Genius Archer's Streaming

Season 2: Chapter 221: Same Enemy Again (1)

This topic quickly caught fire, especially since discussions about ninja mode were already happening.

— Is BubbleSniper still active? LOL

— Don\'t give attention to that stream sniper jerk.

— Thought he retired after getting beaten by Almond.

└ What retirement for that sniper jerk? Hahaha

└ Seriously, should\'ve gotten a hammering, not retirement.

└ Retirement? More like he got hammered!

— But BubbleSniper\'s skills are insane. Maybe he has a chance in ninja mode?

└ Nonsense, Almond would still trash him even if he hasn\'t played Battle Large in a while.

└ True!

Ignoring BubbleSniper, a known stream sniper, seemed to be the consensus. While they verbally dismissed him, posts about him continued to appear.

Another post popped up with the following title.

[Breaking: BubbleSniper\'s First IRL Sniper Attempt quickly became a trending topic.

8. Breaking: BubbleSniper\'s First IRL Sniper Attempt

When general participants applied, they wrote their resolutions and nicknames. His application was found, LOL.

Nickname: Bubble Sniper

Resolution: To kill Almond. That is my only goal.]

— Crazy, what\'s with the geek speak?

└ Isn\'t that just romantic?

└ BubbleSniper, log in ^^

— That resolution tho

The title attracted a lot of attention with many commenting just because they were intrigued.

— IRL sniper? LOL

— So they\'re actually there together? Hahaha

└ If it\'s really IRL, Almond\'s manager would knock him out cold.

└ Just imagine...

└ Getting knocked out by Hodu? I\'d actually like that…

└ ???

This title quickly informed many Battle31 users about the current events.

— Is this happening live?

— Would be so fun to watch.

— Wish I could rush over there if not for my assignment…

Comments indicated that people were gathering to watch the second battle between BubbleSniper and Almond live. Even those who had no plans to initially watch the Fantasia livestream were now interested.

— Let\'s crush those nuts.

— Curious what BubbleSniper looks like.

— Isn\'t BubbleSniper like a legend among stream snipers? How did he make it to Fantasia?

— If I were Almond, I\'d open BubbleSniper\'s capsule and beat him up with my archery trained arms

└ Seriously, LOL

— Almond, please win

Initially, the public hoped for Almond\'s victory. Understandably so since BubbleSniper was notorious for being a toxic sniper. His misdeeds on his streams were still archived on YouTube. Despite some entertaining videos, a sniper was still a sniper and BubbleSniper was among the worst.

However, the tides turned due to an incident.

[Live Scene: Almond\'s fan dissing BubbleSniper.jpg]

An image of someone presumed to be RubySword at the scene was posted on Battle31. The screenshot from Fantasia\'s channel showed RubySword waving a sign that read, "BubbleSniper, go die," while she was smiling brightly.

— ???

— Wow

— She\'s gorgeous ><

— RubySword visited the site!!

└ Is that a name to know?

└ Yes, she\'s a big spender on Almond\'s stream, top 5.

└ !!!

└ Maybe she was the first to spot BubbleSniper?

— Her smile is so pretty…

— People usually shy away from the camera, but she seemed excited to react. So godly, RubySword.

RubySword\'s appearance garnered a lot of praise for herself, but did nothing to improve Almond\'s public opinion. On the contrary, it had the opposite effect.

— After the couple photoshoot with Miho, now even a fan?? This is unforgivable. He\'s crossed the line.

└ Looks like someone\'s really mad lol

└ Seriously lol lol lol

— Almond is the worst streamer on earth! Disappear from the face of the Earth!

— Almond\'s first fan.

— ??? To kill Almond... That was all I ever thought about…


└ Now I finally understand

└ I... I\'ve come to understand BubbleSniper.

— Ah. I realized it was spring only after the flowers had wilted. BubbleSniper is the GOAT... RIP

└ Why are you killing him off already? Lol

└ Greatest Sniper of All Time

— Go BubbleSniper!

— To hell! Go BubbleSniper!

As a result, nearly all the male users on Battle31 were hoping for Almond\'s defeat.


Whether they supported or envied Almond, both were forms of attention.

"It increased."

Therefore, their viewership increased. Ju-Hyeok could see that Almond\'s viewership noticeably rose.

[Current Viewers: 31,000]

Almond\'s channel, which started the challenge with just over 20,000 viewers, now had over 30,000 viewers.

"If he takes first place here and participates in more challenges, the number will keep growing."

Ju-Hyeok was optimistic. G-Star was a platform for skilled streamers to promote themselves. Almond could firmly establish himself as a skilled streamer here.

"He\'s really amazing."


Suddenly, someone approached Ju-Hyeok and muttered.

"Almond\'s basic gaming sense is indeed well-recognized by Kimchi Warrior."


Ju-Hyeok was surprised. He hadn\'t expected to meet this person here.



It didn\'t take long to recognize him in real life. He was Civil Empire\'s number one domestic commander and the national team\'s general commander. This man nicknamed Cookie had the same haggard appearance in real life as in the game. The only difference was his mannerisms and personality. Far from his somewhat stiff and authoritarian image in the game, he had a completely different vibe.

"Are you here for G-Star?"

"Yes. Even I, being the number one, am… helping out a bit at the Civil Empire booth. Haha."

Cookie scratched his head and laughed.

Seeing him, Ju-Hyeok felt puzzled.

\'But why did he come here?\'

Even though it was G-Star, he had no reason to come to the Battle Large booth.

"Are you the manager?"


"I\'ve seen you at the awards ceremony. You look much better in person."

It was an unexpected compliment about his looks. Ju-Hyeok\'s expression, previously skeptical, brightened considerably.

"Me, a handsome man? What are you talking about!? Ahahaha!"


Ju-Hyeok rarely heard compliments being next to Yu Sang-Hyeon all the time, so he appreciated this compliment.

\'I didn\'t say you were handsome though…\'

Perhaps feeling Cookie\'s gaze, Ju-Hyeok adjusted his tie uncomfortably before asking again in a serious tone, “What brings you to this booth?”

“Oh, I heard Almond was here. Chi-Seung told me, so I came to take a look. The Civil Empire booth is on the quieter side.”


He really came to see Almond. Was Civil Empire still an unpopular game? Ju-Hyeok felt a pang of sympathy. How did it feel to live as the top player of an unpopular game? Sensing Ju-Hyeok\'s gaze, Cookie waved dismissively.

“Oh, you don’t need to pity us. Our team\'s combat power has been steadily increasing thanks to Almond.”


Ju-Hyeok looked surprised, not because he doubted Almond\'s abilities but because Cookie acknowledged them. He not only acknowledged it, but spoke matter of factly as if he had always thought so.

“You knew.”

He had never publicly acknowledged Almond before. Why? Ju-Hyeok stared at Cookie, who was looking back at the screen broadcasting Almond\'s challenge.

“Thanks to Almond, I have a good feeling about this national competition. I believe we can achieve our best results yet... though our scrimmages haven\'t been particularly outstanding. Oh, and I heard from Chi-Seung.”


Ju-Hyeok blinked in surprise. What had he heard?

“I heard you connected us. Thank you for sending us such a benefactor.”

“Ah... haha. Well, you’re welcome…”

Such words would probably please Almond more if he heard them directly. Ju-Hyeok continued to feel a bit regretful.

“That’s the thing about our history.”


Suddenly, Cookie prompted Ju-Hyeok to listen closely.

“Exceptional generals and talents have never remained long. They fade away surprisingly quickly given their capabilities.”


“Usually due to jealousy, envy, and political reasons.”


“When I was younger, I thought it was the fault of those who were inferior consumed by jealousy and envy.”

“Isn’t it their fault?”

“If you ask me, yes, it is their fault. However, if we blame the typhoon for sweeping through, we won’t have a solution for next time, right? We need to prepare buildings against typhoons, dig channels... devise strategies.”


“That’s why, as I got older, I began to see it as the king’s fault.”

Ju-Hyeok realized after hearing this, \'So that’s it.\'

The reason Cookie didn’t publicly speak about his achievements. In fact, he didn’t publicly speak about anyone\'s achievements. Leading a team of two hundred with unity was unavoidable.

It was definitely for the team\'s sake. Even though Almond was an outsider, his abilities significantly impacted the team\'s performance. It was better for Almond\'s sake not to speak.

Ju-Hyeok recalled an unpleasant memory.

“I know my proposal was the best among the interns, not to mention the employees.”

He had interned at his father\'s company.

“Saying such a stupid thing and claiming you’re not stupid.”

Instead of recognizing Ju-Hyeok’s achievements, his father scoffed at them.

“Don’t delude yourself. Achieving that level of success and expecting the CEO to officially recognize you only happens in dramas.”

His father\'s eyes were cold like touching a wall of hard ice.

Ju-Hyeok looked at Cookie\'s face, "Even in gaming, leading people is the same."

Their eyes were similar, cold and unwavering.

"I should get going. If I’m not there, they might think no one\'s at our booth since it’s already so empty," Cookie joked lightly before heading off to check out other booths.

Ju-Hyeok stared at his departing figure.

"Why does he look so... painful?"

Now, he could see what was invisible before.



Almond was escaping the marketplace while ninja running.

— LOL, this running is hilarious.

— What\'s with the airplane mode? LOL

— Do we have to keep doing this? LOL

Despite the ridicule for his ninja run, Almond’s eyes were firmly on the map.

"Where to go?"

He was looking for the best spot to settle.

"Location is important."

From his Battle Large experience, shooting skills were important. However, choosing the right location was more than half the battle. Almond’s rank had shot up quickly once he had mastered this location strategy.

"There won’t be any strategy guides for this..."

Since this ninja mode map was newly released for testing, no strategy guides were available.

"It’s daunting not knowing anything..."

While Almond felt lost without a strategy, it wasn’t just him. This ninja mode was new to everyone. Nobody knew which locations were advantageous, meaning no one had a geographical advantage.

Location strategies were not a factor and combat abilities would predominantly determine the game’s outcome. This was significantly favorable for Almond, who had a high VNS score and generally resolved games through combat.


He was unaware of this fact.

"There\'s an enemy, but..."



Four players revealed themselves from every direction. They didn\'t seem interested in attacking each other.

In fact, one of them gestured and said, "Hey there. You seem well-equipped. Just leave half your stuff and go."

They had teamed up to rob individual players passing through.

— ??

— What\'s with them?

— Teaming??

— This is insane, lol while testing a new mode LOL

— Ooh, shit.

— This is the real Battle Large, LOL

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