The Law of Webnovels

Chapter 340

Shaking my head, I walked straight towards the arcade right beside the cinema. Thankfully, there weren’t Yoon Jung In, Shin Suh Hyun, and the other boys this time.

Feeling excited for some reason, I brought Yeo Dan oppa to a few game machines and inserted coins. However, he didn’t look that used to hanging around in the arcades. Touching the light gun of the popular zombie game ‘House of the Dead’ as if he felt embarrassed, he uttered, “I never played these kinds of things.”

“No worries, oppa. You’ll get used to it!” I yelled at him vigorously. However, in less than five minutes, I was dead since my hand slipped at the time I had to throw the grenade. Watching him surviving alone and leveling up to mini-boss, I asked him with bleary eyes, “Are you sure this is your first time?”


Well, he wasn’t a person to lie.

What could he not do well, except for cooking? Once again feeling how unfair God was to us, I led him to a different game. I was weirdly determined to find, at least, one game he couldn’t do well. Yeo Dan oppa, however, achieved a victory in almost every game including rhythm game and fighting game while telling me everything was his first attempt. He even broke the record in the basketball game and gave me a huge teddy bear, his winning prize.

“I’ll hold it for you if it’s heavy.”

“I’m fine, oppa…”

Pulling the big plush toy into my arms, I murmured, ‘Now it’s unavoidable that we look like a couple. Unless other people have heard our conversation near us, we’ll be seen as a couple in their eyes no matter what we do…’

I desperately prayed once again that I wouldn’t run into anyone in town today.

Meanwhile, time continued to roll forward. Once we stepped out of the arcade, the sky was already tinged with dark purple. After a short discussion, Yeo Dan oppa and I went to a family restaurant, where the three of us always visited, and had dinner.

Still, something felt insufficient for some reason. Looking down at the clearly emptied plate, I wondered. “Hmm.”

Directing his eyes on me, Yeo Dan oppa asked with his chin on his palm.

“Is there anywhere else you want to go?”

Maybe Yeo Dan oppa was about to suit everything to please me today. Well, he usually treated me that way though…

Was he being concerned about what happened between me and Chun Dong Ho for the whole time? I had already forgotten that part.

Frankly speaking, it was true that today could have been the worst day of my life, but Yeo Dan oppa changed it into the best day ever. I wondered if this was what I would be feeling when dating a handsome character in a dating simulation game although I was out of touch with reality. However, we weren’t actually dating. I moved my fork around the plate for no reason.

Anywhere else I wanted to go… Honestly, I didn’t want to return home while having this lingering feeling. Something then flashed through my mind. I quickly lifted my head.

“Yeo Dan oppa, I want to go to the karaoke.”

Now that I had come to think of it, I never went to karaoke with him. I flung a question brightly, “Can we?”

“If you want.”

He returned the same response as before.

Bending my steps toward the karaoke in excitement, I tried to guess what he would be singing there. Ballad? Rock? I couldn’t even imagine him singing a song at all. Not only just songs, but I also couldn’t come up with Yeo Dan oppa taking vocal tests during the music class.

‘Oh, I’m so looking forward to it!’ That was when I shouted those words out in my thoughts and tried to take a step forward the karaoke.

“Eh? What are you doing here?”

As soon as someone dropped the question, I froze on the spot. Yeo Dan oppa, who was descending the stairs behind me, halted his steps.

Standing still, I put my brain to work. It was clear that the person knew Yeo Dan oppa, but who would it be? No matter how much I tried to recall, the voice wasn’t in my memories. Feeling too scared to check the person’s face, I hesitated what to do. It took me a while to work up the courage and turn my head, at last.

A huge figure, who was a head taller than me, was standing in front of the fridge right beside me. He had a handsome face, an outgoing vibe, and was wearing some casual outfit, which confused me whether he was a high school student or a college boy. I stared at the stranger with a puzzled look, wondering, ‘Who the heck is he to talk knowingly of Yeo Dan oppa?’

That was when Yeo Dan oppa took a step forward and stood in front of me.

“Ji Yeon Woo.”

I blinked swiftly at Yeo Dan oppa, who was blocking my sight as if he tried to protect me. Were they not close like a rival? My heart began to pound.

The guy named Ji Yeon Woo narrowed his brown eyes. Looking back and forth between Yeo Dan oppa and me, who was having a giant teddy bear in my arms, he blurted out with a smile, “Oh, is she that girl? Your one and only sibling?”

What he just said startled me. ‘What the heck is he talking about? Is he confused about me and… none other than Ban Yeo Ryung? Does he have some vision problems?’

The moment when I had those rude thoughts against a stranger, Yeo Dan oppa stroke a retory with a frown.

“No, so just mind your own business.”

Yeo Dan oppa’s savage remarks never sounded familiar to me no matter how many times I had heard them. Blinking my eyes, I looked at Yeo Dan oppa and the guy alternately.

Even observing Yeo Dan oppa’s attitude, I couldn’t grasp at all whether the guy was his friend or an enemy. That was because… frankly speaking, Yeo Dan oppa treated his friends more recklessly than he did to strangers.

At that moment, Ji Yeon Woo’s eyes widened at Yeo Dan oppa’s response. He then turned around and left the spot while shouting out a remark, which made me realize something, at last.

“Hey, everyone come on over here! Ban Yeo Dan… our Yeo Dan…!”

That person…

“He is with a different girl, not his sister!”

… Would definitely be Yeo Dan oppa’s friend.


“Holy sh*t! Oh lord!!”

Watching people shrieking that way and dashing outside the door, I felt my jaw dropping onto the floor.

We were soon surrounded by a group of people, who swarmed into us like a colony of ants.

Oh, my god… Barely escaping from Yoon Jung In and other boys, I prayed so enthusiastically that today I would no longer run into anyone I knew. That took place just a while ago, but now about fifteen people were enclosing us.

Lifting his hand, Yeo Dan oppa covered my face and hid me behind his back. As soon as he took that action, the group of people cried out, “How can you do this to us?!”

“Why aren’t you letting us see our daughter-in-law’s face?”

Yeo Dan oppa replied with a slightly exhausted expression, “My father is at home.”

Just in time, the owner of the karaoke, who was waiting and seeing the overall situation, scowled at us, “What are you all doing here? Go back to your room!”

The crowd flinched at his howl of range and moved like a wave of the ocean. In an unguarded moment, we have swept along in the crowd and stepped into the room.

Burying my nose onto Yeo Dan oppa’s back, I heard loud music coming out and barely lifted my head to glance around. Inside the room, which was large enough to accommodate about twenty people, there weren’t only Nam Gye High School students. A few high school girls, who were wearing uniforms of a neighborhood high school, were sitting on the couch. They soon opened their eyes wide when they found Yeo Dan oppa and me.

Covering their mouths with their hands, the girls came toward us.

“What’s going on? I heard Yeo Dan wasn’t coming here.”

“Wow, unbelievable! In real life…”

While the girls murmured those words slightly in a daze, the boys behind them made a fuss while greeting Yeo Dan oppa mischievously, but soon after, everyone’s eyes were bent on me.

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