Pet King

Chapter 506: Only the Paranoid Survive

Chapter 506: Only the Paranoid Survive

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Roger signed the confidentiality agreement, and Charles paid him a part of his salary in advance as a dog trainer. Roger greedily counted the money, and then carefully stuffed the money into his pocket.

Duncan lovingly caressed the neck of the German Shepherd, looking at the dog tenderly as if he was watching his lover or his children. “Just eat more, my dear, eat more,” he said.

Charles pointed at the door and ordered Roger to leave, “You can go now. There will be a new movie shooting tomorrow, bring your dog and report to the crew then.”

Roger took a second look at the steak and wine on the table and begged cheekily, “Mr. Charles, it’s noon now. I want to have lunch before I go. Is that okay? As a new employee of the company, I should be entitled to get a free lunch, right?”

Charles looked at Roger in disgust and shouted to the kitchen a moment later, “Prepare lunch for our guests!”

Roger rushed to the table, sitting opposite the German Shepherd, and said happily, “I’ll also have a steak with onions and a glass of red wine! The steak can be cooked very rare. I like it bloody!”

What? What did he just say?

A sensitive nerve of Famous was struck by their conversation, and it couldn’t help but raise its tearful eyes. Famous had been watching the German Shepherd, but had never paid attention to the food on its dinner plate.

It wasn’t until then that Famous discovered that the plate contained a fried steak with onions, broccolis, and mushrooms. The top quality steak was cooked perfectly. With every bite, the steak would exude a rich aroma of butter that’d make anyone drool. The problem lied with the onions, the main ingredient in frying the steak.

Famous didn’t know about onions until the former pyrotechnician, Guan Biao, of the Dog Warrior crew tried to feed onions to the dogs. Later, Zhang Zian told Famous that onions were toxic to dogs because the disulfides in onions would cause red blood cells to rupture.

Charles ignored Roger, but told Duncan ingratiatingly, “Mr. Duncan, we have changed chefs recently. The best dish is the fried steak with onions. Does your dog enjoy it?”

Duncan nodded satisfactorily and said approvingly, “It enjoys the dish very much.”

“That’s great.” Charles smiled. “According to the chef, onions and red wine are a perfect match. Red wine not only removes the unpleasant odor of onions, but also retains the spicy aroma of onions. The scent of grapes and the unique flavor of onions blend together with the carefully prepared steak. This dish is the best taste in the world. If your dog likes it, I’ll have the kitchen prepare it for it every day.”

“Yes.” Duncan nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Charles. You’re very thoughtful.”

The chef’s culinary skill was excellent, and Duncan’s dog really liked to eat the dish. The dog had almost finished the onions, steak, and red wine, but not the broccoli.

“Don’t eat! Don’t eat! Don’t eat the onions!” Famous suddenly roared wildly, wanting to stop the German Shepherd from eating the dish. Although the dog would seem fine for a while, the disulfides would quietly enter its body, ready to slaughter its red blood cells, which could harm its bone marrow. Obviously, people of this era hadn’t realized the harm of onions to dogs. That was why they were offering the best food they could afford to this German Shepherd, the big star.

The toxicity of onions was related to the quantity consumed. With its large size, this German Shepherd probably would be fine if it only ate the onions today. However, if it continued eating onions day after day, the disulfides would accumulate in its body and once the dog’s urine turned bloody, this era’s poor medical treatment couldn’t save it.

Famous’s loud, violent barking made Duncan frown in disgust. “What a peasant this dog is. Even if it looks similar, it can never be as civilized as our star who never barks.” Charles smiled. “13 is probably coveting the dish and would like to eat a few bites of the steak. Its behavior is understandable. What dog doesn’t like to eat meat?

“It’s impossible for 13 to eat steak,” Duncan murmured coldly. “How can a stunt double be treated like the star?”

“Yes, exactly.” Charles agreed. He turned back and yelled at Roger, “Did I pay you to do nothing? Make your dog shut up!”

Roger jumped up from his chair and strode towards Famous rapidly. He threatened Famous ferociously, “Shut up! Stop barking! If you bark again, I’ll peel off your skin!”

Famous still tried to stop the German shepherd, but it had already eaten all the onions and left the table. The star was lying on the carpet lazily to digest the food in its stomach. Famous knew that its dissuasion was futile because no one could understand its words, and it couldn’t change history.

Since Famous no longer barked, Roger returned to the table.

At that moment, the chef pushed the dining cart over. Charles walked to the dining cart and lifted two plates from it. He put one plate in front of Roger and the other in front of Famous.

“As a stunt double, you only deserve to eat this,” said Charles. There was a ham cheese sandwich on each of the two plates.

Roger stared at his own sandwich. Although he felt humiliated, he was starving. He picked up the sandwich and stuffed it into his mouth. After a few bites, he noticed that there was still some broccoli and broth left on the German Shepherd’s plate. Ignoring Duncan and Charles’s disdainful looks, he took the plate and dipped his sandwich in the broth, then swallowed the bread with relish.

Famous looked at its sandwich. What a measly and shabby lunch compared to the fried steak with onions, but at least its food was not poisonous. Famous lowered its head and swallowed the sandwich.

Among all the elves in the pet shop, the strong-minded and resolute Old Time Tea was the elf that Famous admired the most. Old Time Tea never flinched at anything. Even if everyone disapproved of its decision, even if it lost its own life in the process, Old Time Tea would do what it considered correct.

Famous had escaped before. In order to escape its nightmarish memory, Famous would rather forget everything. However, it decided not to escape anymore. It wanted to live in this world, to witness everything, and to face the devil inside its heart. If Famous didn’t defeat the devil, it could not become an angel.

“That’s right, you need to understand your position.” Charles and Duncan smiled at each other, thinking that Famous had succumbed to its fate.

Duncan looked at his watch and said goodbye to Charles, “I leave now. There are a lot of b*tches waiting for my dog to mate with them. I can’t remember how many puppies it has reproduced.”

Charles sent Duncan and his dog out. Before the door closed, Duncan’s dog burped loudly. The aroma of onions flowing from its mouth.

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