Magical Academy: Rise of the Supreme Magic Craftsman

Chapter 370 - Another

Wallace observed the golden-skinned alien race as they approached the golden airship of the Seiji\'s Alliance…

He wanted to see how they would act in front of these magicians.

\'They didn\'t even bother sending one representative from the Empire… Are they going to attack?\'

Technically, the Khrusam Race isn\'t part of the Empire but allied to it… They are most likely hired as the Empire\'s vanguard while they are still unsure about the power of the magicians…

After all, using an unusual power against an unknown power can be useful at times…

Nevertheless, sending them out for negotiations doesn\'t seem right at all… After all, there was no way for them to decide for the Empire\'s actions… 

On the other hand, the Grand Sages and Grand Arcanists on the airship were unaware of this…

They just looked at the approaching aliens that are standing on top of a floating metal board.

They have received information about the Arians so they were not surprised about their appearance. They know that aliens wouldn\'t exactly look like them at all… 

Perhaps it was due to the lack of nature\'s air and water that was why they have evolved to adapt to their surroundings. 

Nevertheless, the magicians seem to be smiling as they are trying to appear as harmless as possible in front of the aliens. 

The negotiations haven\'t started yet so they have to act their part…

They can\'t agitate them too much now that they\'ve shown the power of their Magicians.

Wallace looked at the other spaceships beside the Conqueror Starship and noticed that a few more doors have opened and several people wearing combat spacesuits has appeared. 

[ Nero Bio-Armor – 90% ] 

[ Lycan Battle-Armor – 43% ] 

[ Jackal Iron-Suit – 12% ] 

Avalon immediately scanned the newly arrived imperial army and rated it… 

The Nero Bio-Armor had most likely received a few more adjustments or improvements the last time they\'ve got a record of it so it didn\'t get a hundred percent similarity rate.

"Give me information about their suit…"

Avalon listed what they have on his device and found out this Bio-Armor was quite hardcore…

It doesn\'t matter whether you lost your limbs as the armor would make it for you… As long as your head and torso are still active, the armor can do the work for you…

"Whoa~ They have something like that? Why didn\'t I heard of this?"

[ The record that we have is when this bio-armor was still in the last stage of its development… They have most likely perfected it a few years after and mass-produced them throughout the years that passed. ]

  Avalon answered and even included its guess…

Wallace was impressed by this technology… After all, not only would it be helpful for soldiers, it would also greatly help in the medical field… Especially for people who had lost their limbs and unable to continue with their jobs…

"I want that Bio-Armor…"

[ Should I formulate a plan to steal one of the Imperial Soldiers? ] 

"Yes… That\'s not a bad idea."

This way, it wouldn\'t just be the Empire who will benefit from this planet\'s mana but they would also benefit from their advanced technology.


The Golden Airship in front of the alien\'s spaceship looks very small after getting near them.

Minexis, the Grand Sage of Seiji, looked at the majestic Conqueror Starship of the Meredith Empire…

He could only imagine how much resources and manpower was used to build this vessel with a size of a mountain…

He looked at the old woman beside him that had also reached the level of a Grand Sage… She\'s the most powerful individual within the State of Kazan… 

Her presence here is also very important as her Secret Art would surely help them in case the Aliens decided to ignore their negotiation…

"Eralles, I leave it to you…"

Minexis said to the old lady. The latter only nodded at him as she clasped her hands and closed her eyes… 

The other two Grand Arcanists also noticed this and confirmed that the Grand Sage is ready to use her Secret Art anytime from now.

The two held their finest Mana Artifacts in their hands as they waited for Minexis to deal with the alien race…

They also saw the armored aliens that appeared outside the spaceships and noticed how they are not carrying any weapons with them…

It seems that they wanted to show that they are not that harmless and also willing to negotiate. This is a good start for them…

As soon as the two aliens floated about 50 meters away from the airship, Minexis waved his hand and started to speak. His voice was amplified so it can be heard even if they\'re still at such distance. 

"We would like to settle this without having too many deaths on both sides… I would like to know the purpose of your visit to our island…"

The Grand Sage said. He didn\'t want to say too much since he\'s still quite unsure whether the alien can actually understand him.

He waited for a response but the golden-skinned race was just standing still on their floating piece of metal.

Minexis looked at his side to see whether they have a suggestion…

"Try to keep talking for now…"

"They might be hesitating whether to tell you their reason here"

"Very well…"

The old man then continued with his talk…

"There is a high chance that you wanted to take over this planet. I know that you are all very powerful… However, you should know that there is no way you can conquer this planet with only your number… You are strong but so as we… If you considered negotiating with us, we might be able to help you on your conquest…"

Minexis looked at the expression of the aliens but nothing seemed to have changed. He can\'t read them at all.

\'Haa~ It seems that they\'re not capable of understanding our language… However, the Arians seem to be capable of it… Did they teach them beforehand? Or perhaps those aliens are fake?\'

The old man is getting impatient at the inactions of these golden aliens…

He looked at the armored soldiers watching from the spaceships and they seemed to be waiting for something…

In the end, he can only continue with his speech as he laid out the benefits of allying with them…

Even Wallace, who\'s watching everything secretly, commended the patience of the Grand Sage…

Nevertheless, his tolerance paid off as the alien decided to wave his hand gesturing his intent to be followed!

The aliens floated away as they seem to be returning to the Conqueror Starship…

Minexis and the other Grand Sage and Grand Arcanists were quite shocked at this... 

They did it! It seems that there will be a piece of good news sooner or later.

"Eralles, you stay here and wait for us…"

Then, he looked at the two Grand Arcanists… They were both unafraid of going with him but Minexis decided to just bring one of them and took three of their finest Sages.

He still wanted to prepare in case they needed to run away… He knows that his survivability would increase if he\'s with the Sages since they are all willing to sacrifice their lives as long as he could live.

He used his floating spell to everyone and brought them with him as they followed the alien race… 

He then glanced at Zephon, the general of the main army, and signaled to him to stay put but remain on guard…

Once he entered the spaceship together with the aliens, he wouldn\'t be able to control whatever would happen on the outside…

Nevertheless, it appears that communication with the aliens is possible… Even if they couldn\'t fully understand what he said, perhaps his message got through them…

He held his amulet or his Mana Artifact tightly as they reached the Starship…


The invisible barrier was removed and a path going inside was opened for them. The entrance appears to be a tunnel. 

Seeing that there\'s a light at the other end, Manexis felt a bit excited as he wanted to see the internal structure of the spaceship. 


Wallace saw the Grand Sage with his entourage enter the spaceship… He couldn\'t read the Empire\'s actions now since they have perhaps acknowledged the threat of the Magicians together with the missing spaceship that fought them in outer space. 

This may be the reason why they have decided to approach this planet differently from what they have planned before.

He wanted to wait and see what will happen before he would attack in full force but unfortunately, Avalon sounded its alarm!

[ The Black Sovereign with suspected Cube of Paradox is showing signs of descending on the planet. ] 

"What?! Why now? Where is it headed?"

[ Montego. ] 

"Tsk… It\'s too far from here..." 

Just like what Wallace feared, the spaceships of the Empire seem to be planning to descend in different regions of the world…

This is extremely bad for them since the forces of each country would be divided. 

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