Help! I don't want to NTR the protagonist!

Chapter 128 128. Meeting the Leaders (1)

Lucius hadn\'t been doing much after the eventful afternoon and spent some time resting.

Of course he had to spend some time placating and making it up to Veronica before she let him off the hook but Lucius still had gotten some time to rest.

Unfortunately, time waits for no one and Lucius was destined to be busy today.

When the sky shows its first signs of darkness a sneaky figure could be seen creeping into Lucius\'s room, but this time Lucius wasn\'t surprised by this little lady\'s sudden entrance.

"Ready?" asked Lucius.

"Yes, young leader." Replied Camilla promptly

I\'ve already contacted them beforehand and ensured that everything will be ready." Said Camilla

"Very well then." Said Lucius

"Let\'s not waste any more time then."

As Lucius said this he pulled out an ink black wolf mask that covered the top half of his face. Completely obscuring his face leaving only his burning crimson eyes that seemed to be a portal into hell!

Likewise, Camilla pulled out an ink black cat mask covering her face revealing only her dazzling amethyst pupils.

From this point on they would no longer be students of sanctuary.

They would instead be wanted domestic terrorists whose names would be used to scare noble children to sleep, the head and the assistant of the Revolutionary army!


Two figures could be seen slipping through the shadows on the dark shadowy streets of the imperial capital.

All that would occur would be a flash of wind and the flicker of a few shadows before everything would return back to normal leaving anyone nearby completely oblivious to the fact that two people had dashed past.

After several minutes of travel and reaching the shady areas located within the capital the two arrived.

It was a rather obscure building but despite being obscure, it was also obvious that it\'s wasn\'t completely empty either.

From time to time a person could be seen leaving the building showing that it was still active despite being in an obscure place.

Camilla took one last check to confirm that this was truly the right place and then the pair in their similar ink black wolf and cat masks walked up to the door but it didn\'t take long for them to be stopped

"Hold on! Who are you two?"

Lucius just paused and blinked in surprise "Haven\'t you been told I coming today? I\'m your boss."

But this time it was the guard\'s turn to be surprised

"Boss? I only have one boss and that\'s Big sis Reina, only she can tell me what to do, not some freak in a mask."

Lucius was fine with the misunderstanding but being called a geek out of nowhere was starting to get on his nerves as his eyebrows twitched in annoyance.

Unfortunately for the guard, when it came to insults there was a person that was even angsty than Lucius himself!

Hearing that a mere street thug dared to insult the young leader nearly made Camilla burst a blood vessel! She quickly unsheathed her two daggers as a bloody aura exploded around making the guard shiver in fright

Fortunately, before Camilla could act, the front door was kicked open

"Big sis-"

But before the man could speak, Reina\'s fist flew out upper cutting him into the sky causing us to come crashing down!


"Dumbass! What did I tell you before?!"

"Didn\'t I tell you that your real boss is coming today so don\'t mess up and look at what you do? I even told you that he would come in a mask and be accompanied by someone else but your dumbass can\'t even do this correctly!"

The guard didn\'t dare look up as he looked at the two figures he just stopped and insulted.

His boss Reina was already a terrifying figure but look how much emphasis she placed on this mysterious boss that was coming. this could only mean one thing, they could only be even more terrifying than her!

All of sudden those figures grew to the size of giants as a terrifying shiver ran through his body as he didn\'t dare look up.

Lucius just scanned over the poor guard once more before not paying him anymore attention.

Reina didn\'t delay any more and quickly grabbed his arm as she wrapped her around his


Camilla\'s disgusted and annoyed snort fell on deaf ears as Reina continued to lead Lucius inside

"Well, are you proud of me? Although the quality of men I could get weren\'t much better, I still felt I managed to meet expectations."

Hearing this Lucius smiled a little behind his mask.

"Yes, yes you did meet expectations you did well"

As Lucius spoke he lightly patted her hair causing Reina to snuggle oo into his chest a little trying to act cute.

Lucius didn\'t mind it too much but Camilla on the side Beale blew a fuse her eyelids started twitching she had to rely on heavy breathing and her years of assassin training to remain calm and not lunge at the barbaric vixen.

"Reina, do you know what we\'re doing today?" Asked Lucius

"Yeah, I\'m finally meeting the people in the revolutionary army."

"I don\'t think you need to make a big deal out of all this, I\'ve already met the people you\'ve sent from the army to assist me over here so I think I can handle them just fine"

Hearing this Lucius just shook his head."

"No you haven\'t really met them. The only one you\'ve really met is Albert and he shouldn\'t be counted.


"Albert shouldn\'t be compared to them and that\'s for one simple reason. He\'s too loyal. No matter what you do Albert won\'t hurt you because that\'s my order but that\'s not the case for the other old ghosts, Especially that old fox, if he thinks for a second you are a threat to the revolutionary cause your head will go flying. Remember, this is something they\'ve been working on their entire lives. If something goes wrong their heads will roll and everything they ever cared about would be burned to the ground. They can\'t afford any mistakes. They\'d rather kill 1000 innocents than take the chance to ruin anything."


Lucius spoke in such a serious voice that Reina couldn\'t help but gulp nervously.

She hadn\'t forgotten for a second that she was now in bed with lunatics.

They were a group that could be deemed as a threat to humanity but the empire and the actions they would have had to commit to earn that title were enough to kill the weak hearted from the sheer shock factor alone.

Reina didn\'t speak much after that incident and led Lucius and Veronica into the room to a place she had deemed off limits for the regular members of her rely recruited gang

Remember this place was just a front for the Revolutionary Army.

Almost all of the members didn\'t even know that they were working for the Revolutionary Army behind the scenes!

Lucius walked into the room and was greeted by the sight of a refined grey haired man.

The man was dressed in a smart black suit and made a polite bow as soon as Lucius entered the room despite the fact that he was still wearing his mask.

"Greetings young Leader"

Seeing this Lucius just waved his hand.

"Come on now Uncle Albert, there is no need for the formalities between us."

"I\'m just paying my respects to the Leader of the organisation, Master Lucius."

Hearing Albert\'s new tone of addressing, Lucius\'s mouth twitched

"You know what, I prefer young leader."

Hearing Lucius\'s words a stare Siri appeared on Alerts face before quickly reverting to his normal professional expression as he continued to speak out.

"As you\'ve been focused on attending and blending in at Sanctuary Academy, I inspected the organisation and helped around a bit with the organisation built by Reina and I do have to admit, it has its uses and although the quality of troops is far inferior to the revolutionary army they can still play a part here and there."

"There are still a few more details that j would like to discuss with you but you\'re not here for this today."

As Albert spoke he reached into his pocket and brought out a pocket watch to check the time.

"He should be here any time now ."

As soon as Albert\'s voice sounded out there was the flash of a small silver circle as a tall robed man suddenly appeared in the room.

The hooded figure held a long staff within his right hand whilst a long black robe cloaked his entire figure hiding his face leaving only his rather long grey beard visible.

The robed man looked around slightly before raising his arm across his chest and nodding towards Lucius

"Greetings Young Leader."

"It\'s nice to see you again too, I haven\'t gotten a chance to thank you for the magic scrolls you gave to me last time but they were indeed useful, Agrim."

"It\'s my pleasure that I can still be of use to you young leader."

Yes, this was Agrim, the only Master Class Magician in the Revolutionary Army and one of the most influential figures in the politics of the Revolutionary Army!

Agrim then looked around before saying,

 "Is this everyone I\'m going to bring?"

In response to this Albert just nodded and after getting his confirmation Agrim didn\'t waste another second.

With a light tap of his staff the group was wrapped up in a silver light.

Lucius could quite literally feel the space around him twist and contort bury for some strange reason there was no sense of sickening sensation at all, although he could clearly feel his body move through space it read like he was seated in first class there was no turnlance to speak of at all.

It just went ahead and showed Agrim\'s masterful control of magic. Not that it mattered much in this case anyway.

The journey was over just as quick as it started.

The teleportation was nearly instantaneous.

Lucius didn\'t know exactly where they were but he recognised the interior design and structure.

It was inside one of the revolutionary army\'s hideouts near the capital.

Lucius and the group walked up to the giant set of wooden double doors.

Fortunately the embossing situation from earlier today didn\'t repeat itself.

For guards loyal enough to guard the door to the meeting room of the heads of the revolutionary army they were familiar enough to recognise their leader and signature wolf mask at first glance.

Besides, it was impossible for anyone to mimic the enigmatic crimson eyes and Raven black hair held by both Sirius and Lucius, the only two leaders of the revolutionary army.

With a polite nod, the two opened the door allowing the group to walk inside before closing it.

The second the door closed behind him, Lucius reached up and removed his mask, much to Reina\'s surprise

"Huh? I thought you wanted to hide your identity from the revolutionary army."

Hearing this Lucius just chuckled.

"I do but there\'s no point wearing the mask. Everyone at this meeting are leaders of the army. They\'ve known me since I could barely walk, they all know my face already."

Still shocked by the sudden reveal, Reina was too stunned to speak and remained silent for the rest of the journey before the group arrived at the spot.

Lucius walked up and saw a familiar decorated and ornate round table used to hold meetings for the revolutionary army.

The location may change but the tables used are always the exact same .

It was a per toy round table used to highlight and represent the teachings of the Revolutionary Army.

\'All men are created equal.\'

The idea of rulers and class disgusts every member of the revolutionary army.

It would be impossible to have a table with a head.

Even Sirius, his father, despite being called the \'leader of the Revolutionary Army\' only saw it as a position of \'first amongst equals\' and not a leader or head in any sort of the word.

Despite being in a position to easily claim full control with charisma and influence he didn\'t dream of such a thing fighting against such ideals to the day he died.

Perhaps that was why he could have such charisma to form an organisation that could bring down a thousand year empire in the first place.

He truly was an impressive man. Not that Lucius agreed with his way of doing things at all.

In his mind, what was the point of putting all this effort into an organisation you can\'t even control in the first place?

Shaking these thoughts out of his head Lucius walked up to his seat.

"Haha! Little Lucius it\'s good to see you again and that you\'re recovering well. But would you look at this, you go off to the famous academy and come back with a beauty in each arm!"

The man who spoke was a fat, round man. Although he tried to not dress extravagantly you could see the fabrics used in his closet he\'s were extremely expensive not to mention the fact ghost everyone of his fingers was covered in ornate rings

As the man spoke he started laughing so much all the fat on his body started to ripple.

Lucius didn\'t say much , he just sent the man a smile that really wasn\'t a smile as a strange light flashed in his crimson eyes causing the man to freeze.

Suddenly all the fat all of his body rippled as a terrifying shiver ran down his spine.

All of a sudden he felt like he had just been watched by an archaic beast, like the eyes of a primaeval predator had just passed over him sparing him a near death experience!

\'Fuck! What are they feeding those kids over at Sanctuary?!?! He\'s only been there a few weeks, how did he turn into such a monster?!\'

The state only lasted for a short while before he quickly came to his senses but by then Lucius had moved on.

The confused state only lasted for a short while so nobody else noticed. Now Lucius sat down and looked at everyone else at the table….


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