The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 533 - Honeymoon (part 10)

Chapter 533 - Honeymoon (part 10)

Just as the ashen undead knight has said, the wyvern wasn\'t too impressive - especially for someone who had already seen a true dragon like Baron.

The winged lizard - that didn\'t have four limbs and a pair of wings but it\'s had bat-like wings instead had a torso that was only around the size of two zombie horses put together.

It had a snake-like head on a snake-like neck and its scales were in a muddled greenish-brown color.

The wyvern\'s hind legs were tiny and could be only compared to the landing gear of small planes, while its tail was another part that seemed like it belonged to a snake.

"...whoaa! So cute...!"

Zombie\'s eyes sparkled from excitement, as he also noticed a carrying bag attached to the wyvern\'s body - though, of course, his gasp was addressed towards the wyvern itself, forgetting about the undead riding it as well as the mysterious life signature that was arriving with them.

"...haa... I almost forgot..."

Cranberry breathed out and tried to keep down the smile that was forcing its way on her face.

"What do you mean...?"

The undead elf furrowed her brows and leaned towards the red-haired girl in a surprisingly familiar manner...

"...! I...! Never mind."

So familiar in fact that once she realized what she was doing, even the undead elf herself has moved back with a confused and slightly worried expression.


Cranberry\'s eyes widened and the corner of her mouth lifted in a tiny smirk once she realized what happened.

"My master really loves animals, he even has a beast master affinity."

She went ahead and explained even though the ashen undead didn\'t look as if she wanted to know the answer anymore.

"And, as you\'ve heard - he thinks that this monster is cute."

Cranberry added, looking back at the excited blue undead.

"Kopia...! Look at it! Don\'t you think that Monty would look really cute if it made a shell like this for itself?"

Meanwhile, the blue undead was caressing the crossguard of his sword while observing the descending wyvern.


The ashen undead knight furrowed her brows wondering who was he referring to, and glanced at Cranberry, expecting that Kopia was actually her name.

But the red-haired girl did not deny nor confirm that suspicion and instead followed after the blue undead that jumped out of the wagon and approached the spot where the wyvern and its rides were about to land.

"Hey! You there! Blue one, get the hell away from here or my Strawberry will bite your head off!"

The wyvern rider who after closer inspection turned out to be an undead orc called out and waved his armored arm in an imposing manner.

"SGHHHHH....! (Bite! Bite! Me bite!)"

The wyvern put out her split tongue and hissed angrily, but the blue undead didn\'t even flinch and instead extended his hand towards the flying creature just at all her short legs touched the ground.

"Hmph! So be it! Strawberry, get him!"


The undead orc scoffed and waved his hand dismissively, making the exciting wyvern bite at the undead right in front of her.


As the green undead knight expected, the blue undead didn\'t manage to dodge in time and now his wyvern was feasting on his head as it should...

"Ah! So your name is Strawberry? What a cute name for such a cute girl like you!"


But his prideful thoughts got interrupted by the voice of supposedly dead blue undead who just so happened to be gushing over the adorableness of the wyvern...

It definitely shouldn\'t be like this - Strawberry was flapping her wings and wagging her tail just as she did when she was eating something... but then, where did the voice come from...?


The confused undead orc furrowed his brows and looked down, over his mount\'s long neck...


Just to see her getting scratched under her chin and receiving affectionate headpats that she definitely wasn\'t opposed to, all from the blue undead knight in the jet-black armor...!

"Wh-who the hell are you?! Get away from my mount!"

"SGHHHSHAA...! (Master, no...! Me like him! He nice...!)"

The green undead knight called out and pulled on the reins of the snake-head wyvern, making her take a few steps back to get away from the blue undead despite her loud protest.

"You! Who the hell are you?!"

The undead orc called out again, now many times more aggressively than before.

"Just the guy you brought this living for."

Zombie shrugged his shoulders and answered casually...



...before he spun around his own axis and delivered a roundhouse kick to the side of the pouch carried by the wyvern - crushing whoever was hiding inside and causing their blood to spill out of the bag, all without hurting the winged monster.

/Mid-level player defeated

You receive the EXP\\\\\\\\

A message popped up, and thankfully the bet that Zombie made has paid off, whoever it was, wasn\'t an essential character.

"Whoops, I broke them~"

Zombie\'s face twisted with a wicked smile as he jumped back ready for a counterattack.


The undead orc roared and the jade crystal in his chestplate started shining with an intense light...

"Idiot! We need to get away from him, now!"

But the next moment, the ashen undead passed the blue undead and jumped at the wyvern\'s back and shouted at the green undead.

"Wh-what...? Get off my mount, elf!"

The undead orc gasped, taken aback but the undead elf was having none of it, she grabbed the reins off of his hands and made the wyvern spread her wings and get off of the ground.

"You moron! You couldn\'t even safely transport the priest! We\'re getting away! Return!"

The ashen undead scoffed at the green undead before she reached out her hand towards the wagon, making all four zombie horses disappear in a flash of white light.

"Huh?! Since when you are so talkative?! Give that back, elf!"

"Shut it! We need to get away from here!"

The undead orc shook his head in confusion before reaching for the reins but his hand got slapped back by the ashen undead, looking back at the blue undead.

How did he figure out her plan so easily?!

That thought would not leave the head of the undead elf as she glared at the confidently smirking Zombie back on the ground.

"What the hell are you on about?!"

The undead orc growled, still attempting to regain control over his mount.

"You empty-handed moron! Didn\'t they tell you anything?! That blue one over there might be the one that the priestess talked about! And you let him kill the priest that was supposed to take control over him! Just you wait until she\'ll hear about it!"



The undead elf roared right back and elbowed the green undead in the face, breaking his nose.

"Observe him carefully! I saw him use a ranged spell that one-shotted a sigil monster as if it was nothing! A hit like that and we\'re actually dead!"

She added, nervously continuing to glance back.

"Fucking bitch...!"

The undead grabbed his crushed nose and forced it back into its rightful position before obediently turning around.

"Are you sure about his strength? A mountless undead knight like him... he doesn\'t look capable of...!"

The green undead knight scoffed, shrugging his shoulders before he noticed that the blue undead back on the ground raised his hand and pointed at them while saying something with a nasty smile...



"Baron! Give them a little scare!"

Zombie snapped his finger, which caused a massive red dragon to appear right next to him out of a thin air, and commanded him with an overjoyed smile.

"(As you wish, master!)"

Baron laughed, communicating his thought via the telepathy skill, dug his massive claws into the ground, breathing in a ridiculous amount of air that caused his chest to expand at least twice its normal size before his entire neck and jaws shone with intense white light, and unleashed a concentrated stream of blood-red fire that pierced the sky like a laser beam, almost knocking the wyvern and two undead knight\'s out of the sky.


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