The Law of Webnovels

Chapter 136

Chapter 136: Chapter 136


I took my hand off the mouse and touched my chin. Many things weighed on my mind.

When talking about the incident in middle school, it sounded like the person knew about that very well. In fact, the happening wasn’t true at all. Maybe it’ll be someone who went to the same middle school with Ban Yeo Ryung; however, how could this person go to the same high school as her? Those from Ji Jon Middle School who entered So Hyun High School were the Four Heavenly Kings, Ban Yeo Ryung, and me. Contemplating for quite a while, I finally gathered my senses from a voice ringing in my ears.

[Hey, did you see that? Isn’t it obviously the same school as yours? So that was why I told you. I also checked a few other posts and thought it would be someone among her friends. You know, those who are posers... you said that a few were around her in middle school too.]

“Yeah,” nodding my head, I listened to Dam Eun’s words in a serious face.

[Those bitches could also exist in high school. Honestly, the best way to find out who the person is, is to track the IP address and release the identity, but you know that I’m not good at those things... is there anyone who can do that?]

“Oh... hold on, I think there is. Thanks so much, Dam Eun. If I didn’t know about this, it would be...”

Yes, there was a way to figure out who the person was. First, I checked the date of the post that wrote about the incident in middle school; June 7th, it was today.

In less than a week, the mock test will take place, so someone doing such a thing around this period would have much free time or else, truly hate Ban Yeo Ryung. How could I leave this person next to her, therefore?

Repeating words of gratitude to my friend, Dam Eun, a few more times, I hung up the phone then texted Jooin.

To: Son

Son, do you... know how to track IP addresses?

Sent by: Son

Tracking IP address? I know how to do it but...

Why? What do you need it for?

Geez, Woo Jooin was indeed brilliant. I sighed while thinking, ‘No one should ever have Woo Jooin as their enemy.’ After a moment of silence, I typed another text.

To: Son

Kind of complicated... can you just come over?

Sent by: Son


It was a clear response.

I couldn’t see Jooin with this look, so I washed my face and hair. While blow-drying, I heard someone knocking the door. ‘Hold on!’ Checking my overall look again, I found myself nothing so weird. I went to the front door.

As soon as I opened the door, I smelled something like rain. A wet breeze came through the open door. Before stepping inside, Jooin put his umbrella next to our apartment wall. Looking at the water drops, I could tell it was showering outside. Jooin’s tangled hair seemed like he was coming straight from his house to mine.

I, however, frowned my brows when I saw someone completely unexpected walking inside our house after Jooin. ‘What the...’ I opened my mouth.

“Why are you here?”

“Woo Jooin and I were in Woo Jooin’s house. What else I can do if he’s not there?” Eun Jiho said with a shrug.

I became at a loss of words. Well, what could I say after that? Besides, it was nothing strange about Eun Jiho staying together with us. As I nodded with conviction, he spat out some words while taking off his shoes.

“Dude, did you see Yoo Chun Young’s name on the trending searches?”

Eun Jiho then slightly pulled his silver brows up naughtily. His words made Jooin pause his steps into my room and glance back. A hint of seriousness was inside Jooin’s golden eyes. I wasn’t sure if he was sending me an alert or meaning something else.

I replied shortly, “Um, yeah, but how did Yoo Chun Young know the actress, Lee Nara? Have you heard anything about it?”

“Do you need to know someone in person to point out as an ideal type?”

“Oh, that makes sense.”

Woo Jooin, who watched me nodding, suddenly furrowed his brows then turned his head to look at Eun Jiho. He spoke in a calm and subdued voice, which was seldom heard.

“Eun Jiho, stop teasing mama.”

“Dude, how could this be a tease?”

Regardless of Eun Jiho’s response, Jooin, who turned his head toward me, knitted one of his eyes as if he felt a bit awkward. He then continued his words, which made my jaw drop.

“Mama, whom Lee Nara meant isn’t Chun Young.”


“It’s Eun Hyung, not Chun Young.”

The closest guy to model Yoo Chun was no other than Eun Hyung, who wasn’t even a celebrity or so. As I could hardly understand that, I grimaced. Eun Jiho, behind me, gestured at the computer.

When I got back to my chair, Jooin came closer to me and tilted his head toward the monitor. Looking at his glowing white cheeks in front of the bright monitor, I flung a question again.

“How does Eun Hyung know that actress?”

Fixing his gaze at the monitor, Jooin pouted his lips to reply.

“Lee Nara’s real name is Woo Rinara.”


‘Hold on, so that means...’ as soon as I said to myself like that, Eun Jiho’s sharp explanation followed.

“Do you think it’s common to have that outlandish name with ‘Woo?’ She’s Woo Jooin’s cousin.”

“Holy cow.”

“Rinara also has a brother, whose name is Woo Rihon. What a family with their names filled with sense!”

While my eyes grew bigger in silence, Jooin, who scanned the monitor, added in a flat tone.

“Rinara noona once had Eun Hyung’s food and fell into him so much. Sometimes, she says that she wants to kidnap and marry him when Eun Hyung turns into a legal marrying age.

“Aren’t we soon turning into that age?”

“Well, Eun Hyung isn’t a guy, who would be kidnapped by someone though. Oh, do I need to reveal the identity of ham310?”

“Yeah,” I nodded.

Jooin’s golden eyes, directing at the monitor for the whole time, became a little narrower, so I left him alone. As I sat next to Eun Jiho then, he asked me with a stare.

“Did you get surprised a lot from their names on the trending searches in the morning?”


“What a pity.”


Sealing his lips tightly with a vague smile, he didn’t respond anything. As I found out that he wouldn’t tell me anything, I raised my head to look at the living room.

There were still no lights. Sitting inside a silent space with only the mouse clicking sounds, I heard the faint noise of the raindrops falling on the windows.

While I gazed at the rough shadows hanging below the rainy windows, Jooin’s voice came into my ears.

“‘ham310’ seems to be the ID only for this club. Nothing else I could browse from this.”


“I have a cousin who’s an expert on this, so I think it’ll be better to ask her. Let’s do that.”


Jooin got up from the chair. The fade white light from the monitor waved on his face while leaving a shadow. Watching his face through the dim light, Jooin looked like a different person than usual, who was a little darker and scarier. He then held the desk and murmured, while tilting his head slightly to the monitor.

“The numbers and the letters trouble my mind.”


“Those who know mama’s birthday would think the ID is yours.”

Although I didn’t react that loudly, I was, honestly, quite surprised. I also had that thought in mind but tried to move on while considering it as a strange coincidence; however, it was, no other than, Woo Jooin, who pointed out that fact.

In my head, Ban Yeo Ryung and Woo Jooin seemed to be in the same category. When they were together, their behaviors and actions matched well and looked alike that they seemed to be brothers and sisters.

However, just because their actions and tones were similar, it didn’t mean that their insides were also the same. This was obvious from what Jooin just said. Ban Yeo Ryung had a na?ve and kind attitude about others; she would never cast doubt on someone before she became assured. Jooin, however...

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