered her mouth and smiled: “If so, this Lady can wait . ”

Before she could say anything more, her eyes snapped sharply, and a bit of killing intent appeared on her eyes

“Oh, today is a strange day, there are some desperate guys who came to this lady’s house to run wild . ”

Shen Li said with a serious face: “They’re difficult to deal with?”

“It is a little difficult to clean up, but Sister you don’t need to be afraid . Whit me and God Xing Zhi here, we will turn them from bone into rotten meat, easy to digest . ”

You wait here until your sister has dealt with them after I will come and take you out . ”

Shen Li frowned: “I’ll go together with you . ”

But Lady Jin pressed her down: “How much mana did you actually recovered? You have lost your sense of touch today . Where are your weapons, do you want to go into battle with your bare hands?”

Shen Li was stunned by Lady Jin’s words . Finally, Lady Jin touched her head,

“Hey, it’s ok to be protected by someone before you are completely cured . Let me go this time . ”

After Lady Jin left, there was no sound in the hole, and Shen Li looked at her palm, this feeling of powerlessness really made people unable to adapt . She is not used to sitting at the end of the shield, enjoying the victory without fighting, she should...

Suddenly, Shen Li heard a very fine wind in her ears, but there shouldn’t be the wind in this almost closed hole . Shen Li’s eyebrows sank slightly, her gaze fell on the corner of the cave, the extremely small noise awakened her already extremely sensitive hearing, she should...fight!

Shen Li raised her head quickly at the exact moment that a sharp edge flew over her head .

A few strands of hair fell down . Her gaze immediately followed in another direction, where something appeared and disappeared before she could see what it was .

Shen Li squinted slightly her eyes . Suddenly: “Who is coming?”

It was reasonable to say that there with Lady Jin guarding outside, even a mosquito couldn’t fly in, how come this guy...

The person finally stepped out of the shadows and showed his figure, that face, Shen Li remembers well .

It was the person who had attacked her in the seaside hut not long ago . She still remembers this person carrying the person who was frozen by Xing Zhi and running away . Now he has found her again, but... he seemed to be different from last time .

He hunched down on the ground, with a stubborn face, grinning teeth, and spit from the corner of his mouth . If it weren’t for his human figure, Shen Li would almost think he was a beast .

Why did he... become like this?

Without waiting for Shen Li to figure it out, the man screamed and rushed forward . Shen Li dodged aside, avoiding dangerously . However, this man moved extremely fast . When he stretched out his hand, his sharp five fingers scratched Shen Li’s waist .

Shen Li gritted her teeth and the mana that was so hard to recover quickly condensed a magic barrier . She blocked him, and avoided to the side, the man quickly followed . His fighting power was not the same as a few days ago!

Shen Li knew that in her condition she couldn’t fight hard with him . Turning her gaze to see the dark passage behind the stone bed, Shen Li thought about it, dodged, and retreated back to the stone bed .

She deliberately exclaimed, pretending to be behind the stone bed . When she stumbled and leaned back, the man flew forward . Shen Li was on the bed, raising her feet, and using the power of her pounce to lift him straight into the passage .

Seeing the person falling, Shen Li breathed deeply, and suddenly heard Xing Zhi’s breathless call: “Shen Li!”

She turned her head and saw Xing Zhi had run in at some point .

“How is it outside...” Before she could complete the word, Shen Li only felt the tightness of her back clothes . She turned her head in amazement and saw the man like a ghost crawling out of hell, pulling her clothes, still behind her .

A pair of scarlet eyes looked at her . Shen Li hadn’t seen it clearly yet when a huge power surged in, surrounding her .

Shen Li had nothing at hand, she felt a sense of weightlessness as she was dragged into the abyss .

At the moment she fell, she seemed to feel a cold breeze and someone holding her hand, warm and forcefully . Someone accompany her to fall into the abyss desperately...

There were cold water droplets on her face, Shen Li opened her eyes, and saw the darkness all around her . She was... she fell into the abyss or she lost her five senses again?

What was this situation? Shen Li pinched her face and felt a little pain . Presumably, she didn’t lose all her senses, but seeing that her sense of touch has been restored, she must have fallen here a long time ago [TL/note: Because her senses change in a daily basis]

She didn’t know if there was enough time for Lady Jin to cure her . If she got hurt again, she was afraid it would be terrible .

She stood up and touched the hard rock wall with her fingers . She thought that this place should be the rock cave at the bottom of the passage . Her current mana was not enough to let her fly out . Could it be...that she would have to climb up with both hands and feet?

When she was feeling helpless, Shen Li suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from the other side of the cave . The steps were light and steady . It was the sound of Xing Zhi walking .

She was overjoyed and called out: “Xing Zhi !”

Chapter 63 . 2

The footsteps of the other side accelerated, and in a blink of an eye he was in front of her: “You are awake . ” He said, ” Are you blind today?”

Shen Li was taken aback: “There is light here?”

“No, but the stone you picked from the boat that day is actually shining, although I can barely see when holding it . ”

Shen Li nodded: “I just thought I could not fly out of here by myself, This is great, Now that you have found me, let’s go out together”

Xing Zhi stopped and pondered for a while: “It’s not that easy to get out . I’ve explored this place several times before you wake up . It looks like an ordinary stone cave with eight passages around, but these passages are all sealed and we can’t get out, and the hole where we fell isn’t above our heads . It seems there are seals everywhere . ”

“Well... Lady Jin seems to have said that this is the place where she threw her evil desires, so it makes sense that she would put a seal here . ”

“So that’s it . ” Xing Zhi said, “She chose a good place . This place is a sealed place between heaven and earth . It is easy to enter and difficult to leave . With her power, it is indeed a good place to seal a monster, but...” Xing Zhi’s voice stopped with a wry smile, “This will be bad for us . ”

“This... you are saying that you can’t break this...?”

“There is a way, but it takes time, and you can’t wait . ” Xing Zhi’s voice was slightly condensed . ”

“There are three more hours before you need to receive treatment, and just three, I can’t do anything in just three hours . ”

“It’s better to wait then . ” Shen Li said, “Maybe Lady Jin can save us from out there . ”

Xing Zhi sighed: ” This is all that we can do for now . ”

There was a moment of silence in the cave .

Xing Zhi suddenly asked: “Is it cold?” Shen Li shook her head and listened to Xing Zhi who said: “I am a little bit cold . ”


hen Li said silently, “ You’re very fragile . ” After saying this, she followed Xing Zhi Breath, she slowly moved over and stood next to him: “Lady Jin said that I am like a stove . Do you feel better when standing like this?”

“Well, perhaps if you get a little closer . ”

Shen Li moved a little closer

Xing Zhi slightly curled the corners of his lips behind her: “A bit more . ”

Shen Li exploded: “I’m standing next to you!”

Xing Zhi laughed, and his breath was sprayed behind Shen Li’s ears, her cheeks turned numb and slightly red .

Shen Li hung her head and was silent for a while, then asked :

“Lady Jin said that the force that opposes my own spiritual power may be a monster power . ”

Her voice was a little dull, “Since she can see it, you should also, after all, you and I have been in contact for some time now . ”

Xing Zhi only said “um”, and did not explain what it meant .

Shen Li opened her mouth, and wanted to ask “Why didn’t you mention it to me?” But she didn’t dare .

No matter, Shen Li said in her heart, what is the need to mention it? Everyone has their own mind .

Time passed slowly, getting closer to the time when Shen Li should receive treatment, but there wasn’t a sign of Lady Jin .

Xing Zhi suddenly said, “How did she... How did Lady Jin treat you?”

Shen Li knew his intentions as soon as he asked this, because...she thought the same way . He should be able to do the treatment thing as well, but...

Shen Li stabilized all emotions and calmly said: “She bite the skin around my neck, inject mana, and then use mana to calm my body . ”

She omitted a lot because she thought that although Lady Jin only asked her to take her coat, she took off all of her clothes . Just to make it easier for her to use a snake body to cool her down .

Xing Zhi frowned: “It’s just that?”

Shen Li affirmed: “It’s just that . ”

Xing Zhi was silent for a moment: “This time, I’ll help you . ” He knew in his mind that the time was approaching, so he lifted Shen Li Hair away .

He pulled the clothes around her neck gently and pushed them aside . Her neck appeared before his eyes, and he could vaguely see the collarbone of Shen Li .

Thinking of long ago, when he was still a mortal walking through the earth, the hairless phoenix turned into a naked girl in the cool night breeze . At that time, he put a blanket on her without changing his face and heartbeat . Now... Now it was just the collarbone, but it made him feel a little lost...

It’s really hopeless .

Shen Li waited for a long time, and noticed that Xing Zhi’s breath had been lightly falling on her skin, she was a little nervous so she couldn’t stop her mouth . :

“Is my neck dirty?” As she said, she reached out and rubbed it .

Xing Zhi sighed and grabbed her hand: “It’s very clean . His voice was slightly hoarse .

He bit on it . Xing Zhi’s teeth were not as sharp as Lady Jin’s . Her skin wasn’t so easy to pierce . But he didn’t want Shen Li to feel pain, so he just pressed his teeth lightly on Shen Li’s neck .

Shen Li gasped in a “hiss”, slightly angry: “Are you playing with me? Can’t you be more serious?”

Xing Zhi just wanted to hold his forehead .

In the end, he had mana attached to his teeth, and with only a single tap, he broke the skin and flesh, and the smell of blood spread slightly in his mouth . He sent the mana into Shen Li’s blood and followed slowly with the flow of her blood .

However, he did not expect it to be like this . The more he spread his mana, the more small auras fought in Shen Li . However, whenever he resolved a conflict, Shen Li’s body became hotter .

He just started the process, but, Shen Li was already sweating and her body was even hotter .

Although she held back, Xing Zhi had already clearly felt her physical discomfort .

Xing Zhi immediately condensed the cold air with his palms and sent it into Shen Li’s body from both shoulders, but the speed of the cold air could not keep up with the heat rising in her body . It was hard to handle...

Xing Zhi’s heart sank, and his hands reached in front of Shen Li and untied her belt . ... Shen Li was already a little confused by the heat at this time, unable to estimate the surroundings .

Xing Zhi’s palm finally touched her skin, but Xing Zhi found that even the barrier of his own clothes would hinder the transmission of cold air . Thinking of what he was going to do, his figure stiffened .

The moment when he paused, the aura in Shen Li’s body also paused, and Shen Li immediately hummed in discomfort . If it hadn’t been uncomfortable, how could Shen Li behave like this?

Xing Zhi returned to his senses, closed his eyes, and concentrated .

The white robe fell, and he hugged Shen Li into his naked arms .

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