Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 321 - Even God Rested

THANK YOU so much for your patience with our slowed releases, and your continued support for Elreth & Aaryn! I\'m so grateful. 



Elreth walked the rest of the way to the cave in silence, chewing over what Aaryn had said, what it meant about her brother, her family…

It wasn\'t until they were walking through the door that she became aware of her surroundings, and Aaryn walking next to her, his shoulders slumped.

"I\'m sorry," she said suddenly, taking his arm and pulling him to a halt. "This has been a helluva day for you and I\'ve just been thinking about my own problems. I\'m sorry. Aaryn… are you okay?"

He gave her that lopsided smile that she loved. "I\'d rather focus on your problems than mine, he said. "Beside, really, your problems are my problems… holy shit. Can you believe all of this?"

Elreth widened her eyes and shook her head, but she was still uneasy. Aaryn looked brittle. Like he was holding himself together. Like his smile wasn\'t forced exactly, but as if it were underlined by fear.

She lifted her arms to put her hands at the back of his neck and hold him to her. "Maybe we should just leave. Go back on our honeymoon and pretend none of this has happened?"

Aaryn gave a groaning huff and leaned down to nuzzle her neck. "Shit, what I wouldn\'t give…"

They kissed, slowly, gently, his hands at her lower back, hers in his hair. Elreth pulled him close just to have him there, but was surprised by the fire that burst to life in her stomach when his tongue traced under her upper lip and he gave a little growl.

She tilted her head and deepened the kiss. Aaryn sucked in a breath, then pulled back suddenly, his eyes narrowed. "What are you doing?"

Elreth bit her lip and tried to look coy. "I wasn\'t trying to do anything. I was kissing you. I\'ll kiss you some more if you want me to. But I understand if you\'re too tired."

His eyes dropped to her mouth and he lifted a hand to use his thumb to tease her lip out from under her teeth. "That\'s better," he said, and his voice had gotten deeper.

Without leaning in, Elreth pressed her hips into his, and felt his body twitch in response. He raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? It\'s kind of a crazy time. You said you wanted to figure some stuff out tonight before we meet with the others tomorrow."

Elreth shrugged. "Even the Creator rested," she quipped.

She\'d surprised him. Aaryn laughed genuinely, and to Elreth it was the best sound in the world when his rich chuckles bounced off the walls of the cave.

"I suppose you have a point," he said, still smiling. Then he dropped his forehead against hers. "As long as you aren\'t too tired."

"Definitely not," she whispered, letting one hand trail out of his hair and down his neck, tracing the line of that tendon in his neck that stood so proud as his breathing picked up. Her fingers followed it down, all the way to his collarbones, then the top button of his shirt, which she popped quickly, then pushed aside to drop a kiss on the skin underneath.

Aaryn\'s head dropped back and his eyes closed as she used both hands to undo each button, then spread the soft cotton, revealing his brown skin beneath.

Then she was tugging the tails of his shirt out of his leathers, and tugging at his belt.

Breath coming faster, Aaryn buried his hands in her hair and pulled her up to kiss his mouth again, one hand sliding down her back to cup her ass and pull her against him.

He held her so tightly, pressing their bodies together from knee to chest, until it was difficult for her to reach his belt. But she finally tugged it open and started on the buttons of his leathers, just as he dropped his head to kiss his way down her neck to her shoulder and her skin flared to life under his lips.

Then she had his leathers open and he sprang into her hand. She tried to grip him, but he leaned back and took her hands, lifting them to her own buttons. "Your turn," he rasped, staring at her, his eyes hooded and burning.

It took Elreth a second to realize he wanted her to undress herself, but then she smiled and popped the top button, but didn\'t move the fabric aside.

"Are you certain?" she murmured, playing her fingers along her own skin inside the fabric, where he couldn\'t see.

His breath whooshed out. "Definitely." He swallowed hard. "Show me, El."

A little uncertain, but highly aroused, Elreth pulled the two sides of her shirt apart to reveal the small triangle of skin.

"Next one," he rasped, his eyes locked on her fingers.

Elreth tipped her head, but did as he\'d asked, popping the second button, but once again not opening the shirt.

Aaryn gave a long, low growl. "Show me." His eyes snapped up to meet hers. "Please."

At the look in his eyes, Elreth\'s stomach dropped like she\'d stepped off a cliff. But she opened the shirt, this time baring the dip of skin between her breasts.

Aaryn\'s eyes widened just a little and he licked his lips. "Next one."

She could feel the steel of him against her belly and that ache beginning between her legs that made her want to just take him in. But it was so wonderful to see his eyes alive and dancing, she wanted to make this last. So she gave him the teasing smile again.

"You didn\'t say please."

Aaryn growled, his mouth open and lower lip slack. "El… I want to taste your skin. I want to suck on your nipples, and I want to be inside you." Then his eyes slid back up to hers again. "Open another button and pull the shirt wide so I can see you... Please."

Heart racing as if she was in a sprint, Elreth opened the third button and slowly, slowly pulled the two sides of her shirt until they gaped and the inner sides of her breasts were revealed. Her nipples were so hard, they stood erect already, the soft cotton teasing against them in a way that made her skin sparkle.

Aaryn\'s eyes flared with heat. For a second, neither of them moved.

Then he growled, "My turn," and dove for her shirt.

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