Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 208 - The Clearing


It was a very slow start to the day, but once they were up and fed, she persuaded Aaryn to go for a walk. He\'d been eyeing the swimming hole and she knew where that would lead. But the day was just cool enough that she wanted to get warmed up first. Then swim… and do whatever else came to mind.

"Are you blushing?" Aaryn asked, strolling along next to her as they cut between the trees. 

Elreth shrugged. "No, it\'s just cold in the shade, that\'s all," she lied.

He looked at her sideways, like he knew she was lying, but he was smiling so she decided it didn\'t matter.

They\'d decided not to go back to the trail, but just to explore the forest. They didn\'t walk quickly, didn\'t try to be particularly quiet. The birds and little creatures avoided them both, anyway, since they were predators, though the echoes of the birds calling in the distance was pretty. But near them, the forest remained silent except for the wind rustling through the leaves in the canopy of the trees above them.

There was a very distant, very brief crack that sounded like lightning, that echoed across the Wildwood. Elreth turned, listening for thunder and scenting the wind to see if the storm was close enough to reach them that day.

Instead she found her mate, pensive.  Aaryn had been quiet that morning, though not in the brooding way he had when he was upset. More thoughtful. She wondered if, like her, he was just thinking ahead to what it would be like to return to the Tree City in the morning. Or if there was something else on his mind. His mother. 

"Is there anything… bothering you today?" she asked carefully. She didn\'t want to bring difficulties to mind if he wasn\'t already thinking about them.

He shook his head. "I\'m just very content," he said, taking her hand. "It\'s amazing to me. So much of my life has been full of holding myself back and being careful—or protective. It\'s just kind of mind boggling to be here with you and not have to hide anything or…" he trailed off.

Elreth smiled. "Yeah, I know. I still keep feeling like I\'m going to asked to hand you back. Like, I\'ll show up in the Tree City tomorrow and they\'ll be like, "That was just a fun vacation! Now, back to your regularly scheduled relationships!"

Aaryn chuckled. "I hadn\'t quite thought about it that way, but yes. That is kind of crazy, isn\'t it. We\'re in this together now, El. You can\'t get rid of me."

He looked at her from the side, one side of his mouth tipped up in that lopsided grin she loved. But the shadow of fear passed behind his eyes, too.

She squeezed his hand. "I don\'t want to give you up, Aaryn. Ever. I\'ll fight for you. Every day if I have to."

He pulled her into a brief, chaste kiss, then started walking again. "So… is there anything we\'re looking for on this adventure? Or are you just trying to distract me from your very beautiful legs?"

Elreth grinned. "I just wanted to explore, and talk and… get warmed up."

"Wamred up for what?"

"Well, I mean, it would be nice to go for a swim again. But for that to feel good I need to be a little sweaty."

"I know a way to make you sweaty," he quipped.

She slapped his arm. "Behave."

They walked on like that for half an hour, bantering and teasing, flirting, and sometimes stopping to kiss. Then, through the trees ahead, the light began to filter more brightly. 

Elreth smiled. "There\'s a clearing up there!"

Aaryn smiled and nodded, but then he blinked and his forehead pinched a little. He didn\'t say anything, but she could feel him suddenly tense.

"Don\'t worry, no one comes out here except the scouts, and they\'ll leave us alone if they see us. Let\'s go see what\'s up there."

Aaryn murmured a quick, "Sure," but she noticed he\'d gotten a little wary, like he was uncertain of something.

When they stepped into the clearing, Elreth smiled. It was a beautiful place. A small creek flowed down one side, the main trail led into this round, grassy area, then away to the northwest, toward the bigger river that she knew was winding its way up there somewhere. There was a cave across the clearing that had a musty smell coming from it—had something died in there? 

Vines and small trees clung to the edges of the cave mouth, twisting up towards the sun.

"Ooo, let\'s go see what\'s in there!" Elreth said, heading for the cave.

"I don\'t know, Elreth. It smells a little off. Why don\'t we head back to our cave? We can run—get hot and sweaty—then go for a swim, and—"

"We can still do that," she said, waving him off and walking towards the cave. Then she shot him a flirtatious look over her shoulder. "What was it you said to me? Holding back only makes the fire burn hot—Aaryn, what\'s wrong?"

He was standing, staring at the cave mouth, frowning.

When she asked, he turned away from it, scanning the clearing. "The hair on the back of my neck is standing up, El," he muttered.

Elreth looked around. If she ignored the smell coming from the cave—and it was very faint—there was nothing about this spot that concerned her. If anything, she felt drawn to it. Like… like there was something to be discovered or… something.

She stopped walking and put her hands to her hips. Aaryn\'s instincts were good. And he rarely got jumpy. But then, he\'d seemed reluctant to come here before they even got close. Maybe he was just getting grumpy because it had been a full twelve hours since they\'d mated?

Stifling a grin, she looked at him. "I\'ll make you a deal. You come with me to explore the cave, and I\'ll race you back to the clearing and a swim."

Aaryn frowned, but then sighed and started towards her. "Fine," he sighed, but his eyes were never still, examining the clearing, the cave, the trees as they walked, approaching the cave mouth. "But if there\'s a bear in here, I\'m going to say I told you so."

Elreth rolled her eyes. "So dramatic when you\'re horny."

Aaryn snorted, then stepped into the cave and froze.

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