Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 627 Goodbye To The Beasts Reader Q & A - Part 2: QUEEN OF BEASTS

Firstly, they believe offspring learn by observation. So to the Anima it would be completely natural for Elia to have meetings or events and have the kids with her, even when they were babies. She struggled with that more than the Anima did, because she\'s not used to that. But once she realized the other aspect of things, it got a lot easier for her;

Secondly, the Anima work as pack animals work: While there are parents of offspring and they are "responsible," the reality is that all the tribe(s) watch all the kids. So, for Elia, Aymora and Brant played a massive role in helping give her breaks (Jayah and some of the others, too.) But moreover, once the kids weren\'t babies anymore, when they went to a meal in the market, or an event, or a ritual, or anything, she learned that she could let the kids be really free. The offspring tend to run in packs, and all the adults watch out for them and all the adults will notify a parent if there\'s a problem. Reth had to "show" Elia how that worked. Kind of coach her into it (because it\'s a trust thing, right?) But once she realized that the whole tribe would raise her kids—and do it well—she was much more relaxed and motherhood because much more enjoyable for her.

As fas as not having her advisor: Elia developed relationships with other females who stepped unofficially into the roles that Candace and Gahrye played, over the years. But she never appointed them as Cohorts because she always considered Gahrye to continue to be her cohort, and she wanted to honor Candace that way.

Q. Did Reth or Elia ever try to help Aaryn before El became friends with him because he is Suhles nephew.

A. Actually, Reth had Anima keeping eyes on Aaryn and Delarys from the day he ordered Charyn banished, even before he knew Charyn was dead, because he knew he\'d effectively split up a family and he didn\'t relish that. The Anima are good at providing resources to everyone, but he wanted to make sure they remained safe (and keep an eye on Delarys in case she went rogue.)

Over the years he always watched out for Aaryn and intervened at times (without them knowing it was by his orders or under his instruction that certain things happened or were provided.) But he was really glad when Elreth brought Aaryn home. He and Elia both were. They\'ve always loved Aaryn and really enjoyed him as their second son. (Even before Elreth got her act together, lol.)

Q. Amy, Dominique, and others asked: What is the story of Gar\'s birth? Did Elia have to deliver him in her leonine form or was he born like a human baby? Were she and Reth able to have a more positive experience? How was it trying to raise to young lion cubs?

A. So, don\'t hate me, but I\'m not going to answer this properly because this is extra content that I hope to find time to write. But I\'ll say this about raising lion cubs: Gar was a handful, but Elreth was worse (as a toddler.) Gar didn\'t really become a "problem" for them until he was going through puberty and his dominance came out differently than Elreths, and Reth didn\'t realize that he was making things worse instead of better (what worked for Elreth, didn\'t work for Gar, because he has a different heart.)

Q. Becca asked: What were Elia and Reth\'s proudest moments for their kids, and what were Gar and Elreth\'s proudest moments for their parents?

A. Hands down, you got to see / hear about Reth & Elia\'s proudest moments for both kids.

Elia\'s proudest moment of Gar was when he learned the secret of the disformed and threw himself into helping them, because he shared her heart of empathy for them.

Her proudest moment for Elreth as a child was when Elreth brought Aaryn home, because Elia knew that was her compassion coming out. But her proudest moment overall was when Elreth stood up to the elders and led her people towards the disformed, because it needed to be done. And even though Reth had helped, Elia had always wanted him to be more instructive, rather than trying to persuade people to see the issue differently.

Reth\'s proudest moment was seeing Gar become the Alpha of the disformed—because he could see that his son had the same heart he did, to lead not because he wanted to gain for himself, but to be a strength for others. It really opened his eyes to who Gar really was.

His proudest moment for Elreth was seeing her dominate him and become Queen. He\'d always known she could do it, but she didn\'t believe in herself as much as he believed in her. So he was overjoyed when that happened. He wasn\'t surprised that she took the reins so firmly later. He\'d always known she would.

Honestly, the kids love their parents and were old enough to know that they were glad to be in the family they were in. But even when QUEEN occurs, they\'re still young. They haven\'t had the life experience yet to realize how many incredible things their parents did. They just love and admire them for who they are.

Both of them hero-worshipped Reth when they were little. And both of them always saw (and continued to see) Elia as their "safe place." They always knew they could go to her no matter what they\'d done. They knew she\'d love them anyway.

Q. Caroline asked: What can you tell us about Suhle\'s pregnancies (and really any of the Protectors that mate with an Anima that can shift)? I\'m curious about any complications since we saw that Elreth shifted in Elia during KOB. 

A. Suhle\'s pregnancies were scary for the potential for complications, but she didn\'t actually suffer any. She spent a LOT of time in prayer and just keeping herself in a calm, peaceful place. She knew if the babies shifted while she was delivering, that could be fatal for one or both of them. So she prepped hard to be as much at ease as she could be, and to keep them in their human forms.

The deliveries were actually a lot harder on Lerrin because he was TERRIFIED that something would happen to her/them. And there was nothing he could do. He was an insufferable fuss the first few weeks on every baby. Suhle loved it. He\'s also a damn good dad. Much calmer with his kids than he was with his people, ha!

Q. Did Elreth really not realize that Aaryn was her mate? 

A. Really. She really didn\'t. She\'s just like her father—oblivious to the point of stupidity when she hasn\'t actively thought about something.

Q. If Elreth had died, who would have taken the Alpha?

A. This really floored me for a while. I kept going back and forth between Gar and Aaryn. In truth, Aaryn is the more solid mind—for others. He doubts himself, but when he\'s not focused on that, he\'s more mature than Gar, and less likely to get aggressive/violent. So in terms of wisdom, Aaryn is the stronger of the two.

But in pure dominance, Gar is stronger. He\'s actually stronger than El, but his heart wasn\'t in being King. He never wanted it. And it wasn\'t a self-destructive thing where he thought he couldn\'t, so he didn\'t try. He literally wanted to avoid becoming King. He thought his dad had a boring life (ha!) and he didn\'t want to get tied to that. But when I think it through in the "what if" I really think in the end, Gar would have taken Alpha, and Aaryn would have been his second. But I think that would have been by their choice. They wouldn\'t have fought for it.

Q. EVERYONE asked: Is Elreth and Aaryn\'s daughter Lia, a wolf or a lion? 

A. She\'s a lion. She is very much her mother\'s daughter, ha!

Q. EVERYONE asked: Did Gar and Rika have kids? If so, are they Anima or human? What are their names? 

A. I\'m sorry, this is one of the side-stories I hope to write, so I\'m not going to answer. But the fact that there\'s a story there kind of tells you something anyway….

Q. Nikki and others asked: Will Tarkyn or Reece ever get mates? Is Reece\'s mate Lerrin\'s daughter?

Both will get mates. Yes, Reece is Lerrin\'s son of the flames. That\'s a really interesting dynamic because Reece\'s body-language is all off for an Anima, so many underestimate his dominance. His mate doesn\'t, though. She\'s attracted to him because he\'s a lot like her father—the reluctant hero.

I\'d originally intended to give Tarkyn his own book. I don\'t know if there will ever be an audience for another Anima story, but if there is, his is one of the stories I would choose to tell.

Q. Sravanthi asked: How did they get rid of the bears?

A. It was a combination of the bears wanting a different climate than the WildWood (they\'ve always lived higher and only come through the WildWood in certain seasons) and Reth really carefully, and over time, negotiating with Gawhr. It wasn\'t a sexy kind of interaction that would make a fun story. It was diplomacy and patience.

Q. Janell: What happened to Peg? 

A. This is part of another story that I hope to tell later, so sorry… all I\'ll say is that he remained in Anima, and he\'s happy.

Q. What was the issues Behryn described when he told El that the reason he and Hollhye were gone was because they were struggling? Was that something you had planned on writing about? 

A. When I originally plotted, I\'d intended to have Reth try to bring Behryn back to WildWood before everything went nuts. But in the writing, it all happened a lot faster than I anticipated and there really wasn\'t time. There were many details like that that I could have shoe-horned into the story to show what happened, but in the end they would have just slowed the pace.

The issue Behryn and Hollhye were facing was that  Behryn was reading the winds and convinced that the Creator was calling them back to the WildWood. He was resisting because he didn\'t want to upset his mate—and some of his pride about not wanting to go back and face Reth who\'d told him all along that he shouldn\'t be leaving.

He and Hollhye were in some conflict about it for quite a while—because he was resisting that call, and so being hard on her because he subconsciously blamed her. They went on a trip to talk it all out. It took them a month. And when they got back, the world had exploded and they didn\'t even know it. It\'s a HUGE regret for Behryn that he didn\'t reach out to Reth before they left. But they stepped into Reth and Elia\'s shoes as Grandparents, not to replace them, but to honor them. They both hated that they were never able to have kids, so it was a special blessing to them to try and be love and care for the Hyerhyn family.

Q. Janell: What are your favorite moments in each book?

A. Oh, gosh…. So many. Seriously. The biggest highlights would be (in chronological order over both books):

1.      Reth and Elia dancing on the night she offered herself and was adopted.

2.      Reth\'s vow to Elia when he knew he was going to have to send her back to the human world.

3.      Lerrin finally figuring out that Reth was a good male, AND when he figured out Suhle was his mate.

4.      When Reth freaked out when he thought Elia was going to die giving birth and he fought with Brant. Even though it\'s a negative moment, there\'s such a dynamic of deep, brotherly/fatherly love and understanding from Brant in there with Reth, I just love that.

5.      That moment when Reth saw Elreth for the first time.

6.      The moment when Reth comes home to the cave and little Elreth leaps into his arms.

7.      Lerrin and Suhle\'s first time.

8.      Elreth & Aaryn\'s first kiss.

9.      Elreth and Aaryn\'s honeymoon.

10.  Gar finally stepping up and telling everyone what was going on with the disformed.

11.  Reth\'s conversation with Aaryn when Aaryn got the letter from his dad.

12.  Gar and Reth\'s heart-to-hearts, both when they were reconciling, and when Reth and Elia were leaving.

13.  Reth\'s goodbye with Elreth when he was leaving.

14.  Gar standing up to take down the humans when he thought they were going to kill Rika.

15.  Reth being Elia\'s protector when they went into the Traverse together—there\'s no more love possible, I think, than that man possesses in that moment.

16.  When Aaryn comes back to Elreth as a wolf.

17.  Aaryn\'s moment with his son at the end, when he\'s trying to emulate Reth and doesn\'t realize that he\'s already just like him. That makes my heart cry happy tears.

18.  And there\'s one or two really awesome moments that I hope to share with you later…


A. This is complicated. I\'ve written some material that I hope will help explain this. It\'s some time with Reth. It\'s posting after this Q & A material. I hope you\'ll read it! But there is also a deep discussion of this on the videos on my YouTube from the author live chats, so please jump over there and take a listen. It\'s much easier to explain in person.

The following scenes that will post tomorrow are a fictionalized conversation with Reth that will both answer the above question, and hopefully give you a little smile. I hope you enjoy them! They were wonderfully bittersweet for me to write!

Whether you choose to read those or not, you can hear me discuss all of these questions, characters, and the world of Anima in detail on my YouTube channel. Or jump into linktr.ee/authoraimee and join my discord or Facebook group with other fans (and get sneak peeks at my new books or extra content). We have a ton of fun! Come say hi!

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