Magical Academy: Rise of the Supreme Magic Craftsman

Chapter 113 - Anti-Mage Mutation

"Chalice? Is it someone famous that I should be aware of?" Chester asked. It was the first time he heard the name.

"Notorious is probably more appropriate in his case." Marvin replied. He was ready to explain the situation.

"So, who is this Chalice? Is it an organization?"

"No, Chalice is a magician. One of the leading figures of Z-Company." 

"Huh? Why would someone associated with that criminal organization send such valuable specimens to us?" He wasn\'t too inclined to know the names of the leading figures in a criminal organization.

"I\'m not sure what he was thinking. Based on his message, it looks like he was working alone right now." 

Chester raised his brows not understanding what Marvin was trying to say. 

"It seems that the Z-Company wasn\'t aware of his actions or maybe he left the organization itself."

"Now, that\'s interesting."

"That\'s right. But it is not the reason I personally visited you here." Marvin seated straight after saying this. He looked into Chester\'s eyes before continuing.

"A lot of things were happening in recent days. There were restless movements from each country trying to strengthen their military forces. All of them were preparing for something."

"For something? Our government should be aware of it, right?" Chester may not be sure about the identity of the enemies but he wasn\'t a fool. He knew that something or someone had been causing troubles, not only the Z-Company was trying to acquire the Sealed Artifacts guarded by each power but also some organizations were bringing pressure to the government.

"I\'m only a messenger, my position may seem to possess some authority but it\'s just in papers. I\'m only aware of that information that I\'m being told." Marvin shrugged after hearing Chester. He also had limited access to some information especially those linking to problems that were brewing within the borders of their country. It was really out of his jurisdiction, so he could only say so much. His aim here was still related to his current job.

"So I don\'t think it was connected to me. I\'m a mere Mage Doctor with some rank in the field." Chester remarked. Although they acquired a specimen that possibly relates to the Cryptic Link, the most that it could do was to create some more serums. What Chester wanted was to get the origin or source of this mysterious element. Now that Chalice seems to possess some clue, he believed that the government should instead do their best to capture the guy and let him spill everything he knew. 

Marvin went silent and seems to be deliberating his next words.

"What? Is it something that serious?" Chester asked getting amused at this man that was sent by the Congress. 

"It depends on how you would take this..." Marvin said and the Mage Doctor didn\'t speak anymore and waited for the former to finish.

"We are requesting you to facilitate a group of specialists that aims to create a perfected version of Cryptic Link Serum. Your skills in medicine and science couldn\'t be compared to anyone within this country. We believed that with you leading the group and with the supply provided by Chalice, we can make a version that wouldn\'t have any side effects. This way, our military forces could not only gain an increase in their strength but it would also lead us to new discoveries." Marvin said in one go but it seems he was not contented at the expression that Chester was showing so he added.

"By perfecting this serum, just imagine how many magicians with low Mana Affinity can we help. Although they wouldn\'t reach a level above Battle Mage due to restrictions that serum could give them. At the very least, those magicians would have hopes for their future. They wouldn\'t stay to someone who would just forever work as fabricators of Artifacts. With this serum, their exceeding numbers as workers can be additional forces for the military instead. Also, many Magicians that had failed to reach the standard of being a combat magician had given up their hope to study Mana as they knew that their future wouldn\'t be so bright in other fields. We only hope to at least give them a chance." Marvin finished his piece and waited for Chester\'s response. He was sent here to recruit this Mage Doctor and negotiate with his demands. They knew that Chester may raise his own demands during this recruitment process but as long as the Congress didn\'t find it ridiculous, it doesn\'t matter. 

"I\'m speechless. Your words seem to carry some weight..." Chester finally said which brought a genuine smile from Marvin\'s face. He didn\'t know that his words were very convincing. 

"That\'s right, you can raise any dem-" Marvin was about to entice Chester more but was interrupted by the latter.

"Wait. Can you tell me again your position in the Congress?" Chester asked. 

"Of course. I\'m a specialist from Anti-Mage Mutation Task Force." Marvin answered without getting any hint. Chester remained silent. Thus, Marvin also shut his mouth. A knock on the door was heard and opened by a lady. It was Chester\'s secretary. She greeted and brought a cup of tea for the two but she noticed that the atmosphere seems to be a bit weird, she saw Chester\'s face and knew that he wasn\'t in a good mood. She knew him better as she had worked for him in several years already, so she carefully placed the two cups in front of them without any unnecessary noise before quickly leaving the room and closing the door gently.

"How ironic, isn\'t it?" Chester commented in response to Marvin\'s claim about his position.


The first part of the Young Magician\'s Competition had ended smoothly. The four countries had done their very best to showcase their amazing ability in terms of manipulating Mana. 

Everyone had a gist about their opponent\'s Mana Affinity. In this regard, they would somehow be aware of their opponent\'s capability in utilizing complex Mana Artifact like those that belong to Grade A with the highest rank.

Kyla tried to fill the crystal ball she had within the stage but didn\'t have enough time to exceed her opponents. She was barely able to get behind the 3rd place and almost exceeded her. Although she placed in the last on this round, many people believe that she would perform better in the next rounds. Her amazing Inducement Control brought excitement to many viewers. Her opponents only utilized Forceful Manipulation and it seems that their technique varies greatly and they could fill the crystal ball quickly. Unlike Kyla\'s for Forceful Manipulation, their technique seems to be evening more refined and thus, it didn\'t exhaust them as much as Kyla was. 

"You did great. You must have worked hard." Hector smiled at Kyla after her bout. Kyla seems to be beaming with confidence even after losing. This only proves how much of a benefit she had just received from learning Inducement Control. It seems that there was something more with this method that Kyla hadn\'t revealed. 

"Thank you. I would do my best in the next rounds." Kyla said before taking a seat for a rest. The other third years had performed average but no one seems to be bothered by it. No one reached the first rank from the six of them. Only Avery who had reached second place was the best they had. Vanessa, Aria, and Nyla placed third in their match. Hector placed last in his bout like Kyla.

Surprisingly, only Kyla had shown an ability that suggests that she had reached Inducement Control.

"Am I that amazing? No, that\'s weird. There should be a catch." Kyla muttered. As she had some free time, she went and joined together with her fellow academy mates, Jun and Sheryl. 

"I think you were an amazing one but I believe they were also hiding their strength. There would be a part sooner within the competition that a matching battle would ensue. They must be protecting their aces at the moment. The first part isn\'t a decider anyway, they could afford to lose the match."

Sheryl said what had been in her mind after watching the whole event. The student magicians seem to be too composed. Especially those magicians in Virgan, they didn\'t mind when they made mistake and was just having fun during the entire event. They aren\'t losing their bearing and just continued in their competition.

Virgan had the most wins during the previous international events, so it must be a part of their plan.

Also, one thing they noticed was how the magicians in Montego behaved. Although they are hosting the event, it was surprising that their six contestants would achieve first place in all their matches. It was an amazing feat that made the crowd be even more passionate in their cheer. They hosted the competition and now their fellow countryman was dominating the contest, who wouldn\'t be proud. Only a few observant people had noticed some unusualness not because they found it too impossible but they have their ability to notice the abnormality. One of those who has this ability was Sheryl the Frost Queen. 


[ Traces of communications, photos, and other information about the location of rifle gun, laser gun, and grenade were found. ]

"That\'s fast. Quick, tell me." Wallace smiled upon hearing the notification of the A.I., it was truly convenient to have someone else do these types of works for him.

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