Dungeon Maker

Chapter 11

[Race : Skeleton Warrior (Gender : - )]

[Specialty : Defense]

[Bone Solidity | ★☆ (1.5)]

[Physique | ★ (1)]

[Agility | ☆ (0.5)]

[No 09.]

[Race : Clay Golem (Gender : - )]

[Specialty : Striking]

[Strength | ★☆ (1.5)]

[Physique | ★ (1)]

[No 15.]

[Race : Treant (M)]

[Specialty : Vine Binding]

[Vine Binding | ★★ (2)]

[Physique | ★ (1)]

[Agility | ☆ (0.5)]

This was different from the time when he picked out the Goblins, because there wasn’t a variety of species, so all he had to do was pick one out of the three.

There were of course pros and cons to each one.

The Skeleton Warrior was about two meters tall and as an undead, they didn’t require food. Since their body was made out of bones, other than their bones breaking, they won’t really get injured.

Their main weapons were a sword and shield, and although it made them look like a clutz, they were wearing a helmet and armor. Because of this, it made them look like your ordinary tanker.

However, in order to maintain them, it required a lot of mana. The dungeon solely relied on Yong-Ho, so getting a Skeleton Warrior was too much for him to handle.

The Clay Golem was made out of clay, like their name stated. Like the Skeleton Warrior, they didn’t require food and the amount of mana it took to maintain them was lower than the Skeleton Warrior.

They were almost three meters tall. Since they had broad shoulders, they would be able to block paths.

The downside was that their movements were slow, but when thinking about using them to defend themselves, it wasn’t a big issue. They’ll end up sitting in the middle of the road within the dungeon and endure the enemy’s attacks.

The Clay Golem looked as if it was created by a child and they didn’t use any weapons.

The last spirit was the Treant.

It was a tree monster that had its face right in the center of the bark and the vines were extended out like arms and legs.

Out of the three, this spirit had the largest figure. The vines extended out above its head as well, so it was difficult to determine how tall they were, but they were definitely over three meters. Its body was so thick, that two grown men wouldn’t be able to completely hug it.

Since it could plant itself into the ground like an ordinary tree, they didn’t require food. All they needed was a decent amount of nutrients and water and since they were a spirit that lived in the dungeon, they didn’t require a lot of sunlight.

‘Mobility is an issue though.’

Its mobility was worse than the Clay Golem, but the fact that it can move the vines like a tentacle all throughout the dungeon was charming. If it planted itself in the middle of a walkway, it can extend its vines and create a strong shield.

‘The Golem or the Treant?’

Without their special skill, they would be nothing more than an ordinary spirit, but since they both had different skills, Yong-Ho had to choose based on their specialty and stats.

Yong-Ho looked between the two spirits. He saw their development route and imagined how compatible they would be with Catalina.

Seconds later.

Yong-Ho made his decision.


He opened his eyes after it twitched a bit. He raised his dizzy head and came back to his senses. Near him, he saw Catalina and Eligor looking at him worriedly.


He had no energy. It felt as if he ran a 100 meter dash several times.

“Sir, are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?”

Catalina carefully asked while wiping the sweat off of Yong-Ho’s forehead with a handkerchief. Eligor also spoke with a worried expression.

“You’ve used too much of your mana and you also stayed at Virtual Space for too long.”

Instead of answering, Yong-Ho was catching his breath. After Catalina wiped off the sweat, he took a step back and spoke. His throat was pretty dry.

“How long...was I there?”

“About two hours.”

Eligor answered immediately. Yong-Ho closed his eyes again and sat on the throne. When the cold stone touched his body, he felt better.

‘I used too much mana.’

The fact that he spent two hours in that place wasn’t the issue. The problem was that after he evolved the two Goblins, he used the Power of Evolution to observe the spirits.

‘I have a long way to go.’

Yong-Ho was contemplating about his development route, but it seemed like he had to increase his mana first.

After catching his breath more, he opened his eyes. He saw the two Goblins, who were mumbling their names, and Catalina and Eligor. He looked at them one by one and then smiled.

Even though they were worried about his condition, it was obvious that they wanted to ask about the spirits that he purchased. However, since the owner’s body wasn’t in the best condition, they held back.

Yong-Ho spoke with a smile.

“The Treant is what I purchased.”

Catalina and Eligor didn’t react right away. Catalina blinked her large eyes and Eligor asked with a shocked expression.

“Sir, the Treant is a Rank Two spirit...”

“Do you know who I am? I’m the demon king that obtained the Power of Greed.”

Yong-Ho explained everything that happened between him and Sitri.

There was no need to hide it from them and there was a need to share this information since both Catalina and Eligor belonged to the dungeon.

The fact that Sitri liked him has become a big help, but Yong-Ho couldn’t completely trust her. He couldn’t completely open up to her in order to gain something that only lasted for a moment.

“Eligor, I used half of the money that was registered into the dungeon’s shop. Since I purchased two additional Goblins, it’ll increase the development speed. They gave me a Skeleton for free for purchasing a lot.”

When Yong-Ho spoke with a smile, Eligor looked as if he was deeply moved. He knew what Eligor was going to do next, so Yong-Ho decided to intercept. He stood up from the throne and spoke.

“I’m excited for the next delivery. Shall we eat?”

Even though he spoke confidently, his body reacted differently. Before he could finish talking, his legs started shaking and almost caused him to collapse. Catalina quickly rushed to his side and helped him up and Yong-Ho saw Catalina’s worried face.

He couldn’t help but smile.

“You’re definitely more comfortable.”

He was able to read her thoughts just from seeing her expression. Even though the were both beautiful, Catalina’s mentality was a lot healthier than Sitri.


“It’s nothing, you’re just cute.”

Three days ago, he had trouble just looking at her face because she was beautiful.

As Yong-Ho shook his head, he leaned his body against hers even more. Yong-Ho spoke to Eligor and the Goblins that were watching from behind.

“Anyways, let’s eat. Let’s eat and rest.”

There was no need to push himself any further. Eligor, Catalina and even the Goblins quickly started their tasks.

It’s been three days since the new owner entered the House of Mammon.

The House of Mammon’s dungeon was regaining its past glory.

It was a small amount and very slowly, but surely, it was regaining it.

< The Power of Evolution #5 > End.

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