Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 251 Aragorn's Obsession

"Reporting to the Commander!"

Aragorn nodded as he acknowledged the warriors that were gathered before him. On his orders, his 2 personal assistants already gathered a detachment army for him to go on this mission.

At this moment, 5000 mystic warriors were gathered outside the headquarters of the Berserk Gang. They took no military trucks.

For this mission, only Aragorn\'s monster truck was taken, all the other warriors were only allowed to take mystic bikes on 2-man teams.

"For this mission, we\'ll be going to the Tarlock Jungle".

"Our last report indicated that our enemies are there".

"Now, on going there, remember to follow the gang rules, no impulsive actions, always wait for orders before acting".

"Yes Commander!"

"Good, let\'s move out".

The next moment, with Aragorn\'s monster truck taking the lead, 5000 mystic warriors left the headquarters of the Berserk Gang to the Eastern Region.

After a few dozen minutes, they arrived at their destination where they regrouped with their companions in the Eastern Region.

500 mystic warriors who were familiar with the Tarlock Jungle that were specially hand-picked by Commander Erling joined Aragorn\'s troop.

After the merge, Aragorn met Erling to receive more updated information about the intruders for him before setting out for the Tarlock Jungle.

Inside his monster truck, Aragorn looked at the information about the intruders with an excited gleam in his eyes. Among the 2 options that Rex listed, he already made his choice long ago and it was the 2nd option.

He took the easy choice of using violence.

Aragorn had another reason for choosing violence though. \'Finally, I can really go against the warriors of the Snake Territory with their higher technology\'.

Despite winning the previous war, as one of the leading figures in the war, Aragorn knew how close they were to defeat, the belief that Rex was the sole reason why they won the war was not false.

Especially when the 30,000 mystic warrior army of the Gandalf Army descended into the battlefield, Aragorn felt like he was fighting a hell legion.

They were few in numbers compared to them, but fighting these 30,000 mystic warriors, Aragorn felt suffocated.

Their weapons and mystic treasures were so much advanced than the Berserk Army that they almost steamrolled through them.

The only reason why this side of the war was not highlighted was because of Rex\'s ultimate showdown against the champions of the enemies.

Rex was the sole reason that saved the Berserk Gang\'s blushes.

After reconciling with the Gandalf Gang, before their leader could leave, Aragorn took the opportunity to ask him about the incredible gadgets that his subordinates used. Gandalf called them the omnidirectional movement devices.

At the thought of getting his hands on even more of such advanced gadgets and weapons, Aragorn felt his blood burning hot. \'I can\'t wait\'.

Just a few minutes later, they entered the jungle.

"Commander, why do we have to act so sneakily?" A brash and burly-looking warrior complained to his Commander as they moved through the forest.

"We can\'t afford to spook our enemies".

"Why care so much? They\'re just bumpkins of the Red Zone who don\'t even have omnidirectional movement mystic treasures, what\'s the fuss about?"

"I know it\'s incredible that a single gang managed to unite a whole zone but it only matters little, I believe it was just a fluke".

"If it is not, why else are they not targeting the Snake Territory yet?"

"With our status, all we need to do is meet their gang leader, threaten him and he\'ll buckle under pressure to give us a part of his territory".

"We need to act fast before our rivals beat us to it".

The Commander frowned. "Maga, I hope you\'re not entertaining any thoughts of moving against my orders, you\'ll listen to me for this mission".

The burly man snorted, almost at the same time that he did, he went alert.

He narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.



The burly man was brash but he was clearly an elite mystic warrior.

He barely finished roaring in alarm before the mystic arrows descending from the skies reverberated. The troop of 30,000 mystic warriors was only able to do so much before they were hit by the arrows.

Though they were prepared for it, they never expected the Berserk Gang to be so unbridled as to start a battle immediately without negotiations.

30,000 mystic warriors for any gang was a crazy amount of manpower, the Gang Leader of the Hades Gang only risked sending them here to intimidate the Berserk Gang and to serve as a show of power.

Unfortunately though, this was life, things didn\'t exactly play to the script that you planned, there were always variables.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Mystic arrows had different effects, those with impact bombs exploded, others releasing smoke bombs with some even releasing poisonous mists.

Instantly, chaos entered the enemy camp.

The sound of mystic bikes reverberated from the forest the next moment. From their ambush points, the Berserk Gang rushed out but they didn\'t engage.

The sound of so many bikes gave the illusion that they were already surrounded by an army of 100,000 mystic warriors since they could not see through the veils of the smoke bombs.

The Commander of this detachment gang of the Hades Gang troop was angered as he gave the order the next moment. "Use the omnidirectional devices".


He took action first as he instantly rose into the skies rapidly.

The omnidirectional devices were special mystic treasures attached to the body like armor that could enable mystic warriors to move and fight in 3D space.

Embedded with special grapple hooks for grabbing onto objects to enable flight, mystic warriors could empower the specially designed mystic engines of their devices with their mystic energy to fly.

Aragorn saw this incredible invention for the first time in the previous war.


Almost at the same time that the Commander moved though, the Commander of this detached troop of the Berserk Gang also moved.

Aragorn\'s aim was immaculate, it hit this mystic warrior where it hurt the most. The force of the bullet hitting the codpiece part of his armor sent this Advanced mystic warrior into such agony that left him braindead.

The Blood Gunner of the Berserk Gang set the tempo of this battlefield.

After getting the enemy Commander\'s balls, taking him down was easy as Aragorn incapacitated him in no time. Without hesitation, after taking this man down, he went after the 2nd Advanced mystic warrior in the enemy camp.

The 2nd in command was an even more powerful warrior with his War Axe.

His skills with the omnidirectional mystic treasure were impressive as he weaved through the trees in the forest like a bird floating freely in the skies.

He tried to confuse Aragorn before rapidly closing the distance to him. Unfortunately, though, he was not going against just a powerful Blood Gunner but he was also going up against a talented mystic mechanic.

Since he learned of the omnidirectional mystic treasures, Aragorn was obsessed with this gadget and was why he went full in researching it.

This was also why he easily accepted Rex\'s appointment, he believed that if he had the right budget and the right exposure, he could replicate the technology and also create these incredible treasures for the Berserk Gang.

For their future conquest to take over the Snake Territory, they needed the omnidirectional devices since without them they were at a huge disadvantage.

Having studied them extensively, Aragorn knew all the maneuvers.

His opponent\'s feints and turns in the air now felt like a clown performance to him at this moment, he laughed. "Not going to work against me".

Aragorn aimed with his Blood Pistols and unleashed 2 Blood Shots.

2 of the shots hit, one of them hitting the sensitive balls again.

"Damn, my aim has improved a lot".

Once they got him on the balls, the 2nd in Command of the enemy troop was spent, Aragorn incapacitated the 2 leaders of the enemies when the battle barely started. It was just 5 seconds since their leader gave the order to attack.

Everything quietened down on the side of the Berserk Gang but for the Hades Gang, their tens of thousands of mystic warriors finally started activating their omnidirectional mystic devices after receiving their Commander\'s orders.

As soon as they rose into the skies though, escaping the range of the smoke bombs, they were able to see clearly and what they saw shocked them.

Their 2 leaders were already captured by the enemies.

Aragorn smiled amiably at them. "My friends from another zone, surrender".


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