Miracle Throne

Chapter 566: Showdown on the prairies

The urgent matter was to solve the crisis of the three northern kingdoms. The Forest Alliance members couldn’t provide much help, especially in terms of soldiers fighting each other. Of the four giants, the only one who had the biggest population and most troops were the Savage Highlands.

Why would the Savage Highlands send out troops for the three kingdoms?

Not to mention the Forest Alliance was newly formed and it was time to create value instead of asking for it. The Savage Highlands were far away from the three kingdoms and Miracle Commerce’s transport technology is not strong enough to directly send the troops over. The Savage Highlands did not have a duty or the power to send troops tens of thousands of miles.

Therefore Miracle Commerce had to find a way to save the three kingdoms.

Chu Tian decided to personally take command, “Although Miracle Commerce is at a disadvantage in terms of quantity and battle strength, we have the most advanced weapons on the continent. Even if we can’t make up the difference in quantity or quality, we can at least stall the Eagle Burial Kingdom’s army. I will think of a way to end this war.”

The young miss could not leave.

On one hand, the young miss was not strong enough and on the other hand, the young miss was the brain of Miracle Commerce. Almost everything in Miracle Commerce and Miracle City was set by the young miss. She had the same worries as Chu Tian right now. The Eagle Burial Kingdom was overbearing, but it was just a distraction and Miracle City had to guard against the real strike from the dark.

Meng Qingwu said to Chu Tian, “I have sent a semi-automated group of Berserkers to the Northern Militant beforehand with all kinds of new weapons, so take the chance to run some experiments there. Remember to properly record the data and take pictures of the battlefield to help us improve the weapons. Be careful with everything.”

The young miss had personally planned all this, so why would he be worried?

Chu Tian left for the northern front without another world. The Northern Militant Country had been the War Hounds Country, established on the War Hound Plains. There were spirit beast tribes scattered all over these lands. Once the Eagle Burial Kingdom army came in, they were like fish in water, so it was hard to find them.

The Northern Militant Country was the most northern country and it was also the weakest. It was because of these reasons that it was a very important goal for the Eagle Burial Kingdom. Several large cities of the Northern Militant Country had been ransacked and the prairies were filled with chaos. According to reliable sources, there were at least three hundred thousand Eagle Burial Kingdom troops and there were over fifty thousand airborne units.

Three hundred thousand didn’t sound like a lot, but it was not little.

This was because this three hundred thousand was just the formal soldiers. With the Eagle Burial Kingdom’s population and influence, if they took in the normal tribes, they could gather several millions soldiers. Only, this would just be a motley gathered crew and wouldn’t have the sharpness of formal troops. Therefore they sent their formal troops first and like a blade, they cut through the other side’s defenses. Then using a sea of soldiers, they began to swallow the land of the other side.

In a simple and crude military tent, the army commanders and high level generals were all discussing military strategies. The leading commander was a fierce looking eagle man. The Eagle Burial Kingdom was named after eagles not to bury eagles, but rather to praise them. It’s said that the Eagle Burial Kingdom’s royal progenitor was a great ancient era Eagle God. Although he fell in Eagle Burial Kingdom, he had affected his descendants, making the Eagle Burial Kingdom’s royal family much stronger than normal tribes.

Eagle Burial was referring to the buried great ancient era Eagle God.

The Eagle Burial Kingdom’s eagle clan had an aloof status, especially the royal clan that were proud of the Eagle God.

This leading commander was an Eagle God clansmen. He had a blue face, cinnabar red hair, explosive eyes, sharp fangs poking out his lips, and a pair of wings on his back. He looked like a mix between a human and a bird. His eyes were sharp and fierce, with each feather containing a powerful might.

The difference in normal eagle clansmen and Eagle God clansmen was that Eagle God clansmen could awaken their bloodline power, just like the Great Zhou Queen Chen Bingyu! Once the bloodline power was awakened, not only would it increase their growth speed, it would make their battle strength higher than people of the same level!

“Your highness Dark Eagle King, we have discovered an enemy army gathering on the prairies and they seem to be approaching us.” An officer quickly came into the military tent and respectfully gave a spirit beast greeting, “From our reconnaissance, this is an army that we haven’t seen before. There aren’t many of them, there are just around twenty thousand.”

The commanding officer of the Northern Militant war zone was the Dark Eagle King, who was one of the conferred kings of the Eagle Burial Kingdom.

The previously sent Fang King was different from this king. The former was just the manager of a small area and couldn’t even be placed on stage in the Eagle Burial Kingdom. The Eagle Burial Kingdom fought with several large and small kingdoms and each country had a vassal like the Fang King.

The Dark Eagle King was one of the five hereditary kings of the Eagle Burial Kingdom!

Whether it was strength, position, or influence, it was not something the previous Fang King could match. In attacking the three kingdoms, the Eagle Burial Kingdom had sent out three Great Eagle Kings, which showed the importance and fear they had in the battle of the three kingdoms.

A high level commander said with a cold laugh, “Only twenty thousand people? Do we need to fear these numbers? This general is willing to take thirty thousand wolf riders to exterminate them all!”

“Don’t forget our previous shame!” The Dark Eagle King’s eyes were as sharp as blades and those that he looked over didn’t dare look up, “Our enemies are not sheep, rather they are a pack of beasts. Send out all nearby patrols and try to find the situation with the other army as soon as possible. It’s best if we can capture a few soldiers from the other side to interrogate! Other than that, increase the air alert. As long as any flying beings appear, shoot them down!”

All the officers were a bit startled.

The Dark Eagle King was being this cautious?

There was one hundred and fifty thousand of the Dark Eagle King’s personal troops stationed here and they were all elites among elites of the Eagle Burial Kingdom troops. Adding in the various cavalry, infantry, and airborne units, they could easily deal with any kinds of enemies. But now they were being this cautious for just a trivial twenty thousand enemies, was this still one of the Eagle Burial Kingdom’s great five Eagle Kings?

The Dark Eagle King’s caution was logical, he was one of the few people who knew the truth. He knew that a trivial three kingdom alliance would collapse immediately, but he needed to be wary of the Forest of Chaos behind them. Although the Forest of Chaos had far less troops, they had many more experts in comparison with many of them being top Heaven Domain Experts!

The five Eagle Kings were powerful, but they were still experts of the 9th True Spirit Layer or the peak 9th True Spirit Layer. This kind of strength would collapse from a single blow from a Heaven Domain Expert. If this army was sent by the Forest Alliance, they couldn’t guess the enemy’s battle power just from their quantity!

The preliminary scouts quickly came back.

This was an army made of ogres and barbarians.

The Dark Eagle King was a bit stunned. Ogres and barbarians were not residents of the prairie, this was clearly a foreign reinforcement army. However, what he couldn’t understand was why was it ogres and barbarians? These two races had powerful bodies and endless strength, but they were not races that could train experts!

If this was a battle between normal kingdoms, ogres and barbarians would be enough to sway the battlefield, but the situation was completely different. Whether it was the barbarians or the ogres, their cultivation talent was very low. Just based on brute force, there was a limit to their battle strength, so it was very hard for these races to raise an expert.

Therefore, they established no kingdoms or civilizations on the continent and their statuses were very low. How could this kind of army be the elites of the Forest Alliance? Could it be he really was overthinking it!

At this time, a scout flew in to report, “Your highness Dark Eagle King, that army is quickly charging at us. There will be contact in just an hour.”



Everyone’s faces changed hearing this. This little army without any force actually dared to charge at the Eagle Burial Kingdom’s main forces, was there any difference from seeking death? This was simply an insult to the might of their Eagle Burial Kingdom!

Although this matter was strange, the Dark Eagle King couldn’t see any reason to avoid fighting, so he gave the orders to meet them!

Dong, dong, dong!

The battle drums sounded out like thunder.

The Eagle Burial Kingdom’s army was very efficient. The Dark Eagle King’s army had cavalry at its base with cavalry being divided into heavy and light cavalry and ground and air cavalry. The light cavalry were mainly Demon Wolf Cavalry, Swift Dragon Cavalry, Winged Dragon Cavalry, and Goshawk Cavalry. The heavy cavalry was divided into Earth Dragon Cavalry, Kodo Beast Cavalry, and Dual Legged Dragon Cavalry. There was also tens of thousands of heavy infantry that made up the powerful core of their army.

“The enemy has appeared!”

The Eagle Burial Kingdom army had just finished their preparations when the Forest Alliance army had appeared. When the various Eagle Burial Kingdom officers saw the other side, they were stunned. It was just like the report had said, this army was mainly made of orges and barbarians, but they had very strange equipment. This was something never seen before in the various countries of the continent.

Whether it was the ogres or the barbarians, they were covered in a full set of armour. This armour was different from the armour of their soldiers and it looked like it was a flexible layer of metallic skin. It tightly wrapped over 90% of their body from head to toe and there was a bright Source Energy Battery on their back, currently supplying power to the set of armour.

It was very difficult to mass produce these items with the continent’s current technological level.

The equipment of this army was even more complex, they had various unknown pieces of equipment all over them. There were thick shields on their arms, energy swords or guns hanging from their belts, and etc.

This army of over twenty thousand were in square formations and each formation was protecting several Battle Cars. These Battle Cars were releasing blue light as they slowly moved forward. The large gun barrel and the rows of missiles gave off a dangerous aura.

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