Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 613 Changing World


Gar and Rika walked on the trails to the north of the Tree City. He was still struggling to sleep until dawn, and that morning Rika had woken early as well. They\'d shared breakfast at the market and he\'d been showing her around as much as possible, but mostly they ended up just walking—talking like they had in those first days. Remembering childhoods, families, and sometimes pains.

But that morning, instead of the pain and grief that had permeated every breath for the past month, it had been a joy.

"Do you think we could go back to the honeymoon cave?" Rika asked him carefully at one point. "I feel like we didn\'t get to take full advantage of that… solitude."

Then she looked up at him from the corner of her eye, grinning wickedly.

Gar\'s stomach clenched and heat began to curl in his belly. "I\'m sure that could be arranged eventually," he said slyly, lifting a hand to trace a finger under her jaw. "But you know… we have other caves. Ones that don\'t require a couple of hours of travel to reach. I could show you one now if you want."

Rika flapped a hand. "Much as I love the idea of you taking me on my feet, Gar, right now I\'m willing to wait for a more comfortable setting than the cold stone wall of an uninhabited cave.

Gar raised a single brow. "And if the cave had sleeping quarters and furs, and…?"

Rika snorted. "Promises, promises."

Gar pretended offense. "You think I\'m lying to you?"

"I think that your idea of not traveling and mine are very different," Rika laughed. "And I think we\'re flirting—don\'t worry. When we get back to the Tree House, I\'ll reward you for that smile—" she shrieked as he lifted her off her feet, shushing her.

The Sentries were still posted in a perimeter around the Tree City to be safe, in case there were any other groups of humans in Anima of which they were unaware.

While Gar had found his mate both enthusiastic and delightfully adventurous as a lover, she still held to the human way of not wanting to share her body—or their time—with others. Even others knowing that it was occurring made her uncomfortable. So he was learning to hide his desire when in company… and to roar into her neck.

"Gar, what—"

"I told you, bedchambers. And privacy. And it\'s right up here. Just watch," he chuckled, his voice husky with anticipation.

The disformed cave was empty now. The Protectors didn\'t need it anymore, and all the humans and Protectors who\'d come through were now settling into their own homes. Gar just prayed no one else was out here and shared his idea this morning.

Rika protested a couple more times, but her heart wasn\'t in it—he could smell her desire rising, and her smile sparkled. So he didn\'t let her down until they\'d reached the mouth of the cave.

When he set her on her feet, Rika peered around him, curious. "This is the cave you guys used to hang out in?"

"Yes, how did you know?" Gar asked, surprised.

"You told me about it before," she said, taking a step inside. "It\'s cute. Like a really big clubhouse."

Gar growled and grabbed her, leaning in to nip her neck at the same time he grasped her hips. Rika giggled and let her fingers slide between his at her waist, tipping her head to give him more room at her neck.

"What was that you said about a wall?" Gar purred a minute later, as Rika sighed and sank into his chest.

"Oh no you don\'t," she laughed. "I want my comforts. You said there were beds here!"

Gar growled, but turned her around to kiss her, then took her hand. "Here, I\'ll show you—as long as you promise to take your time getting undressed. I\'ve got a—"

The suddenly and unmistakable sound of wings flapping whooshed, and snapped from behind him.

Gar whipped around—who was coming to the disformed cave?

A large Hawk-style bird landed on the walkway just outside the cave and Gar frowned. He wasn\'t familiar with this bird—who was it? And how had this male known to find him there?

"What are you—" Gar started, but the male shifted back and Gar almost fell over.

It was Lhandyn. Protector Lhandyn.


Gar gaped at the male, his jaw almost on the floor. "What the actual fuck?!"

Lhandyn rushed forward, "I\'m so glad I found you—look, Gar! We can shift," he said breathlessly. "I was looking for Aaryn, but—" the male cut off, his smile dissolving.

Gar stared and Lhandyn gave a small shiver before rushing over to throw himself into Gar\'s chest. They embraced for a moment, Gar slapping his back until they parted.

Rika looked back and forth between them, confused. "What\'s going on?"

Gar shook his head, tears in his eyes happy ones, for once. "Lhandyn is one of the Protectors," he filled her in, his voice quiet with disbelief. Lhandyn… how?"

"It\'s not just me. It\'s all of us, Gar. Every single one—at least, the ones who\'ve been told. Erdyk lost his temper last night and almost closed his teeth on Myn\'s neck. And it scared her so bad, she shifted and ran from him. Half the tribe saw it and we\'ve all been trying. We can do it, Gar. We can shift!"

Gar was stunned. It had to be a part of killing the voices, right?

Lhandyn filled him in on as much as he knew—which wasn\'t really anything more than he\'d already said. The Protectors were still learning. But as Gar celebrated with him, the male was already shuffling towards the cave mouth. "I have to go," he said with a smile. "I need to show my Mom."

Gar clasped arms with him again, then stood there, still in disbelief, as Lhandyn turned and leaped off the trail and shifted, opening his wings and flying away over the tree canopy—his progress wobbly, but straight. Then the male gave a cry in his bird that echoed over the WildWood, and Gar shook his head. Then he turned to Rika, both stunned.

Rika threw her arms around him, laughing with joy. "That\'s… amazing! I can\'t believe it. Why would they suddenly be able to shift now when they haven\'t been able to for… what, centuries?"

"I don\'t know," Gar said, awed. "But I\'m going to go find Reece and see if he knows anything from the histories.

Was it possible that the Protector\'s inability to shift was tied somehow to the voices?

"I need to tell El," he said quietly.

Rika slid under his arm and they both watched Lhandyn soar away, Gar\'s chest an odd mix of thrill and grief. Then she patted his chest.

"Are you okay?"

Gar cleared his throat and blinked. "Yeah, yeah," he said gently, then smiled down at her. "I just hope wherever Aaryn is, he gets to enjoy his wolf."

Rika\'s face went sad, but he hushed her and leaned down to kiss her slowly, lingering. So, so grateful that she was there. That he hadn\'t lost her. That they still had time to find the bond.

**** IT\'S OUR LAST DAY IN ANIMA *sob* ****

Thank you for joining me on this ride. There will be new chapters ALL DAY as we take the final plunge toward our happy ending. Thank you for coming with me. Thank you for all your support and encouragement. And thank you for changing my life. I wish Anima was real and we could all go live there together.

I hope you enjoy this.... STRAP IN!

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