Pet King

Chapter 1364: Bridge

Chapter 1364: Bridge

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Zhang Zian might say that the staff were fools, but they weren’t that stupid after all. For example, after Wang Qian opened the door and entered the store, he snorted and said, “It’s strange. Let’s say that Master is traveling or, for some other reason, is not in the store for a few days. He always brings his pets with him or give them to a friend to look after them. How come when he goes on a date, he still brings them with him?”

He’d noticed that Zhang Zian was absent, but so were the pets. Fina and Snowy Lionet, who were usually on the cat tree, Galaxy, who always ran around the store, Old Time Tea, who watched TV and drank tea, Famous, who always lay beside the lounge chairs, Richard, whose sexual orientation was different from the average bird, and the Russian blue cat, Vladimir, who often ran out, were all absent as well.

Li Kun shrugged. “Do you really believe whatever Master says? Those are merely excuses. You must know that those who practice immortality often have some hidden rings or belts that can store things?”

“Oh!” Wang Qian slapped his forehead and actually accepted this explanation.

Lu Yiyun and Jiang Feifei were doing their own things and ignored the conversations of the two fools.

However, they also vaguely felt that Zhang Zian had temporarily left the house in a hurry. Last night, he had not disclosed anything about what he was intending to do. In addition, why had he gone on a blind date early in the morning? Did the girls on the True Love Network not sleep at all?

Moreover, wasn’t the city full of bugs at this time?

The other party must be somewhat kinky...

To walk around and shop while appreciating the bugs everywhere... Thinking about that was somewhat gross.

The elfins didn’t care what they thought. Everything would be fine as long as they didn’t plan to go upstairs and didn’t call an ambulance.

At this time, Pi remembered that Zhang Zian’s mobile phone was still in the bathroom. It knew that the mobile phone was very important, and so it used all four limbs to run back into the bathroom and take it.


It saw that Sihwa’s expression was a little weird, staring at Zhang Zian’s cell phone rather hard.

“I’m fine. Do you want the mobile phone?”

Sihwa returned to her senses and handed Zhang Zian’s mobile phone back to Pi.

Pi took the phone out of the bathroom and stuffed it back under Zhang Zian’s pillow.

Suddenly, Famous woke up.

The other elfins didn’t have much hope for a solution to come from Famous’s imagined world. However, with no further clues to guide them forward, they were willing to try anything and everything at this point in time. They asked, “Famous, how was it?”

Famous didn’t rush to answer. He stared at Old Time Tea and complained, “Can you tell me the next time you do that so I’ll least have some form of mental preparation?”

Old Time Tea apologized. “I know I have done you wrong. However, if you knew beforehand, your body would naturally be on the alert. Then it wouldn’t be so easy to put you to sleep.”

Famous didn’t immediately reply.

“Forget it. I will talk about this later.” It shook its head and glanced at the elfins. “This time I went to my imagined world. Although I still haven’t fully figured out the truth of the matter, I have a helper. It may be able to help Zhang Zian get out of his dream.”


Everyone looked around. Where was this helper? Had Famous slept until everything was a blur?

Famous’ eyes fell on Galaxy. “Galaxy, it all depends on you.”

The other elfins were even more puzzled. Even if Galaxy was powerful, what could it do in the face of an unknown elfin that could not be seen or touched?

Galaxy’s big silver-gray eyes blinked a little. It had seen what it had to do next.

Famous returned Galaxy’s gaze without hesitation.

In the beginning, Galaxy had appeared in the wax museum in Hollywood. From the start, Famous’ gaze had landed on Galaxy. Then its consciousness had inexplicably been rolled into his imagined world, and they’d ended up in a dark box with random cyanide traps. By now, they had gone thought countless episodes of life and death together.

Now that he thought about it, he was the one who’d entered Galaxy’s imagined world. Then he had entered that of Old Time Tea. The way that he had done so was always by gazing into the other’s eyes.

The eyes were the window to the soul, and they seemed to be a bridge between the consciousness and the imagined world.

This time, it was not Galaxy’s imagined world that he wanted to enter. Instead, he wanted to send something from his own imagined world to Galaxy’s consciousness.

He’d never tried it before, and he didn’t know if he would succeed. If it was unsuccessful, it would be very embarrassing... It was like staring into a person’s eyes and saying, “I want to hypnotize you.”

However, this was the only method he could think of.

The other spectators on the sidelines found the entire situation rather absurd. They only saw Famous and Galaxy looking hard at one another.

Famous didn’t feel anything, but Galaxy’s silver-gray eyes had ripples in them. It was much like a calm lake being disturbed by a pebble that had been thrown into it. His eyes looked this way for a while before returning to calmness.

“Meow! Galaxy wants to sleep for a while.”

Galaxy yawned and walked to Zhang Zian’s bed sleepily. He squatted down.

Without the help of Old Time Tea, he coiled his body into a ball and quickly fell asleep.

Could they consider this a success?

The other elfins also had this question.

Famous had no idea either, but it seemed to be a success.

On the streets, the number of caterpillars, which had reached a peak over the last few days, had slowly decreased. The air was filled with odors, which might have been from the smell of the pesticides or the smell of rotten bugs.

There were still not many pedestrians on the streets, and those who could take time off had already done so to head home. People who had to go out were wearing masks, hats, boots, and trousers. It was summer right now, but they were wrapped up like dumplings.

Wang Qian and Li Kun cleaned up the store. After a while, they went back to school. They’d used to take the puppies to the greenspace. Now even this step could be temporarily skipped for a while.

The store was quiet.

Lu Yiyun played some soft music in the pet shop. In the aquarium, Jiang Feifei eagerly browsed the recruitment sites, modified her resume, and chatted with her classmates, who were also looking for stable employment.

Uncle Li sent in the roast chicken breasts that were meant for the elfins. Hearing that Zhang Zian had brought them out with him, he also felt that it was not normal at all. Before, when this had happened, Zhang Zian had always informed him in advance. This was so that he would not have to send in food on that day.

The elfins on the second flood who needed to eat smelled the scent of the roast chicken breasts, and they were hungry.

Snowy Lionet slid into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, pulled out a piece of frozen raw beef, took a bite, and almost broke its teeth.

“Hey! Why doesn’t this stinky man know how to unfreeze this raw beef in advance?” Snowy Lionet shed tears and noticed that one of the functions of the microwave oven was “thaw.” However, the microwave oven was in a special cabinet. The space could only hold the microwave oven and nothing more. Snowy Lionet could not jump onto it. Even if Fina followed suit, she would not be able to stand on it either. She would fall off immediately.

In the bathroom, Sihwa’s mobile phone battery was low—low enough to alarm. However, the other elfins didn’t know where the charger was.

Zhang Zian had merely slept for a few more hours, and the elfins’ lives were already in chaos.

They’d used to live lives in which food appeared whenever they want it. They had never thought that one day he would “strike” in this form.

Although they didn’t want to admit it, they knew how to cherish many things only when they were lost.

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