The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 359: Still in the village

Chapter 359: Still in the village

"What\'s wrong?"

Cranberry got to his side and asked, tilting her head in confusion.


Zombie glanced at her and only shook his head shoving that there is nothing wrong while trying not to roar in anger.

|Zombie, calm down.|

Patience hurriedly called out to him in a reassuring voice.

|She can hear us, you still have her threads coiled around your arm.|

The sealed overseer assured him.


Zombie glanced at his right hand and indeed, there was a single thin crimson hair-like tread wrapped around his right arm, gently falling onto the ground and disappearing...

...into the crowd of villagers.

|You know why am I angry.|

Zombie gritted his teeth and furrowed his brows in a fit of cold anger.

|Well, yes, but... let\'s not make a scene, alright? Just call her out and she will come, out or you can pull on the thread and she will come back flying.|

Patience still tried to appease the little blue undead, but she already knew that it was in vain...

"Ha? Zombie, your sword is missing!"

The red-haired girl by the boy\'s side didn\'t just stand there waiting for him to tell her what was wrong and begun thinking about the reason instead – and she found it almost instantly, easily enough.

"It changed into a toy or something when you dropped it after killing that monster horse it should be... Haa..? I see..."

Cranberry added, carefully looking around the area that only a few moments earlier was under the red and black dome but once she found no trace of the weapon, she glanced between the blue undead and the villagers talking amongst each other.

"...haa... seriously...? Can you be more pathetic...?"

She furrowed her brows and shook her head.


She then turned to her father and called out in an innocent voice.

"Yes, sweetie?"

The bespectacled man raised his brow curiously.

"Zombie is mine, right? That means he is a part of the Pride family, isn\'t it?"

The red-haired girl asked innocently.

"Yes, since he is your familiar, so that is technically true. What about it?"

The man nodded, furrowing his brows – curious where his daughter was going with such logic.

"Then that means that if someone stole his property, he can act like a member of the Pride family and punish the robber?"

The little girl made sure in a matter-of-fact voice, carefully observing her father\'s reaction.


Lord Blackberry closed his mouth and frowned.

He then glanced at the furious blue undead barely keeping it together glaring at the villagers, and his eyes focused on the empty scabbard.


The bespectacled man let out a gasp in disbelief and shook his head.

"As long as he won\'t kill anyone or permanently harm them, I see no reason why you shouldn\'t let him get back at someone bold enough to snatch his weapon. He has really good self-control for an undead too... This familiar of yours is truly interesting..."

Lord Blackberry smiled and nodded with approval.

"Why can\'t he kill that person?! That doesn\'t sound right!"

Cranberry frowned and complained.

"Sweetie, this isn\'t our territory and those people aren\'t our taxpeyers."

He explained calmly.

"My home village or not, greed territory is greed territory."

|Kopia, bring them to me.|

Zombie sighed, nodding with understanding at Lord Blackberry\'swords, clenched his hand on the crimson thread and pulled on it while focusing on a single thought.




In response to that, a high pitched voice raised from the crowd, and within the next second, one man\'s clothed got pierced by the massive two-handed sword that just appeared out of nowhere – or rather exploded out from the man\'s back pocket – and the weapon flew straight into the blue boy\'s extended hand, dragging the overly greedy villager screaming in pure terror.



Kopia\'s handle ended up in Zombie\'s grip with a soft sound, and the boy who held her for the first time since he became an undead, clicked his tongue with discontent.

Although Zombie was aware that some greedy trash was attached to her, Kopia felt way too heavy and uncomfortable to use in her current form - and she had the exact same dimensions and weight that he could comfortably wield before!

|You knew that your stats will drop down to an abysmal level.|

Patience pointed out.

|Knowing about something and experiencing it on your own are two separate things.|

Zombie scoffed back at her before adjusting his grip and...



Unleashing the full strength of the strong kick on the thief\'s face – making the man roll away with a pained groan as the already damaged clothes got torn into rags leaving him basically naked for all his friends and family to see.

"I...! I...!"

The thief stuttered, his face turned crimson, and he ran away as a few villagers laughed at him.

Honestly, many expected a far worse outcome to happen, so just a bit of humiliation was reasonable punishment – it could even be said that it was on the light side.

| didn\'t even knock his teeth out... that was a level 19 strong kick and it didn\'t break a single bone – what is my STR?! 1?!|

Zombie growled furiously inside of his head, while Kopia in his hands flashed with white light and turned back into a simple one-handed straight sword so that he could sheath her.

"That was an impressive attack for someone who just turned into an undead... We really need to have a talk."

Lord Blackberry smirked, not even glancing towards the running naked thief and instead focusing on the blue boy.

"That sword of yours is interesting too... Can I have a look at it?"

The bespectacled man asked with a friendly smile, extending his hand as if the little undead\'s answer couldn\'t have been a no.

"Daddy! I want to go home already!"

But at that exact moment, Cranberry stomped her foot and walked between her father and her familiar with an angry expression.

"Ah! Of course sweetie! But repairing the carriage will take a while, until then let\'s go to that inn – not to mention that I need t have a talk with your familiar\'s parents."

Lord Blackberry instantly smiled took his hand back.

"Former parents."

Zombie corrected him while holding onto Kopia with a worried expression.*

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