Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 915 Cockpit Arena - Jonathan

Chapter 915 Cockpit Arena - Jonathan

We parked in a relatively safe area but some people were already approaching us weirdly. I specifically chose that word because not only were some of them walking like they were out to mug us, but some of them even had their weapons at the ready in case shit went south.

It was obviously pretty tense inside our vehicles but Jesus and his crew were greeted as I thought they would—when they came out of their vehicles—except for us.

Everyone else was definitely fresh meat in their eyes, especially the cadets, and the "goons" were posturing in an intimidating way, to say the least.

If this was any other day, I\'d assume that they were posing for a music video of some sort, but one of the burlier, tattooed gentlemen approached me without blinking an eye. He was giving off this vibe that he probably shoots his gun sideways, he only does arms if he ever works out, and most importantly, he was pretty much thinking that everyone else here was a bitch except for him.

He got up and stared me dead in the eyes without saying anything, but he somehow felt disrespected when I momentarily glanced at Jesus to somehow get a sense of what was going on:

"What\'cha lookin\' at him for? Huh?!"

I faintly smiled as I replied, "I\'m just tryin\' to see if Jesus there is your friend—"

"Who fuggin\' cares who I\'m friends with?! I\'m talkin\' to you and you look someplace else?! Foo, that\'s one step closer to seeing the reaper—"

I kept smiling as I maintained direct eye contact, "Oh, really? You\'ve seen the guy?"

He nodded a few times with a fake smile, "Oh? You think you\'re funny, huh? You\'ve got some jokes to throw in my turf? Is that it?"

"Your turf? This… raggedy-ass parking lot that\'s one hypodermic needle away from an outbreak? I didn\'t think valets in this joint owned shit like this—"

And as usual, before I got to finish my sentence, I heard a short chuckle before the dumbass used his whole body to wound up and throw a punch at me. However, the next thing everyone saw was the same fool folding like a ragdoll before hitting his head on the dirty parking space.

It had never been so easy to nick the tip of his chin with a quick and compact hook, but everyone else from his group couldn\'t believe their eyes.

They even thought I shot him with a suppressed gun or stabbed him with a knife, but once they saw his chest move up and down while no blood was leaking out of his body, more confusion added to their expressions.

But once again, I glanced at Jesus momentarily and saw that he knew that this would happen, and I just assumed that this was his way of introducing us to this new group or collection of people who needed more than just a simple handshake.

\'Is this it?\'

For a moment there, I thought everyone else from this guy\'s camp would lunge at me—and I was definitely prepared to throw down—but our little moment was disrupted by more cheers coming from the cockpit arena.

And with that, the guy I knocked out began to slowly regain consciousness but Jesus finally decided to cut the crap:

"Had enough fun, you freakin\' assholes? It\'s one thing to mess with the new faces but out of all the people you wanted to mess with, you mess with THE Kid? He beat everyone else in Mr. Cuervo\'s latest event, why the fuck do y\'all think he couldn\'t drop anyone in this dump?"

The guy I knocked down slowly got up and backed away a few steps as he wiped his mouth, "W-Who? Cuervo\'s— Wait, you mean—"

A guy at the back who was smoking a joint had a lightbulb moment, "OHH! Jack, you fuckin\' dumbass! That\'s t-the k-kid, you know?!"

"What fucking kid are y\'all talkin\' about? I don\'t—"

"Dude! Remember those guys who drove by here a few days ago who kept talkin\' about this new head and whatevs who won the whole thing?!"

"Huh— Wait, what?! He\'s that kid— FUCK! Jesus! Couldn\'t you have said something sooner—"

"Would you have listened to me?"

"No— But that\'s not the point! A little warning— The fuck are ya doing here anyways?!" then he quickly turned to me looking all apologetic, "S-Sorry man, I thought I could snag a few cigs off ya and—"

I cut him off as I turned to Jesus, "Yeah, what are we doing here anyway?"

As soon as I said that, cheers had once again erupted from the cockpit arena and Jesus turned his head to the direction of the noise before he turned back to me:

"I thought we could take a short break here but I have a few words with the owner of this place. I\'d prefer if you come with me with a few gifts to please the guy or you could put on a brief show and entertain him by beating the shit out of all his best fighters. Trust me, it\'s important that we meet the guy."

I shook my head as I glanced briefly at my truck, "I\'m not in the mood to have mud fights right now so what does he like for starters?"

With that said, after a short bit, Jesus and I found our way inside the cockpit arena while bearing gifts, leaving everyone in our treasured vehicles. It wasn\'t because they didn\'t want to check what was going on inside, it was more that they needed to take a bite and they couldn\'t afford to get pickpocketed while enduring the humid sticky feeling inside.

\'This place needs some fucking ventilation, after a serious deep cleaning, of course…\'

On that note, I was basically following after Jesus but his holiness was fucking stopping every moment or so to greet each and every one who\'d wave at him or offer him a drink. It was eerily similar when my mom would stop at a grocery aisle when they bumped into one of their friends but in our case, his friends were like the row of trainers from that certain pocket monster game.

I could only follow him while wearing a fake smile but I must admit that his fucking social skills were bar none.

In any case, it took us close to ten minutes to get to the balcony room of sorts which thankfully was closed off and had airconditioning, but the sight that welcomed us was this petite chick with nipple piercings getting fingered and eaten out by the person we were looking for.

The guy looked to be the same age as Mr. Cuervo or Mr. Alvarez but let\'s just say that he was more comfortable showing off his rippling muscles instead of wearing a fancy suit and tie.

With the way things were going, I thought that Jesus would pull his cock out and fill the chick\'s mouth but thankfully but unbearably enough, we just had to wait for her to squirt uncontrollably while the same guy drank all of her juices.

I even doubt the 30 minutes Jesus told me about was enough because we were probably at the halfway mark and we barely made any progress with this place whatsoever.

However, after the girl\'s orgasm faded, the guy just straight-up pushed her by the edge of the table before sitting down and greeting us with a bright smile.

"Jesus! You\'ve come to visit! It\'s always a delight to see you but who\'s your friend over there— Wait! I kinda have a very great inkling so should we test him out—"

Jesus waved him off as he faintly smiled, "I\'m sorry Jonathan, we\'re on a very tight schedule right now because we need to be someplace else but he brought some gifts! Would you care to see them?"

His face lit up, "Oh? Gifts, you say? You know I love gifts! C\'mon, \'Kid\', grace me with your presence!"

On that note, I approached the guy with the gifts I brought but the girl he was eating out earlier was licking her lips as she was looking at me. But yeah, I gently placed a duffel bag on his table before I gave him a brief nod and slowly moved back to where Jesus was standing.

With that said, the bag contained goodies such as: an ounce of weed, a pack of cigarettes, one of our newer spare K-Bar knives, a 1911 with two unloaded magazines, a box of .45 ACPs, a Playboy magazine, a tactical flashlight, a pack of jerky, a bar of soap, razors, shampoo, a can of shaving cream, an empty pill case of Viagra, and a small rock with googly eyes.

I was fairly confident about the gifts I prepared for this guy but honest to the fucking god, I didn\'t put in the empty pill case of Viagra and the motherfucking pet rock that had uneven eyes.

But to my fucking surprise, the guy was shocked to fuck when he pulled out those last two items but he started dying laughing before he rushed the both of us and gave us a hug.

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