Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 448 - Eyes Up

This chapter is dedicated to my husband Alan, who I consulted about what Aaryn should say to Elreth. And he took it in a completely different direction than I had imagined.

When I said, "I think you\'re right," he responded, "I know I am."

Then, as I left the kitchen to go back to my office he called after me, "I want a writing credit!"

So, here you are, my dear. This one is yours…

(You can see an interview with Alan on my YouTube channel, just search "Aimee Lynn Interviewing my husband" on YouTube.)

This message was added after publication so you aren\'t charged for the words.



"The  Anima don\'t care that I\'m naked," she murmured under her breath. "This is nothing to them. They don\'t care what I look like."

Elreth knew it really was true that she was the only one who cared—unless her mother was already here. But she had to remind herself of the fact as she walked to the center of the bowl and all eyes were on her. Her people didn\'t examine her body for flaws, didn\'t evaluate. She wouldn\'t be found shamed or wanting. They watched their Queen because she brought them here for a momentous occasion, and they hung on her every word.

That was all, she told herself. They were just here for the words.

"They really don\'t care. They don\'t see me naked," she insisted to her pattering heart. She almost had herself convinced when Aaryn stepped past her to stand facing her, and let his eyes rake down her from crown to toe.

She bristled under the scrutiny, but when his eyes returned to hers, he was smiling.

\'I always thought humans had it wrong,\' he signed. \'But I just figured out, it\'s us.\'

Elreth frowned and flashed the sign for \'What do you mean?\'

\'You\'re right that they don\'t notice. But it\'s their loss,\' he replied, his eyes flicking to the crowds alongside them, then back to lock on hers. \'They\'re the ones missing out. Because they aren\'t looking. They don\'t get to see just how beautiful you really are.\'

Elreth\'s mouth dropped open and she had to force herself to close it. She rolled her eyes to try and cover the emotion washing through her, but felt her cheeks heating as she turned to scan the growing crowds spreading around the sides of the bowls.

She couldn\'t meet his eyes because it would make her cry, but she signed, \'Thank you,\' over and over again, praying that he was still watching her.

Then she smiled to herself and lifted her chin, meeting the eyes of the people and not shrinking away. Because she knew he would be. Because he did notice. 

Which made her the most blessed female alive.


Fifteen minutes later, Elreth caught sight of her parents in the Leonine tribe. Her mother winked and Elreth tried to smile, but her mind was no longer on the blessing of her position. She and Aaryn stood shoulder to shoulder, surrounded by the oldest ranking elders and the Alphas of the tribes.

Except Gar.

"Where is he?" she hissed.

"He was worried about Rika. Elia said he ran back to the tree just to check on her before he came. Because your mother had to leave her. He was worried she might freak out again if she was alone," Aaryn whispered, keeping his head down. "He said he\'d only be five minutes."

"They\'re all here! The disformed are waiting!"

Aaryn leaned back to look past her, back to the entrance to the Hallowed Grounds. As the proposed tribe, they would be invited into the grounds formally, to see and be seen by the others, a traditional parade.

All the other Anima were here, sitting and standing around the bowl in their tribes, watching their own Alphas for signs. Conversation was growing louder as the people began to notice that something was delaying the proceedings.

Fucking Gar!

Elreth wanted to scream. Of all the nights for his head to be turned from his duty…

The disformed were clustered at the wide entrance to the Hallowed Grounds, already naked, waiting and watching, their eyes wider than usual, whispering between themselves.

Elreth closed her eyes and prayed the Creator would send something to snap a whip across her brother\'s ass so he\'d get moving. With the disformed crowding the entrance her view of the clearing below was blocked. He could be ten steps away and she wouldn\'t know.

He could also be completely absent. And he was crucial to this process.

The Rite of Veneration was all about challenge. The established tribes challenging a group of people who believed themselves deserving of tribe status. The Alphas attended the center to be the mouthpiece for their people. While the acknowledged Alpha of the new group should stand among them, ready to respond to those challenges.

Elreth took a deep breath and turned to Aaryn. "We can\'t know how far away he is. What if she really has fallen apart? You have to do this, Aaryn. You\'ll have to stand in his place."

Aaryn\'s eyes widened. "El, if he doesn\'t show up and I\'m there at the end—"

"I know, I know. But you\'re second anyway. That\'s the whole point. We\'ll just have to figure it out… fucking Gar!"

Aaryn put a hand to her arm and leaned closer. She could feel the sudden tension in him. He\'d been excited for this night. Ecstatic when he realized she was serious about bringing it forward. Now he hummed with tension.

"Are you sure?" he said, his voice dripping in hope and fear.

Elreth nodded. "I\'m sure. We can\'t wait for him. It will make the tribe look weak."

Aaryn sucked in a breath when she referred to them as a tribe and she saw his eyes begin to shine.

"Are you going to be okay? I\'d have to go stand with them?"

Elreth nodded, though she wasn\'t sure at all. But Aaryn clasped a hand at the back of her neck, and pulled her in, kissing her hair. "You have this, Elreth. You\'re doing absolutely the right thing. You know that. Just remember that. You\'re in the right here. They can\'t take that from you."

She nodded again and squeezed his sides as he kissed her temple, then let her go, striding down the bowl to join the disformed gathered at the entrance.

She gave him a moment to explain, didn\'t miss the mixed reaction of the tribe, some clearly glad that Aaryn would stand with them, others whispering to their neighbors, faces dark with worry or irritation.

But then he turned and found her watching, and nodded. And Elreth, ready to stop being naked as soon as possible, stepped forward to address her people and begin the process that would set the disformed on their feet… and no longer as disformed.

She remembered the surprise she had for them and smiled as she raised her voice.

"Anima! Attend!"

The crowd went silent and everyone turned to look at her.

With a final glance at Aaryn, Elreth took a deep breath and began the Rite.

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