Pet King

Chapter 1380: The Loophole in the World

Chapter 1380: The Loophole in the World

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It is rare to find kittens that understand human language.

A cat has a certain degree of intelligence, but can its intelligence reach a level that can understand people? This... this is incredible.

“Why shouldn’t I go back and see? Do you know the Teahouse In Hidden Fog and the Binhai City Library?” he asked.


The kitten nodded.

“You know?”


“Do I have to go there again? I always feel that there is something there... like something that was missed by me, such as wallets...” he said, but he was still doubtful in his heart that the kitten understands his words.

He said all this, more because he needs to get things off his chest.

It shook his head.

He was silent and smiled. “That is right. Once you missed something, it will not come back.”

The black and white kitten neither nod nor shook its head.

It can’t speak and can’t tell him – if he missed anything.

Even if he stayed in the Teahouse In Hidden Fog for a long time, even if he reached out and touched the empty space on the bookshelf, nothing would happen because it was a world without the game of “Pet Hunter,” and there was no elf in this world... maybe except the butterfly elf.

As for the kitten itself, it is a foreign object that forcibly invaded this world, and will, of course, be suppressed and rejected by the power of this world.

This is a world where there is no Old Time Tea and π.

Even if he decides to stay in the Teahouse In Hidden Fog for a longer period of time to find the source of the cat hair, he will not find Old Time Tea. He will only find a stray old cat with yellowish hair on the top of the mountain.

Even if his finger touches the empty space back at the library, he will only find that it is really merely an empty space. There is no such thing as an invisible book, and the digital reading area on the fifth floor is really disrupted by a kid who is a beginner hacker.

The Butterfly Elf is neither worried that he will stay in the Teahouse In Hidden Fog, nor is it worried that he will reach out and touch the empty space because it does not make any sense. Otherwise, if she is worried, why should she risk setting the blind date in the Teahouse In Hidden Fog? Why not distract him and make him change plans before he enters the library?

On the contrary, she wants him to arrive at the Teahouse In Hidden Fog and wants him to enter the library.

Her power blocked his related memories, but the memory still exists. That is obviously a hidden danger.

These memories are precious memories for him in his heart. He met Old Time Tea in the Teahouse In Hidden Fog and encountered π in the library. There is no such existence of her in these memories.

So in order to eliminate these hidden dangers, she has to create new memories to replace the old memories.

In these new memories, there is her existence, but there is no existence of the other elves.

Who he met in the Teahouse In Hidden Fog was not Old Time Tea, but her.

What he encountered in the library was not π, but her.

So he will slowly realize and accept these facts – he is impressed with those places because he met her there.

Who would not be impressed by such beauty? Who will not have a lasting impression after seeing her?

The kitten knows what will happen next. She will go with him to other places to complete the changing of all his precious memories.

She and he will go to the capital to visit the Forbidden City in the bleak autumn wind.

She and he will go to the United States to take photos with Hollywood stars in the Wax Museum.

She and he will go to Germany, applaud the award-winning stars in the auditorium of the Berlin Film Palace, and then squat by the beach by the sea, picking up beautiful shells...

In this series of journeys, he will still detect that there is something amiss and have a sense of deja vu. However, no matter what decision he makes, whether or not he wants to find out the truth, as long as he goes with her to those places, his memory is naturally updated with her inside.

She doesn’t even have to do anything. As long as she stays with Zhang Zian, his rationality will do all the work for her.


It’s not that she trapped Zhang Zian in this world, but Zhang Zian’s own personality trap himself in it.

This is a complete and self-sustaining world. It is built on Zhang Zian’s life experience and memory. The skeleton of it is his scientific knowledge and rationality. If this was someone’s dream who has no knowledge of science, there would be a lot more details in this world that do not make sense. This world will then not be so close to reality.

When encountering unexplained things, ordinary people may attribute it to ghosts or supernatural forces, but Zhang Zian will try to explain it with science and reason. Thus, this world will be as unbreakable as the real world.

However, even for someone as rational as Zhang Zian, there is a loophole in his outlook on life and world view, that is, the game “Pet Hunter” and the elves.

The existence of the game and the elves forces him to confront his own inherent common sense.

He now knows that cats and dogs may talk. He now knows that monkeys can type out Shakespeare’s poems. He knows that there is love in the parrot’s heart. He knows that there may be mermaids in the sea...

Without this loophole, no one can wake him up from a dream.

The dream world is too real, and such things would have made him uncomfortable because the real world... should not be so boring.

The butterfly elf knows this loophole, but it can’t mend it up. She can’t let this world play the “Pet Hunter” game, nor can she let the elves appear in this world. She can try to create something similar, but even so, It may also awaken his true memory.

Fortunately, time will eliminate all loopholes for her. As long as there is enough time, she can create a more exciting and interesting experience to satisfy him.

The kitten knows what will happen next.

The phone will ring.

Ring Ring——

His cell phone suddenly rang and interrupted his thoughts.

“Hello? Mom, what is it?” He saw the caller ID, and it was from his mother.

“Hey, Zhang Zian, where did you go and walk the dog?” the mother asked, her voice filled with anxiety and joy.

“Just behind, at the green space. What happened?” he replied.

The mother heaved a sigh of relief. “Come back! Come back soon!”

“What happened?” He looked at the playful puppies. They didn’t seem to have exhausted their excess energy, and the excreted feces had not yet been buried. However, his mother sounded so anxious. Might something bad happened?

“Dad is okay?”

His heartbeat suddenly sped up. What happened to his father?

“Your dad? What can possibly happen to him?” The mother groaned. “He is clumsily bathing the cats... Quickly bring the dogs back, then change your clothes! I tell you, I just gave Auntie Liu Wei a call on the phone and she said that the girl is very satisfied with you. However, you never contacted her back. She is a young girl, can’t you put aside your ego and just call her? Auntie Liu Wei complained to me for a long time, saying that you are so old yet still so ignorant! You almost blew the whole thing, you know!”

Zhang Zian listened to what she said. What is wrong with Zhuang Xiaodie, that she is still quite satisfied with him?

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