Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 173 - The Fire Inside


When Dargyn stepped in front of her, she\'d almost laughed. Had he really thought he had any kind of hold on her heart?


It was petty, but she listened to his whispered promises of passion and heat for just a few seconds… to string him deeper. She almost shook her head. This was the best they could do? This was the temptation they placed before her?

She hissed when Dargyn put a hand to her waist, and removed it for him quickly. When he wouldn\'t let her past, when he remained persistent, she ankle hooked him and put him on his ass—several of the nearby males laughing out loud as he tumbled to the dirt. Including Dargyn himself. It had been harder to pull off with the skirt of her dress in the way, but the shorter hem saved her.

"Well played, El, well played!" Dargyn chuckled as she lifted her skirts and stepped over him.

She beamed and caught sight of Aaryn again, moving straight for him, sliding between larger bodies, past broad shoulders and heated smiles.

It was too easy. She didn\'t know why anyone had warned her about the smoke—it clouded her mind a little, certainly, but all she felt was desire. And she yearned for Aaryn. Had to lick her lips when she saw the cords in his neck standing proud with the effort he was putting into restraining himself from coming to her.

She wanted him to fight! She wanted him to snarl. Let them all see how much he loved her—and she loved him! That would make the critics take notice!

When she broke through the lines of younger males, she thought she was almost done. As the older males—harder, darker, their bodies tested and refined—stepped into her path, she smiled. These males knew her and loved her—and would not hurt her. She stepped forward confidently. Then suddenly lost sight of Aaryn when a tall, steel body stepped into her path.

She put her hand up to his chest to hold him off and looked up, opened her mouth to tell him to get out of the way… but the words died in her throat.

Tarkyn stared down at her, his broad shoulders lined with the fluid strength of muscle, vein and tendon that showed his strength. He stood over her, his sandy-brown hair clipped short, but messy after a day of work, his clean, square jaw shadowed because he hadn\'t shaved before coming the Rite.

His posture was protective and calm as he loomed over her, which he\'d done so many times before in the course of his work, and time with her family… but this time… Tonight there was a fire in his eyes that she\'d never seen before. A heat.

For her.

Elreth\'s jaw went slack as the man she\'d always regarded as her father\'s friend, stared at her with intent.

And as the other males around them began to close in, he buffered her from them, and leaned into her ear, whispering.

He told her of years he\'d barely noticed her—nothing more than a cub.

Then of uncomfortable days in the last two years when she\'d reached her majority and her strength, when he\'d watched her train and fight, and seen the fire inside her. And it called him.

And now, today, her beauty, her dignity… it called to him.

"…I do not deserve you, El. I have not earned you—have not felt like I should. But you call me to my bones. I have the strength you need. I have the respect that should stand behind you. The people will not reject me. And… if you were to choose me I would make you happy. I would apply every waking moment to your safety… and your pleasure…"

He stood back to meet her eyes, solid and certain, warm and unwavering, and Elreth\'s breath caught.

For a moment she could see it—this male who had always been on the periphery of her life, who had always stood in place to help and protect with his bronzed body and whip-quick strength—this male would worship her. He would live for her. He would smile just to see her. He would show her the things she had yet to discover, and he would do it with finesse and…

And he was not Aaryn.

Elreth blinked.

Tarkyn put a hand to her shoulder and leaned into her ear again. "I know how to make you cry my name," he whispered. "And your people would choose me freely. Celebrate me. I am an asset to your throne."

Elreth\'s breath caught as he straightened and held her gaze, his confidence in himself rock-solid. And he was right, she realized. They would. He was as respected as her father, and Behryn, and Lhern. He was stronger than each of them, and positioned to protect the people. He was loved because he was good—and he was offering all of that to her.

He had no qualms about submitting to her, and would bite out the throat of any male who didn\'t. He would protect her to his dying breath—and her people, too. And they would welcome him with open arms because he was the best kind of male.

Just as Aaryn was.

But he was not Aaryn.

He was not hers.

He was not the mate her heart called—his was not the soul that danced with hers and yearned to entwine.

Then she heard it, the snarl—half-rage, half-fear—from behind the flames.

That was the heart that called hers. That was the soul she was tied to.

It was not this male—no matter how pretty, or strong, or good he might be. He was not her True Mate.

She closed her eyes and put a hand to his chest.

Tarkyn leaned closer, one hand sliding to her waist, but Elreth shook her head and pushed him back.

"Thank you," she said, then opened her eyes to watch the flames in his slowly die as she said the words he did not want to hear. "Thank you for caring for me and my family. Thank you for protecting me and my people. I pray you will continue to do so.

"Thank you for humbling yourself. And know that… if I wasn\'t so certain of my True Mate… know that we might have a different conversation. But I am his, and he is mine. And you… are not."

Tarkyn\'s throat bobbed, but he nodded, stepping back as Elreth pushed him out of the way, giving the ground she demanded, though the others tried to close in behind him to stop her. She gave the mating call and heard Aaryn answer and her heart pounded behind her ribs.

There was only a handful of males left, all of them wide-eyed and jaws clenched, forcing themselves to resist her as she let herself feel her dominance, feel her certainty, and she plowed forward to find her one and only True Mate.


NOTICE ABOUT CONTENT THIS WEEK (Last Week of August): I know you\'re always eagerly awaiting updates (thank you!) Unfortunately, because I am on vacation this week and had to fit an entire month\'s content for two books into three weeks of writing, there will be mostly single-chapter days for QUEEN in the coming week, beginning tomorrow. On those single-chapter days, the chapter will post at 7pm, Pacific (Los Angeles time). Thank you for ALL your support, and don\'t fear, double daily updates will be consistent in September!

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