Villain Cultivator

Chapter 657 Mao Miaomiao VS Sin Of Envy (2)

Two arms and two legs of Brocell were reduced to ashes.

Miaomiao stomped on Brocell\'s chest. The right foot crushed the ribcages and dantian of the dungeon master. Not satisfied with the torture, Miaomiao shoved Killer Queen into Brocell\'s mouth and destroyed the latter\'s teeth.

"I\'m disappointed, Brocell. You\'re supposed to be a protagonist. You\'re supposed to be the four Heavenly Fiends\' successor. How come you\'re so weak? Are you sure that you are using 1,000% of your true potential?"

Although Miaomiao taunted Brocell, he concentrated on manipulating his providence domain and providence Qi, exploring and searching for Brocell\'s dungeon core, which was his true body.

Miaomiao didn\'t believe that Brocell could only summon clones as he had seen Brocell\'s detail in the Protagonist Rematch Mode before.

Difficulty Setting: 1,000%

Name: Brocell, the Heavenly Fiend

Cultivation Base: Heavenly Fiend Deity

Core Cultivation Method: Dungeon of Heavenly Fiends


True Heavenly Fiend Bloodline

Indestructible Fiendish Physique

Dungeon Soul Core


Dungeon Providence

Mimic Providence

True Fiend King Providence

Secret Techniques/Battle Style

Fiendish Array Master

Dungeon Lord

Sovereign of Fiends and Monsters

Fake Physique & Self-Destruct Sequence

Secret Weapons

Dungeon Core

Trickster Gun

As Miaomiao had erased Brocell\'s existence, he couldn\'t fight Brocell in the Protagonist Rematch Mode. However, he could see the potential of this guy.

Fake Physique & Self-Destruction, Fiendish Array, and Deception Combat Style were the reasons why Miaomiao chose to be cautious.

Being cautious of the trickeries of Brocell, Miaomiao chose not to insta-kill this fake body. Instead, while he distracted Brocell, he searched for the dungeon core, which might be Brocell\'s real body.


Despite having no teeth, Brocell could still curse.

"Mao Miaomiao. You can\'t kill me! I\'m the successor of Fiend Sages. If you kill me, they will hunt you and your family down!"

Miaomiao rolled his eyes, "I already erased your true soul. You\'re only the remnant memory from the other timelines. Why bother threatening me when I already offended those sages?"

"Ha! My remnant will is the only salvation for you! If you spare me today, I\'ll give them a good word to spare you and your family!"

"You sure?"

Brocell scoffed, "I\'ve already lost! You won. Now, let me live, and I\'ll return the favor!"

Miaomiao rolled his eyes to the side, not believing in Brocell.

Why did he talk like he still existed in the universe?

Answer? Simple, he might be buying time to prepare a big move, such as arrays or grand spells.

However, there were problems. Miaomiao believed that the fake body was the current Brocell, which might trigger a self-destruction sequence upon death.

Miaomiao had no idea how far Brocell\'s power was, but he didn\'t let his guard down. He let Killer Queen probe the fake body and steal his power.

\'Steal everything you can, Killer Queen. Eat everything until you puke!\'

\'But I\'m already full! Let me digest something first!\' Killer Queen complained.

\'Hurry up. He might find out soon that we\'re looking for his dungeon core.\'

\'Fine. But I\'m going to loan some undigested Providence Qi to you, okay?\'

\'Why loan? You can simply transfer them to me. Heck, you should have done that earlier, you stinky metal!\'

\'Screw you! Every strand of Qi is rightfully mine! I need them to evolve, you dumb dickhead!\'

The two secretly argued while they scanned the dungeon and searched for the dungeon core.

But as both angel and katana were feinting ignorance and torturing Brocell, Orochi suddenly stomped his feet and destroyed the ground.

He turned toward Brocell and Miaomiao.

"It turns out that you are fighting a clone, brat. I\'ll lead you to the real body of Brocell so that we can get this over with earlier."

Brocell widened his eyes in shock while Miaomiao and Killer Queen were taken aback. Everyone wanted to curse Orochi that he was too nosy, and he ruined their plans.

Miaomiao clicked his tongue and pulled Killer Queen out of Brocell\'s mouth. He chased after Orochi, who had demolished several floors and walls, creating a path toward an unknown destination.

Brocell\'s limbless torso instantly regenerated his lost body parts. A handgun appeared in his hand, and his body sank to the floor.

Two seconds later, Brocell emerged inside a small room with only one light bulb. He grabbed the light bulb and swallowed it.

Orochi\'s large feet kicked the walls and the floors, opening a path to this room. His eight heads opened their mouths and fired eight beams of providence Qi attacks on the dungeon.

All ceilings and walls were vaporized to smoke, leaving the flat ground with no wall and ceiling.

Now, the dungeon cube transformed into flat earth.

"Orochi, you ingrate!" Brocell was enraged.

Orochi snorted, "I saw through your little trick, fiend brat. You were planning to use that fake body as a catalyst to destroy both me and this brat together!"

Miaomiao nodded as he had the same suspicion. In Japanese novels, Dungeon Masters\' common weaknesses were their dungeon cores, so he figured that killing Brocell might not be the end.

Realizing that his ploy was thwarted by the hydra, Brocell\'s expression turned cold.

"I was planning to save your soul after I detonate the dungeon along with Mao Miaomiao. Too bad, you picked the wrong side!"


Brocell shapeshifted. He transformed into a 100-meter tall Chimera with eight human heads, eight dragon-like long necks, six humanoid arms, six hands, a dragon body, dragon scales, a hundred tentacle wings, nine fox tails, and a hundred funnel eyes. His Twilight Providence Qi released a decaying aura all over the flat earth.

No matter how they looked at it, this blasphemous creature wasn\'t supposed to exist in this universe.

Orochi eight heads narrowed his eyes and looked at the monster in disgust.

"I was planning to be neutral. I guess I need to give this brat a hand."

"No, you don\'t."

The eight heads of Brocell burst into laughter. One of his hands folded as if it held a switch.

Miaomiao widened his eyes in shock. His gaze shifted to one of the weapons in the monster\'s hands.

It was a giant black katana, which looked exactly like Killer Queen but bigger!

Brocell pressed the switch and Orochi\'s eight heads were detonated, leaving only eight headless necks.

The glorious and terrifying dragon king collapsed and dissipated into nothingness!


Brocell cackled. His eight heads became more heinous and grotesque as their expressions were inhuman.

They turned toward Miaomiao next.

"It\'s your turn, Mao Miaomiao! How does it feel that I now have your power?!"

"Dafuq?!" Miaomiao sensed something weird. He tilted his head in confusion and looked at Killer Queen. He was still astonished by Brocell\'s stupidity.

Because of the weird transformation and the Twilight Providence Qi appearance, Killer Queen also transformed into a refined woman with a bloated belly, and she gazed at the monster in bemusement.

Killer Queen pursed her lips and scratched her head as well.

"Is he serious? Is this really his final form?"

Miaomiao shrugged, "I don\'t know. It\'s his idea, not mine."

"Then, he\'s a fool. I can\'t believe he has picked this form over a billion better forms."


Both Miaomiao and Killer Queen facepalmed as if they knew something.

Brocell\'s expression changed. He glared at the two, "Are you mocking me?"

"Yeah, we\'re mocking you. You dense cabbage!" Killer Queen shook her head and transformed back into a black katana.

The observers looked at each other in confusion. None of them understood why Miaomiao suddenly let his guard down after Brocell showed them his transformation.

Many of them looked at Mu-Nyang, Metatron, and Lilith, who seemed to be the most educated ones here.

Mu-Nyang yawned, "Bad synergies, munya. The successor of the fiend is destined to fail, munya."

Lilith facepalmed, "I still can\'t believe four sages fucked up the basic knowledge."

Metatron shrugged, "What can I say. They\'re fiends, not smart humans. They didn\'t learn the basics of cultivation when they were born."

Wei Yuan looked at the three and tried to figure something. Then, she glanced at Diaochan, who also had the same expression as the big three.

She figured out something by looking at Diaochan.

"Wrong type of basic Qi. Fiends are still creatures that are more compatible with Life Providence Qi, but Brocell is using Twilight Providence Qi. He will get into trouble soon."

Xu Chu patted Wei Yuan\'s back, "Good observation."

The other wives of Miaomiao still couldn\'t understand Brocell\'s weakness. Mao Xueyan looked at Xu Chu to ask her.

"Senior, could you enlighten us?"


Xu Chu coughed and glanced at Lilith. The latter snickered and took over the role.

"I\'ll explain. You girls are aware of the difference between Life Qi, Twilight Qi, and Death Qi, right?"

Mao Xueyan pondered, "Life Qi consists of Yin Qi and Yang Qi. They are the foundation of living beings. Death Qi reverses that since it only destroys everything that uses its Qi. Twilight Qi is a polluted Qi that can only be used by undead creatures or demons."

Lilith shook her head, "That\'s a misconception. Twilight Qi is not compatible with demons."

"But what about Demon Qi?"

"Demon Qi is an inferior version of Life Qi since they both consist of Yin and Yang. Demon Qi has more impurity and a tinge of Blood Element Qi in it since it is created by demonic races. Twilight Qi, on the other hand, comes from heretics and unorthodox cultivators that tamper with the power of Life and Death. They combine both Life Qi and Death Qi to create something new so that they can control undead creatures."


Mao Xueyan realized something. She looked at Diaochan, who was the master of Twilight Providence Qi and Death Providence Qi.

Now, she understood why Wei Yuan had gazed at Diaochan before she figured it out.

Diaochan puffed her chest and looked up. The tip of her nose seemed to grow longer, "I\'m beautiful, and I knew it!"

"So, what happened to Brocell?" Mao Xueyan ignored the silly girl and changed the subject.

Lilith smiled, "Because he\'s using the wrong providence Qi to supply his other elemental providence or domains, his abilities will soon be…"

While the girls were chatting, Miaomiao beheaded Brocell\'s eight heads.

"Well, that happens," Lilith giggled.

Miaomiao held Killer Queen with one hand after he beheaded the eight heads of Brocell.

The eight heads rolled on the ground and were burnt to ash. Yet, new heads emerged from the neck wounds.



The hundred funnel eyes in the sky were sliced in half as well. They popped like Ping-Pong grenades and vanished.

One of Brocell\'s new heads bellowed in anger, "It\'s over! DIEEEE!!"

Three hands of the chimera pressed the switches in their hands.


Nothing happened.

Brocell widened his eyes in confusion. He looked at the other three hands, which were wielding three black katanas.

He had just ordered three copies of Killer Queen to destroy Miaomiao and the entire dungeon. Yet, nothing worked.



Miaomiao maintained his kendo stance and didn\'t move from the spot, but red flashes of sword cuts appeared on the giant blades. After the click sound, all copied swords were shattered by Killer Queen and Miaomiao\'s Death Fortress Sword, Offensive Style.


Miaomiao sneered, "You haven\'t realized it, have you?"

"WHAT?! HOW?!"


Suddenly, Brocell\'s body was vertically cleaved in half.

The light bulb at the center of Brocell\'s body was cut in half as well!

Miaomiao revealed the truth.

"Twilight Providence Qi is only compatible with liches and necromancers. Why the fuck are you corroding yourself with necromancer\'s power, you idiot."


Brocell slowly disintegrated into dust while his wide eyes still stared at Miaomiao in puzzlement and shock. He didn\'t even understand what mistake he had committed.

Miaomiao sighed and patted his chest, appreciating his plot armor and luck that his foe was stupid.

Mao Xueyan looked at Lilith again.

"So, what\'s wrong with Brocell and Twilight Qi?"

Lilith elaborated, "Twilight Qi contains both Life and Death properties so it has a will of its own. By having a sentient spirit or a will, the Twilight Qi doesn\'t always listen to the master. Sometimes, it resists the commands and stops supplying energies to the cultivator. Unless you are a friend of undead creatures, who relied on Twilight Qi to live, it\'s better to use Life or Death Qi instead."

"Then, why did he use Twilight Qi in the first place?"

"He might have mistaken Chimera as an undead creature. A chimera is a half-undead half-living being. It\'s just a combination of body parts of dead creatures, and those parts need to be resurrected and function the same way as a living creature. Meanwhile, undead creatures are deader than death, but they persist to exist with their dead bodies. Also, it didn\'t need to become a living being with living body parts again. Even if Brocell has a general idea that undead requires Twilight Qi to operate, he still needs Life Qi as a core to function since Chimera is not an undead creature. That is his mistake."

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