Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 248 Arthur Xeton

Damien narrowed his gaze and asked, "May I know what senior brother saw in me to help me out?"

Arthur softly chuckled as he patted Damien\'s shoulders, "Is it that surprising to help someone in trouble, especially when they didn\'t break any rules? As a fourth-year senior disciple, I must make sure my juniors don\'t suffer any ill-treatment no matter from who."

Damien, however, felt it odd that in such a world, especially a prince like him could be so kind. With so much power, wealth, status, and being the future heir to the most powerful empire in the continent, it was easy to get drunk with their status.

However, the person before him seemed like a charming gentleman whose smile made people feel at ease, just like how one feels when they behold the serene sea in the mornings.

But Damien had a certain feeling about Arthur which he decided to think about later and said with a smile, "It seems like senior brother is even more kind than the rumors say. I feel lucky to have such a helpful senior brother as my senior. After all, not all seniors are receptive towards me."

Arthur gave an airy smile as he said, "That\'s because of your brilliance. Some wouldn\'t take it well to see their juniors surpassing them. Even I am astonished to know that a person of your caliber truly exists. After all, defeating someone like Roy with your cultivation is something we have not even heard or seen in history books. A prodigy like you is the first we have ever witnessed and probably would never witness again. You are like a godsent talent, even more talented than me."

Damien gave a restrained smile, "Senior brother praises me too much. We will only know for sure later."

Arthur shook his head with a smile, "That\'s not true. I can already see that you will surpass me soon, even before your cultivation reaches the Sky Ethereal Realm. And I have to admit I am really jealous of your talent. It really makes me think that junior brother\'s background is really not simple."

\'Is this guy for real…\' Damien was surprised that Arthur was very direct with him, even to the extent of admitting his own jealousy, which was not something someone of his status would usually admit themselves.

Instead, they wouldn\'t reveal their jealousy even remotely and still act lofty and proud before the person they are feeling jealous of.

Seeing such a youngster, he wouldn\'t be surprised if he met one in his previous world. But in this world, he never met a person like him with a similar status anyway.

Damien let out a soft laugh as he said, "My background is not special or anything. I am just coming from a small-sized family in a small city. I am lucky to have been gifted with some talent."

Arthur nodded, "Good, good," He then glanced at Valentina and continued, "And now that you have a very beautiful and talented fairy as your girlfriend, I am sure your journey ahead would be very smooth. Maybe even the famous Alchemist Azrael might take a liking to you, and it\'s a good thing to be in his good books. Even I can\'t fathom the heights he would reach in alchemy."

Arthur\'s eyes had a look of awe as he talked about Alchemist Azrael, revealing his admiration and respect for such a talented figure which only made Damien chuckle inwardly.

He then continued with a broad smile, "I hope I can count on someone like you when I take up the reins of this empire. Surely, a talented man like you can\'t be found anywhere else. But of course, I won\'t stop you if you want to stay in the Rong Empire and work for the Empress."

Damien said with a straight gaze, "I actually don\'t know what the future holds for me or what choices I am going to make. But at that time, I can promise you that I will make the best decision, and surely I won\'t forget what the Xeton Empire has done for me."

Arthur nodded with a gaze of approval and patted his shoulders, "Alright, then. I won\'t take up any more of your time. I guess we will meet some other time again."

Arthur walked away, and only Damien and Valentina were left in the arena since Ximir had already instructed everyone to leave the arena and return to their classes.

"Phew, today was really an eventful day," Damien sighed with a glazed expression.

Valentina held his hand and said, "It seems like some of them took our side and drove away those two who came to cause trouble for us."

Valentina could see that Leon and Reva held certain importance towards Damien and felt happy that such powerful and famous figures were ready to defend Damien.

However, she didn\'t know Arthur and didn\'t know whether she should see him as a friend or an enemy. After all, she already learned that nobody does anything without reason, especially based on what she had experienced so far.

Damien nodded, "Yes. But still, things can\'t be that easy as they seem. Anyways, let\'s leave. We deserve a good rest and treat, especially you. I didn\'t think you would be using your phasing ability today. You could have even beat her without it as well."

Valentina giggled and said in a sharp tone, "I want to let her know how weak and powerless she is compared to me. Then she will understand how useless she is."

\'Ooh…\' Damien felt that Valentina was indeed picking up some of his behavior, or probably this was how she truly was. But he didn\'t mind it and felt that it was good that she knew how to pay back someone, especially people like Dennisa...by shattering their ego and pride.

But Damien knew that the patriarch and matriarch of the Dawson and Alston Family wouldn\'t stir up any problems for him openly.

And since it seemed like Leon and Reva were supporting him, he doubted whether they would have enough guts to try something despicable against him, especially when Valentina was always sticking with him. After all, they wouldn\'t dare to offend Alchemist Azrael as well.

It seemed as if Valentina was technically his bodyguard who drove away anyone who dared to try anything against him, nor did he walk in areas where assassins might find it easy to target him.

Even if they did, the azure token that Valentina has could easily call the most powerful guards if she just sends a single transmission with her thought. It also releases an ethereal barrier that could hold up against the attack of a single Heaven Ethereal Realm cultivator for five seconds, just enough for the guards to instantly reach her location and protect her.

The azure token was given to Alchemist Azrael by the Xeton Empire because they didn\'t want anything to happen to the world\'s most valuable alchemist.

This was why the azure token was given to people in very high positions as they might be prone to assassination attempts, and only a very few even had them.

But even with all these preparations, there had never been an assassination attempt in the imperial city. That was how strict the safety measures were, except they weren\'t that effective against the Forsaken\'s attacks.

Anyone else who caused any troubles in the imperial city would be instantly arrested by the guards patrolling the streets, and there were at least a few guards in every street and more of them in popular spots.

It was evening when Damien took along Valentina for a stroll in the most popular street, especially one with big and expensive fashion shops where the wealthy can get clothes of the finest quality and various varieties.

This street was called the \'Arthur Street\', named after the current emperor of the Xeton Empire, and was located right in the center of the imperial city.

This street held great importance to people since they all revered the Xeton Emperor and walked on this street as if they were walking on sacred land.

There were many elegant and grand buildings, some of which were hotels, cafes, weapons shops, fashion shops, and more.

The surroundings gave off a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere, just enough to let people stroll with peace of mind.

The main attraction was the fountain, which was built 500 years ago, and despite being just a decoration, no one dared to disrespect it by sitting or throwing any waste near it.

Today, Damien told Valentina that they had to celebrate the night, and he wanted to buy her some dress even though she could make one of her own.

He felt that it was satisfying to buy a dress of his choosing for her and see how it looks on an exotic beauty like her.

Damien and Valentina came upon a huge and premium-looking fashion shop that was at least three stories tall and took up a good portion of the street area.

"Let\'s go in," Damien said with a smile.

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