Magical Academy: Rise of the Supreme Magic Craftsman

Chapter 129 - Battle Royale ( Part 2 )

They started to pay attention on this half horse and half human automaton. It made them curious about it\'s full battle potential.

Wallace\'s creation was graded 6 out of 10 and it\'s opponent, the Turtleback Wolf, was graded 7. This information tells a lot to people now that the Turtleback Wolf was defeated even with a higher grade.

Now, no one dared to underestimate these automatons even if their grade was low.

"Did the engineers failed to evaluate the automatons properly?" 

"No, I don\'t think so. It\'s not that they failed to evaluate correctly. It was because of Zhilina\'s installed combat sequence was poor so it was taken advantage by the War Beast. The wolf should have a very strong defense but it chose to attack for some reason and after getting caught off guard by that fire or magic cannon, it didn\'t have time to defend using it\'s turtleback."

"I see... So it\'s a problem on the automation\'s combat capability?"

"That\'s right, it doesn\'t matter how good the magic spells imbued on it\'s magic structure  if they don\'t know how to utilize them depending on their situation." 

"Although the Turtleback Wolf has below average attack, it has a very outstanding mobility even in a swamp environment and could wear out its opponent. If it was controlled by a magician, it surely has a higher chance of winning compared to that struggling automaton that was unable to get out of the swamp."

"This can also be a reminder for everyone to not just look at the grade given to them."

"That\'s right, especially those from our home team... All three was graded as 5 out of 10. I wonder if they will surprise us just like how Wallace\'s Red-Eyed War Beast did."


Wallace scratches his head upon seeing his automaton unable to get out of the swamp.

"Anyway, it could also use the swamp to his advantage." He said after contemplating about the situation of his automaton.

There where only a few combat tactics that was installed to the automaton. 

One of them was to find the best terrain for sniping. His laser cannon has a cooldown to generate power and also to ensure that the weapon would not be overused and be destroyed. 

He doesn\'t have to worry about the operation limit of his automaton but was more worried about the materials he used. The laser generates unimaginable heat and he didn\'t installed a magic structure to help it in mitigating this heat and he only used a Passive Heat Dissipation System that he learned using his A.I. to transfer the heat to the ground. 

The reason why he selected this four-legged beast was to utilize those four cooling systems. 

This way, his automaton could fire a lot more lasers in short duration and destroy the enemy as long as it had locked on it\'s target.

With the swamp on it\'s feet, probably 30-40 more laser shot and it will turn to a dry field.

After the commotion on his side was over, some of the automatons had already met their first opponent. Unlike Wallace\'s automaton, the others were taking time fighting their opponents.


Sheryl checked the information about the automaton her Vital Thorn was dealing with.

[ Maja ]

[ Fabled Atom: Designed by Saida Khan. A humanoid automaton. Possessed high agility and pointed blade as installed weapon. Focused on movement buffs. Grade 7/10 ]

This Fabled Atom has a build similar to human but was made of various metals and some parts were covered by a layered armor. The short blade installed was detractable on its arm so it won\'t affect it\'s movement in any terrain.

"Hmm.. I wonder if my combat sequence was enough." Sheryl muttered which didn\'t escape Jun and Wallace\'s ear.

"Let\'s just see, no need to get worried now. Trust on your abilities. I know that you have a high chance winning here." Jun said as if he was sure that Sheryl will not lose against her current opponent.

"Hmm... It seems you\'re confident? What did I miss?" Wallace asked.

"Haha! Nothing... I just know that she worked really hard for this event, so I believe that the automaton will at least show a good performance in this fight.. but if not, let\'s just do better next time." Jun said as he sipped a cup of tea served in their seats.

"But honestly, I\'m really tempted to ask some details about that beam of light from you War Beast. Sigh~ That\'s really impressive." Jun added after having a chance to speak about it.

Wallace could only smile upon hearing this. Although his laser wasn\'t that much of a secret, he didn\'t bother to explain them for now as he was intently watching the current fight that was happening near his automaton. Of course, for his laser, he doesn\'t have plans to patent it for now.

The two automatons were currently fighting in the boulder field just near the swamp. If one of them just stood at the largest boulder or crossed the field, it will surely see the centaur-like automaton struggling to get out of the swamp. 

\'It has a booster to get out of the swamp but it was programmed to only use those in case of emergency.\' Wallace thought as he started to realize several things that he could have programmed in his automaton.

\'I\'ll definitely let Avalon assist me in this type of concerns in the future.\' He didn\'t missed the chance to keep note of things as he plans to install his magnificent artificial intelligence program to some of his future automatons. 

Wallace then started to observe Sheryl\'s Vital Thorn fight against the Fabled Atom.

An armored werewolf with sharp claws versus an armored human with pointed blade. This is how the announcers describe the fight between the two. The Fabled Atom was a bit more balanced while the Vital Thorn was focused in offense. The only defense it has was its thorny scales around it\'s body. It can be used as defense and also to injure his attacker. 

Ice Claw! 

Mana Blade! 

Fire Breath!

Water Wall!

The Vital Thorn possessed Ice and Fire Magic on it\'s left and right claws while the Fabled Atom was parrying the magic enhanced claws using its Mana Blade. And shielding using Water Wall to those attack that it was unable to parry using the Mana Blade. 

"As expected, a close combat skills to preserve their energy output. They surely are calculating the energy expense of their opponent before sending their killer move. I wonder who will last until the end." Nina said as she deduced that the two automaton was saving their Mana for possibly one strong move to defeat their opponent.

"It\'s a good strategy to save Mana unlike what the War Beast did. Expending a large amount of Mana in single move. If there are other enemies nearby or the opponent has managed to dodge, that would be the end of it."  Schneizel commented.

"It seems that the two automaton would still take some time. Let\'s have a look here in the boulder\'s field. It was an automaton from Maja fighting against the graded 5 automaton from our home team." Nina excitedly started to introduce the two automatons. She was well aware of their details as someone who also has a license for Magic Engineering.

"A battle between Khamir\'s Fabled Ambush and Renzo\'s Helios. Both of them has very good mobility. This boulder field couldn\'t stop them from having an exciting match. Fabled Ambush Magic Spells could almost destroy those boulders if it wasn\'t reinforced by our magicians. This automaton can also slam through these stones and send a heavy punch to it\'s enemy."

"Amazing, this Ambush has a very good foundation in both strength and magic power. The Helios could only passively defend and sent some counterattack in desperate moves... No, wait... this Helios was only targeting the enemy\'s joint!" Schneizel was a Combat Magicians so he could see those minute details when he carefully observe a battle.

"What?! Really? What an amazing find. Although ambush has sturdy build and powerful attacks, it\'s joints seems to have a gap that the enemy automaton could exploit." Nina observed and started to find flaws of those two automaton. Although these twelve automatons looked fine outside, their professional eyes could see several flaws from the start. But of course, those things will only be mentioned during the fights as part of their job. 

"But it\'s not that easy, remember that it\'s not being controlled by a magician. We can\'t compare the automaton that Sir Julian made to these young talents."

"Of course. Anyway, if Helios continued to target those joints.. It might actually win against the Fabled Ambush."


[ Montego ] 

[ Helios: Designed by Renzo Ponte. Gorilla-like automaton that possessed several unknown mechanism that can only be triggered by multiple Helios. Pointed Knuckles as it\'s main weapon. Protected by Purple Jade Eye. Grade 5/10 ]

This is what the evaluation says. Wallace turned his head to see the other two Helios hurrying to Renzo\'s Helios location although it was far, separated by the lake and mini forest. It seems that the other two couldn\'t be stopped at all.

\'So the three has arrangements and could team up? How convenient.\' He smiled wryly upon realizing the tactics of Montego\'s team. 

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