Pet King

Chapter 359: The Fifth Elfin

Chapter 359: The Fifth Elfin

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Although Fina was muttering all sorts of reluctance, she still let Zhang Zian make her invisible. After all—curiosity killed the cat. She was curious about the “interesting place” promised by Zhang Zian.

However, as soon as she arrived at the destination and got out of the car, she immediately pulled her already-long face even longer.

“This is the place you were talking about?” She gazed back and forth at this mediocre street in front of it, wondering whether Zhang Zian was out of his mind.

In terms of impression, this street was not much better than Zhonghua Road in Binhai City. It looked ragged and dirty, with palm trees sparsely planted on both sides of the street. The road was not spacious and could accommodate only up to six vehicles. It looked nothing like an “interesting place”; very few luxury cars were seen.

Old Time Tea and Galaxy were not picky. They watched the pedestrians in outlandish clothes with great interes.

The biggest difference between here and elsewhere was that there were a lot of people in dramatic costumes like theatrical actors, while other pedestrians were trying to take photos with them.

Zhang Zian locked the car and said, “Don’t underestimate this place. This here is the center of Hollywood, the famous Walk of Fame, and the heart of the world’s film industry. As for those in fancy dresses, they are street artists, and people are generally charged a fee to take photos with them. ”

“What?” Fina was even more upset. “How much did you charge the college student who took photos of me before?”

Zhang Zian knew that she was referring to Luo Qingyu from the photography club in Binhai University, whom he had contacted occasionally. As he had heard, Luo Qingyu’s photos had passed the primary selection of the school, and would represent Binhai University to participate in the photography exhibition of the city’s education industry. From Luo Qingyu’s tone, he sounded very confident.

There were many tourists and it was extremely noisy here. People from all over the world were speaking different languages ??and with different accents, forming a melody where multiple nationalities were mingling together, just like what was indicated by the starting point of the Walk of Fame—the domed silver-cast sculptures of four ladies who were Caucasian, Latin American, African-American, and Chinese, respectively; Zhang Zian had never heard of this Chinese-American actress called Anna May Wong, though.

“Zian, what’s this?” Old Time Tea looked down at the smooth sidewalk, lifted a paw and pointed at the big yellow star on the ground.

Zhang Zian squatted down to touch the slightly cool pink terrazzo, which was framed by star-shaped bronze, and was engraved with an English name in the middle.

“Well, the so-called Walk of Fame is to honor celebrities with these stars. Whoever leaves e their names here must have made a huge contribution to the world’s entertainment industry…”

At this point, Zhang Zian heard someone was sneering disdainfully nearby. Yet the sound fleeted with no trace, so he couldn’t capture the source.

He looked up in astonishment and glanced around. With people coming and going, he couldn’t tell who was sneering.

“What? Did you guys hear that?” asked he.

“Hear what?” asked Old Time Tea.

Galaxy was busy cautiously avoiding the pedestrians. Old Time Tea was listening attentively to his introduction. Fina was yawning and narrowing her eyes out of boredom, and Snowy Lionet was surrounding Fina trying to please it. It seemed that only Richard, who was standing on his shoulder had also heard the sneer, said, “Did you mean that someone was sneering? I heard that too, I just don’t know which wicked person did that…”

“Well, do not mind that, then. The person was probably not even sneering at us.” Zhang Zian tried not to care too much.

He guessed he might be overthinking. With so many bustling tourists speaking a variety of languages ??and accents, someone had probably just made an exotic burp, which had been mistaken by him for a sneer.

He pointed to the star-shaped terrazzo and continued introducing for Old Time Tea, “The bronze disc under the English name represents the field of expertise of this man. You see, this star belongs to Michael Jackson, and the disc below is in the shape of a record, which means he was famous for singing … there is a piece of mosaic belongs to Kung Fu Superstar Jackie Chan, where the disc is engraved with a camera, indicating he is a film actor. You have watched his Kung Fu movies, haven’t you? Unfortunately, there is some quality issue with that mosaic —the edges have been tramped…”

Old Time Tea stroke a whisker and nodded. It didn’t seem particularly intrigued, “Yes, I’ve seen his movies…”

It pondered for a moment, and said with hesitation, “What about other Kung Fu actors? There are so many stars, is it only Jackie Chan who has left his name here?”

Zhang Zian put out three fingers. “Presently, only three Chinese people have their own stars on the Walk of Fame: Jackie Chan, and her—” he turned around and pointed to the silver statue of the four ladies at the entrance of the Walk of Fame—”the actress called Anna May Wong. As for the third person…”

He smiled mysteriously and knew the name of the person, someone whom Old Time Tea really cared about.

“Grandpa Tea, please allow me to hold some suspense here. You can see for yourself later.”

Zhang Zian led the elves to wander around the Walk of Fame, showing off his limited knowledge and introducing them the origins and rumors of each building. Sometimes, they stopped to watch the exciting hip-hop dancing and singing performances. They listened to the street artists play guitar, applauded, and supported them by giving some change from his pocket like cutting off his flesh.

“We are not going back to Tim’s house at noon today. We have to wait until it is not so crowded, so we will have lunch here.” He pointed to a crowded South Korean barbecue store nearby. “I heard that the barbecue here is good and is not expensive. It’s too bad I can’t use the coupons from China… ”

Fina had had a full meal in the morning, but at this moment, the delicious smell from the barbecue store had her mesmerized. During their stay in the United States, it was very difficult for Fina to endure the unpalatable barbecue prepared by Zhang Zian every day.

They passed the Chinese Theater, which was the must-see attraction in Hollywood and was subsequently packed like sardines. From time to time, tourist buses stopped in front of it, worsening the crowded situation.

At this moment, Zhang Zian’s cell phone suddenly rang.

He habitually pulled out the prepaid phone Tim had bought for him, and he had been using it all the time in the United States, thinking that either Tim or Lauren was looking for him. However, when he touched it to wake the screen, he found that this phone had no notification for calls or messages.

Pulling out his own cell phone from his pocket, Zhang Zian was surprised to find that it was the “Pet Hunter” game that had issued the notification.

[Game Tip]: A rare pet is detected in your city. Whether to go capture it or not is the player’s own decision.

[Game Tip]: The following is the information of the pet.

[Pet Type]: Elfin.

[Rarity]: Elite/Epic level.

[Difficulty of Capture]: Uncertain.

[Degree of Danger]: Low.

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