Pet King

Chapter 466: Let the Right One in

Chapter 466: Let the Right One in

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The squad and the ten retired German Shepherds got on the bus and went back to the filming location.

After they got off, Feng Xuan and his assistant were called by the crew members. It seemed that something had happened. Old Yang yelled and instructed the crew members to take the dog cages from the vehicle.

These stainless steel cages were property of the police dog training base and they had to be returned. The crew also had gotten some average iron cages ready, and though they were not as shiny and stable as the stainless steel ones, they could still be used during the shoot.

Zhang Zian didn’t have much to do, so he squatted down and watched Old Yang busily do things.

“Where’s the water? I’ll take anything drinkable,” Old Yang asked, walking around and setting things up.

“There’s a water dispenser over there.” Zhang Zian pointed to it. He knew Old Yang wanted to feed the dogs so he stood up and said, “I’ll go with you and we can carry a bucket of water back together.”

“Hey, that would be great. I’m just worried about where we can find the water.” Old Yang touched his head and looked out, murmuring, “There are so many people in the crew. This whole place is the shooting location?”

Zhang Zian signaled for Famous to catch up. “Yeah, these are all the shooting locations provided by Binhai Studio. Since we have explosion scenes sometimes, we needed a deserted location. Besides, we need to clear the place and make it open to staff only anyways.

As there were ten dogs waiting to be fed, a large amount of water was needed. Zhang Zian had to carry the whole container of drinking water back with Old Yang.

Old Yang opened the water and brought over stainless steel food bowls, then had Zhang Zian tip over the bucket. The two worked together to pour water into every bowl and then put them back into the steel cages.

These dogs hadn’t been drinking water after their meals and had been on the road for a long time, so they were very thirsty. They immediately started to drink as soon as the water was in front of them.

Zhang Zian was still thinking about the sad scene that had happened back at the base, so he took the opportunity to ask, “Old Yang, all those police dogs—I mean the real police dogs, not the retired ones—what will happen to them once they actually retire?”

Old Yang was busy with his hands, but started talking. He first confirmed Sheng Ke’s words. The official police dogs were in the system, separate from the policemen themselves. Their system was more like the gun and police car inventory, where they all had their own numbers. They couldn’t be shared with the public, even they were damaged or aged. This also applied to the police dogs.

Unless the dogs were injured or sick, the police dogs technically had to work for eight years before they retired. After they retired, they would usually have three choices. The first one was stay where they were. They could also go to policemen or trainers as pets, which was what Cui Yi was aiming for. The last option was for any dog lover to adopt them after signing a contract.

Zhang Zian heard the three options and thought they were pretty decent. The police dogs worked for their society for half their lives, then could finally rest in good health. At least they didn’t have to be abandoned.

“Difficult! Difficult! Difficult!” Old Yang shook his head and repeated to himself.

“Speaking of the second plan, there are some trainers and policemen who love dogs and are willing to adopt them when the dogs retire, but when you think about it, the policemen are on the same basic level as us. We can feed ourselves and a dog with our salary, but we have to get married right? What if our wives say no to these dogs? Also, more and more big cities are against owning large dogs, and the trainers and policemen can’t do anything about that.

“Apart from that, being adopted by the public can still be difficult. Though retired police dogs are old, they are still more dangerous than an average dog. If a random guy wants to adopt one, he has to go through a huge pile of paperwork and needs a decent salary. Besides, they would need a signed insurance from the police members. All of this prevents a lot of people from doing so.

“Staying where they already are may be the main choice for retired police dogs…” Old Yang was silent for a bit then continued speaking, “Generally speaking, the adopters don’t have much time, money, or energy for the retired dogs. They usually assign or outsource them to others.”

“Assign to whom?” Zhang Zian asked curiously.

“To anyone who has an open nursing home for police dogs. I’m not sure.” Old Yang didn’t really know either.

Zhang Zian nodded to show he understood, and stopped asking questions. After all, Old Yang was just a former trainer from the base who now just cooked for dogs. You couldn’t expect too much from him.

Just at that time, the assistant came over, breathing heavily. “Brother Zhang, Director Feng asked for you. He said there was something important that he wanted to discuss with you. Oh, Director Feng also asked for you, Old Yang.”

Zhang Zian figured that it might be the thing that made Feng Xuan leave before, but he didn’t know for sure what it was. He asked Old Yang and walked towards Feng Xuan’s temporary office together with the assistant.

“What is that?” On the road, Zhang Zian noticed something unusual and stopped walking. There were many unfamiliar workers that he didn’t know who had joined the crew. They were wearing the light reflecting uniforms and safety helmets, all gathered around in a circle working on a chain link fence.

The steel net was about two and half meters above the ground and looked thicker than a usual fence. It seemed very strong. At every distance, there was a shining stainless steel pillar, which was buried deeply underground and connected to the chain link fence.

Just when Zhang Zian was wondering what the purpose of this fence was, he saw a worker carrying a bright yellow sign under his arm and put it up on the fence chest high. There was a lighting symbol on the sign and it read, Danger! High voltage!

Holy hell! This was an electric fence? Zhang Zian and Old Yang were both surprised. They looked at each other, wondering what was happening. They somehow could tell it had to do with whatever Feng Xuan had wanted to tell them.

Right before the electric wire netting, the workers were setting up an outer wire fence as well. This netting was relatively simple and rudimentary. Its height was about an average grown man’s, and the wire was thin, fixed on the ground with wood planks. The outer wire netting had been given a sign that said, Electric wire netting inside, don’t get close!

Apparently, the thin outer wire netting was to prevent people from getting close and the inner one…probably was made to prevent things from running away. For both the inner and the outer chain link fence, there was only one exit.

By the door on the thin wire netting, there were a bunch of steel cages in a row, which looked twice the size of the cages used for the German Shepherds. They were all empty for now.

Seeing this, Zhang Zian and Old Yang weren’t the only ones feeling confused and worried. Many of the crew members were all concerned and talking at a distance. They could hear all kinds of guessing and speculation going on and on.

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