Pet King

Chapter 650: Reviving the Hamsters

Chapter 650: Reviving the Hamsters

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When the students heard that they were about to save the hamsters, their eyes widened and their hearts raced. They listened carefully.

Zhang Zian took the opportunity to explain the science behind it first.

Hibernation was a basic instinct to many animals. From small rodents, to reptiles, to bears, they all chose to hibernate to withstand the harsh weather when food became scarce. During hibernation, the animals had lower body temperature and slower metabolisms. They could spend the entire winter without eating, drinking or moving.

Before entering hibernation, animals made preparations to fatten themselves up, so that they had enough fat to consume and to keep them warm. They chose a safe, quiet, and warm nest to hide out. By the time they came out, spring already arrived.

Shi Shi liked to put a sweater on the Labrador she owned with Liu Sanlang. Zhang Zian had explained “surface area to volume ratio” to her. Smaller animals had higher surface area to volume ratios, so they were more likely to lose heat. Therefore, medium to large-sized dogs didn’t need extra clothing in winter, only small dogs needed the extra help. Hamsters, since they were very small, were sensitive to temperature changes.

Hamsters’ hibernation were rushed, as they didn’t know enough to prepare for it. They entered hibernation as soon as their environment became too harsh. This type of hibernation was dangerous because there was a chance they’d never wake up. To scientists, calling the hamsters’ behavior “hibernation” was an insult to the other animals, so they called it “pseudo-hibernation.”

Zhang Zian had only been there for a few minutes, but he had already spotted a few problems. They didn’t use pure wood chips, the cages were in the north instead of the south, the humidity in the room was a little high, etc. All were reasons that could’ve forced the hamsters into hibernation, but the main reason was the temperature.

“I’ll help you move the cages so that they’re in the south. There are two things that caused the pseudo-hibernation. One is the low temperature, the other is the short daylight hours. I’ll need you to split up and prepare some stuff, but let’s revive them first. Do you have a kettle? To boil some water. Do you have syringes?” Zhang asked.

“There’s a kettle in the classroom. I’ll go get it.” A little boy volunteered.

Wang Yaning frowned and said, “The syringes are in the biology classroom and the school clinic, but they’re both closed right now. Should we buy some?”

“I’ll go. I know a convenience store nearby that sells toy syringes,” another boy said. After getting Zhang Zian’s approval, he ran outside, then ran back and asked, “How many should I buy?”

“Just one. The cheapest one will do.” Zhang Zian put up one finger.

“Okay.” The boy ran out again.

“Does anyone have candy?” Zhang Zian asked.

“I do,” another girl spoke in a shy voice.

“We’ll need to supplement sugar to the hamsters. Do you mind if we use your candy? A small piece will do.” Zhang Zian said gently.

“Okay.” The girl took some candy out of her pocket and put it on the desk.

Zhang Zian nodded at her, then spoke to everyone, “Stretch out your hands, and rub them like this, until your palms are hot.”

He rubbed his palms quickly to demonstrate. They followed his example and rubbed their palms until they became red and hot.

“Okay. Now, everybody grab a hamster. If you think that it’s getting cold, rub your hands again, and blow on it with your mouths.” As Zhang Zian spoke, he picked up a hamster from the cage.

The three girls each chose a hamster, put them in warm palms, and brought them near their mouths to breathe warm air on them.

This was the simplest and safest way to warm the hamsters up. Using hot water or heated blankets could backfire since the temperature was harder to control. However, Zhang Zian had only heard of this method, but he wasn’t sure if it would work.

The heat emitted from their palms traveled to the hamsters, and the hot air from their mouths was like a warm wind.

“I’m back!” The boy that went to fetch the kettle returned first, with a silver stainless steel kettle in his hand. “Is this okay?”

“Yes.” Zhang Zian looked at the kettle doubtfully. “Is that an electric kettle? Where’s the dock with the cord? Do you plan to boil the water with fire?”

The girls couldn’t stop chuckling.

The boy paused, then looked at the kettle in his hand, and felt massively embarrassed. He stuttered, “I…I’ll head back to get it…”

“Wait!” Zhang Zian stopped him. “Put the kettle down, then go get the dock.”

The boy dashed out as soon as he put the kettle down, running faster than last time.

After a while, the second boy came back with a toy syringe. Zhang Zian gave him a hamster, and asked him to do what the girls were doing to heat up the hamster.

A few minutes later, the first boy came back again. He brought the dock for the kettle.

“Fill the kettle halfway, and boil the water. Be careful not to burn yourselves,” Zhang Zian commanded.

It only took a couple of minutes for the water to boil.

Zhang Zian gave his hamster to the boy who brought the kettle. He poured half the hot water into a small glass, then took a tiny piece of candy and put it into the hot water. The candy dissolved and disappeared quickly.

He shook the glass to mix the sugar well. After the water cooled down to an appropriate temperature, he drew enough water to fill the toy syringe, opened the mouth of the hamster in the boy’s hands, and injected the warm sugar water into its mouth.

He repeated the process with the other hamsters.

He put the syringe down. He had done everything he could, and now all he could do was wait.

Little Celery nervously looked at the Winter White hamster in her hands. If looks had heat, hers could melt ice.

Suddenly, she felt a twitch in her palms, as if something had scratched her.

The hamster wiggled its body and opened its eyes.

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